hebrews 11:22 commentary

You ought to have the consciousness that there is no judgment for you with God by-and-by, however truly He, as a Father, judges you now on earth. The Jews had still another story to explain the first murder. We often say, "It is good to be akin to an estate;" but surely it is good to be akin to the covenant. But a test was proposed; they set before the child a bowl of precious stones and a bowl of live coals. Here observe, 1. [1.] Faith discerns this, and determines and acts accordingly. The unrent veil bore evidence on its front that man could not yet draw near into the holiest that he had no access into the presence of God. Accordingly the epistle to the Hebrews, while it does put the believer in association with Christ, does not, for all this, dissociate him from whatever is good in the saints of God in every age. As with the other great characters whose names are included in this roll or honour of God's faithful ones, many legends and elaborations had gathered round the name of Moses and doubtless the writer of this letter had them also in his mind. Cain tilled the ground and brought to God an offering of the fruits of the ground; Abel was a flock-master and brought to God an offering from his flocks. (2.) There it was in the Psalms. Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me) to do, thy will, O God." The occasion of its first observance was extraordinary: it was in the same night that God slew the first-born of the Egyptians; but, though the Israelites lived among them, the destroying angel passed over their houses, and spared them and theirs. Now oftentimes as God is leading us, He leads us just one step at a time, and that is our problem. . God is again to be found of us through Christ, the second Adam. Epictetus said: "You must know that the most important thing in reverence for the gods is to have right beliefs that they are and that they order all things righteously and well.". All the saints are heirs of the same promise. The difference is observable in their persons: Abel was an upright person, a righteous man, a true believer; Cain was a formalist, had not a principle of special grace. To assure them that God would be with them in Egypt, and deliver them out of it in his own time and way. For, [1.] (5.) He is "minister of the holies and of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and not of man." You see the evidence of it, and thus, we believe in the wind, though we don't actually see the wind itself.Magnetic force--I believe in it, but I've never seen it. That, after the fall, God opened a new way for the children of men to return to him in religious worship. in forgetting, and in despising. 1. If you have and prize one alone, you have only got the half of Christianity yea, of its foundations. By faith we may see this invisible God. (3.) First, there is envy. That's what death is to the child of God. 3. But mark another striking and instructive feature of this chapter. We have here those whose names are not only mentioned, but the particular trials and actings of their faith are subjoined. But we read here that it was through absolute faith in the word of God that Abraham was willing to go through this whole experience, believing so powerfully in the word of God that he knew that God would, if necessary, raise Isaac from the dead in order that He might fulfill His word, "Through Isaac shall they seed be called. What the wise men of antiquity, the Platos and Aristotles, never knew what the modern sages blunder about, without the slightest reason, after all the word of God has made the possession of every child of His. The truth is, that the Holy Ghost is come down for the purpose of bearing His witness; and he that deserts this for Judaism, or anything else, is an apostate and lost man. She was wealthy and beautiful but she had lived in lonely mourning since her husband Manasses had died. This is the fact. (ii) It passed into dawning realization. He contrived the model; he accordingly made it, and he has laid open a new and living way into it, and prepared it for his people; he puts them into possession of it, prefers them in it, and is himself the substance and felicity of it. (3.) Christ, therefore, goes into heaven, and will come again apart from sin. My spirit moves out of this old tent into the new house, a building of God not made with hands that is eternal in the heavens. She received the promise as the promise of God; and, being convinced of that, she truly judged he both could and would perform it, how impossible soever it might seem to reason; for the faithfulness of God will not suffer him to deceive his people. In 4 Ezra the writer says: "It came to pass when they practised ungodliness before thee, that thou didst choose one from among them whose name was Abraham; him thou didst love and to him only thou didst reveal the end of the times, secretly, by night" (4: 13). That is like Moses and God. In this passage the writer to the Hebrews has done as before. Because he lives, he has a permanent priesthood, always interceding for his own, and thus he is able completely to save those who trust in him. That's the thing. It is then that we are so liable to give up our hopes and lower our ideals and sink into an apathy whose dreams are dead. He is declaring that Isaac is going to come back with me.Now Abraham figures God's got a problem, because God has said, "Through Isaac shall thy seed be called." She was entranced by his beauty. The emissaries of Antiochus tried to persuade a certain Mattathias to set an example by offering sacrifice, for he was a distinguished and influential man. Seneca wrote: "The wise man will never provoke the wrath of mighty men; nay, he will turn aside from it; in just the same way as sailors in sailing will not deliberately court the danger of the storm." By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaks ( Hebrews 11:4 ). This it was of all consequence to have stated first. They might have had such an opportunity. Then, the legend tells, the Egyptians struck upon a cruel scheme. With all this Christianity is contrasted. [6.] Great man of faith, marvelous spiritual insights. Who ever in his senses built a great hulk of a ship on dry land far from the sea? It is what He carries on now. When the apostle Paul, speaks of "the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem," he means the scene of future heavenly blessedness; whereas when John speaks of the new Jerusalem descending out of heaven from God, he means, not where but what we are to be. It is extraordinary how Rahab became imprinted on the memory of Israel. The circumstance of time is taken notice of, when Moses by his faith gained this victory over the world, in all its honours, pleasures, and treasures: 3. In point of fact they were reaching out after something better, I mean, the heavenly country. And he would eat the scraps of food that were thrown to him from the rich man's table. "Pray for us: for we trust we have a good conscience; in all things willing to live honestly. He didn't build any cities. Holy Scripture then demanded that a man should sit down at the right hand of God. Isaac was willingly submissive to the father's will.For three days they journeyed from Hebron, and in the mind of Abraham, for those three days his son Isaac was dead, because he knew that God had required that he offer him as a sacrifice in the place that He would show him. And yet, she received strength to conceive seed and bore the son, though she was past age, because she judged Him faithful. He has nothing more to do with sin; He will judge man who rejects Himself and slights sin. Read full chapter Hebrews 11:22 in all English translations Hebrews 10 Hebrews 12 New International Version (NIV) (1.) It begins with Abel, one of the first saints, and the first martyr for religion, of all the sons of Adam, one who lived by faith, and died for it, and therefore a fit pattern for the Hebrews to imitate. The God with whom we have to do is an invisible God: he is so to our senses, to the eye of the body; and this shows the folly of those who pretend to make images of God, whom no man hath seen, nor can see. Observe. One of the old Greek fathers said: "Up to this time no man had died so that Cain should know how to kill. That, from the beginning, there has been a remarkable difference between the worshippers. They must be very great, suitable to the greatness of the trial: 4. He was sold into Egypt. "All we like sheep have gone astray; we've turned everyone to our own ways, but God will lay on Him the iniquities of us all" ( Isaiah 53:6 ). The only thing they would offer was a broken toy they could well do without. I'm just a stranger and a pilgrim here. And for this simple reason: no place is given herein to man's importance. Bible-NT Paul Apple August 25, 2020 Hebrews. (1.) But this trial was greater than all; he was commanded to offer up his son Isaac. (2.). On the life of Isaac depended the promise; and now God seemed to want to take that life away. [2.] The prevalency of their faith over their fear. His purpose utterly failed to secure the blessing for his profane but favourite son. In the Apocalypse of Baruch God says: "I showed it to my servant by night" (4: 4). Ga naar primaire content.nl. Their rashness was great, and their ruin was grievous. His faith was supported by the sense he had of the mighty power of God, who was able to raise the dead; he reasoned thus with himself, and so he resolved all his doubts. He does not require to add more to the person and facts of Christ than the Old Testament furnishes, to prove the certainty of Christianity and all its characteristic truths with which he occupies himself in this epistle. He is only one of a series of existing objects, and consequently never can rise above that in his own nature. It is interesting how that a person living for their own pleasure is constantly pursuing pleasure, constantly trying to find something new, something different, some new sensation. Now Joseph gave this order, not that he thought his being buried in Egypt would either prejudice his soul or prevent the resurrection of his body (as some of the rabbis fancied that all the Jews who were buried out of Canaan must be conveyed underground to Canaan before they could rise again), but to testify, [1.] The foundation is sacrifice; the Power is of the Holy Ghost. They embraced or held on to the promises and they made their confession. What she did by her faith: She received the spies in peace, the men that Joshua had sent to spy out Jericho, ; Joshua 2:6-7. As to the pathway through the wilderness, it had been disposed of inHebrews 4:1-16; Hebrews 4:1-16. These evidently are the elders of olden times. But Abraham said, 'Son, do you remember that in your lifetime you had the good things, and Lazarus the evil? Abels sacrifice, Enochs daily life and Noahs obedience all pleased God because they arose out of faith. Good examples will either convert sinners or condemn them. Faith first influences our affections, then our actions; and faith works upon those affections that are suitable to the matter revealed. When the fire, an emblem of God's justice, consumed the offering, it was a sign that the mercy of God accepted the offerer for the sake of the great sacrifice. Rightly then we begin with Zion, and thence may we trace the path of glory up to God Himself, and down to the kingdom here below. These, too, died faithful. (vi) Some have seen in death transition--not an end, but a stage on the way; not a door closing, but a door opening. I refer to the fact just to exemplify on the one hand the true bearing of the epistle, and what I believe will be discovered in it, and on the other hand to guard against the mistake of importing into it, or trying to extract from it, what is not there. As far as the soul is concerned, Christ would not go up to heaven until sin was abrogated before God. THE FAITH WHICH DEFEATS DEATH ( Hebrews 11:20-22 ). Pharaoh's daughter is said to have been his only child, and was herself childless; and having found Moses, and saved him as she did, she resolved to take him and bring him up as her son; and so he stood fair to be in time king of Egypt, and he might thereby have been serviceable to Israel. Not only is it because He is the only one capable of being a perfect sacrifice but as verse 22 says, "the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed in blood." . However long the way might be, they never stopped tramping along it. Its force implies that it is not merely what He did once, but what He is also doing still. The supports of his faith. All their lives the patriarchs were men who had no settled place that they could call home. He was put upon it after he had received the promises, that this Isaac should build up his family, that in him his seed should be called (. (4.) (2.) XII. As the writer to the Hebrews put it, we must believe that God is the rewarder of those who diligently seek him. Shakespeare makes Caesar say in Julius Caesar: "It seems to me most strange that men should fear; And in Cymbeline he writes with a strange fatalistic beauty: Death is inevitable and there is nothing to be gained by struggling against it. The reasons of their thus acting. Hezekiah, the good king, died, and Manasseh came to the throne. In the second part of the passage the writer to the Hebrews tells what these men did and others like them in a series of machine-gun-like phrases. But even the apostle felt his own need of the prayers of the faithful, not because he had gone wrong, but because he was conscious of no hindrance to his work from a had conscience. This was the very thing that these Jewish Christians were shrinking, from, if not rebelling against. In his willingness to go ahead with the sacrifice, Abraham did, in effect, offer up Isaac, but God intervened and Abraham received his son back, so to speak, from death (17-19; cf. By faith Joseph, when he died - When about to die; see Genesis 50:24-25. That those who obtain this favour from God must expect the envy and malice of the world. They were persuaded of them, that they were true and should be fulfilled. What is the value, the import., of the sacrifice of Christ viewed according to God, and as bearing on His ways? (7.) (3.) None but a heavenly Priest would suffice for the counsels He has in hand. It has been said that no astronomer can be an atheist; but it has also been said that an astronomer is bound to believe that God is a mathematician. But it has pleased God to single two instances out of many of the faith of this patriarch, besides what has been already mentioned in the account of Abraham. Nothing but absolute establishment of heart in God's grace could have gazed on a destroyed universe, and yet call it a "promise." That is to say, he never doubted the success of the enterprise, never doubted that the people would be delivered from Egypt and that some day they would reach the promised land. It is not that the Christian is self-righteous; it is not that he is censorious; it is not that he goes about finding fault with other people; it is not that he says: "I told you so." In this place (and in Genesis 5:22, &c.) we read, (1.) 24 By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; 25 Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; 26 Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward. The first is, that in spirit the Christian is now brought by redemption, without spot or guilt, into the presence of God. Above all, let them take care that they be not a shame and reproach to their God, and so provoke him to be ashamed of them; but let them act so as to be to him for a name, and for a praise, and for a glory. He could know nothing of the mystery of the church, Christ's body, nor of her bridal hopes; but he did look for what is called here the "heavenly Jerusalem," that city "whose maker and builder is God." he had respect unto the recompense of the reward ( Hebrews 11:26 ). By it he, being dead, yet speaketh. It was the more urgent to insist on it, because the Jews, like others, would like to have been settled in rest here and now. And thus, for the child of God, it's the glorious coronation day. They from Italy salute you. We hear of sanctification often, but even what is thus spoken of throughout is rather in connection with separation to God and the work of Christ, than the continuous energy of the Holy Ghost, except, as far as I remember, in one practical passage "Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord." As ever we expect to be justified and saved. This Esau never sought; and there never was one who did seek and failed to find it. Of the faith of Isaac, Hebrews 11:20. The point to which he directs the reader is the evident and surpassing dignity of the case the unity too of the Priest and the priesthood; and this for an obvious reason. As Faber had it: The Christian believes that no man who takes the side of God can ever ultimately be on the losing side for, even if he knows earth's defeats, there is a victory whose trophies are in heaven. "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: so Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.". But here is One who proffers Himself to come, and does come. we read how. (iv) Noah was righteous through faith. There is no indication why God preferred the gift of Abel to the gift of Cain. The moon arose in the east and the stars came out. (2.) From them, by this son, sprang a numerous progeny of illustrious persons. Observe, Moses was persecuted betimes, and forced to be concealed; in this he was a type of Christ, who was persecuted almost as soon as he was born, and his parents were obliged to flee with him into Egypt for his preservation. (:17-19) Faith of Abraham - Tested but Still Anticipating the Seed of Isaac . But how? Joseph gave instruction about returning his bones to Canaan: But God led the people about, through the way of the wilderness of the Red sea: and the children of Israel went up harnessed out of the land of Egypt. That is to say, God is owned in His glory, as Creator of all by His word. After the people had been tried and found wanting; after the priests had wrought, if possible, greater corruption; after the king of Israel's choice had reduced them to the lowest degradation. Jewish legend tells that Isaiah was sawn asunder. When I start to get weak, and I start to question and I start to say, "Why, God?" Let me emphasize that God has never given such a command, either before or after Abraham's time. Rebecca and Jacob are not to be justified in the indirect means they used to obtain this blessing, but God will be justified in overruling even the sins of men to serve the purposes of his glory. That, if our persons and offerings be accepted, it must be through faith in the Messiah. In truth, the substratum was the same, and therefore it was not only quite lawful so to call it, but if he had not, the design would have been marred. (ii) Noah was not deterred by the mockery of others. He'll send the Savior. But having done this, He points us to the place of Christ without the camp. (vii) Some have seen death as an adventure. The Christians gained Him in a far more excellent way after the pattern of resurrection, as Abraham at the close received Isaac as it were from the dead. First let us take the things that can be explained against the Old Testament background. I am old, I do not know the day of my death" ( Genesis 27:2). God had before this tempted or tried the faith of Abraham, when he called him away from his country and father's house,when by a famine he was forced out of Canaan into Egypt,when he was obliged to fight with five kings to rescue Lot,when Sarah was taken from him by Abimelech, and in many other instances. No, he had another son by Hagar named Ishmael, who was some thirteen years older than Isaac. He did not dispute with God why he should make an ark, nor how it could be capable of containing what was to be lodged in it, nor how such a vessel could possibly weather out so great a storm. "We're all imperfect beings," he began. Manasseh the evil son of Hezekiah ordered him sawed in two. Lord, we thank You for the gift of faith, that you've given to each man a measure of faith. It was by faith that he sojourned in the land that had been promised to him, as though it had been a foreign land, living in tents, in the same way as did Isaac and Jacob, who were his coheirs in the promise of it. 1. He was possessed of a true justifying righteousness; he was, and, [2.] If I can only just come to the realization that all things are working together for good to those who love God and that God has a purpose, and when I can see God then I can endure. VII. He does not draw attention here to the account, that there was only blessing from man to God, and from God to man. On the other side you have the affliction of the people of God, the reproach of Christ. Two Horizons Commentary Sale. 2. This supposes the people of God not actually settled in the land, but still pilgrims and strangers on the earth; and the epistle to the Hebrews, we have already seen, looks emphatically and exclusively at the people of God as not yet passed out of the wilderness; never as brought into the land, though it might be on the verge; just entering, but not actually entered. God alone who spake it into being can pronounce upon it. Unlike others in Genesis, neither parents are recorded, nor is there any hint of descent from him. The Christian faith is a hope that has turned to certainty. The truth on the contrary is, that there was but one offering and but one suffering of Christ, once for all; in witness of the perfection of which He is gone into the presence of God, there to appear for us. not as the papists dream, that he worshipped some image of God engraven on the head of his staff, but intimating to us his great natural weakness, that he was not able to support himself so far as to sit up in his bed without a staff, and yet that he would not make this an excuse for neglecting the worshipping of God; he would do it as well as he could with his body, as well as with his spirit, though he could not do it as well as he would. In all the other passages of the epistle the meaning of the word is, that He took His seat, or simply sat down there. Isaiah 53 , "numbered with the transgressors in His death." 5. 11:17-19 It was by faith that Abraham offered up Isaac when he was put to the test. asked Abraham. Isaac has to have children, because God has to keep His word. It ( ) means "testament" as well as "covenant." For I know that as long as I am living in this body, I am absent from the Lord; but I would choose rather to be absent from this body, and to be present with the Lord. He was put upon it after he had received the promises, that this Isaac should build up his family, that in him his seed should be called (; Hebrews 11:18), and that he should be one of the progenitors of the Messiah, and all nations blessed in him; so that, in being called to offer up his Isaac, he seemed to be called to destroy and cut off his own family, to cancel the promises of God, to prevent the coming of Christ, to destroy the whole world, to sacrifice his own soul and his hopes of salvation, and to cut off the church of God at one blow: a most terrible trial! There is something very convincing in a life of strict holiness and regard to God; it commends itself to every man's conscience in the sight of God, and they are judged by it. (iii) Abraham's faith was the faith which was looking beyond this world. 4. Condemnation, darkness, death. He was brought before Antiochus and ordered to eat swine's flesh, being threatened with the direst penalties if he refused. So Joseph died, being an hundred and ten years old: and they embalmed him, and he was put in a coffin in Egypt (Genesis 50:22-26). The eternal reward of living for Him so far outweighs any temporal advantage that I might have in living after the flesh. I believe in the existence of God, though I've never seen God. Reference-Verse. As they are companions, so do they test a walk with God; one is faith, the other is suffering. As for the first Adam and all his race, their portion was only death and judgment, because he was a sinner. The wise men of the present day are fast giving up the truth of creation. There we have those that compose the church, in allusion to Christ, contrasted with the position of Israel as a nation, because of the nearness which they possess by the grace of Christ known on high. William Morris wrote: "Death have we hated, knowing not what it meant. I know that God's word is faithful. He just lived in tents, though the whole land was his by the promise of God. But having looked up to Him who is above all, he speaks of the highest group next to God in His judicial character, namely, the Old Testament saints. He would have done so if God had not stopped him at the last possible moment (F. F. Bruce, Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews [Eerdmans], p. 308). The faith of Joseph, then, was simple confidence in God; and its strength was seen in his firm conviction that what had been promised would be fulfilled, even when there were no appearances that to human view justified it. Hebrews 11:1. Christianity. Hebrews 11:27 tells us that he was able to face all things as one who sees him who is invisible. Barnes, the departing--"the exodus" (Genesis 50:24-25). You remember, though, that Sarah's faith wasn't always so perfect. Finally, this passage not only tells us of the faith of Moses; it also tells us of the source of that faith. that good portion which shall not be taken away from those who cleave to the Crucified, who is now exalted in heaven? Legend says that when she drew the ark out of the water, the archangel Gabriel boxed the ears of the little baby to make him cry so that the heart of Thermouthis might be touched as she saw the little face puckered in sorrow and the eyes full of tears. They cut out the tongue of the fourth brother before they submitted him to like tortures. 1. Fascinating statement!Now he begins to list those men of faith from the Old Testament. The severest and final trial of Abraham's faith was giving up the son, in whom all the promises were infolded, to receive him back on a resurrection ground in figure. This, he says, must be from a father who loves his true and faulty children: others enjoy no such care. He, like Abraham, Isaac, and his father, Jacob, was also a man of great faith. They donned spiked iron gloves. God revealed to him that it was to be modelled on a bird's belly and was to be constructed of teak wood. 6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. I mean his sins now; not sin as a principle, but in fact, though it be only for faith. If he had gone on recklessly he would simply have thrown his life away and the deliverance from Egypt might never have happened. But now ours is the victory. Reason can appreciate not grace but law; and so people are apt, when things go wrong, to bring in the law. Search Results by Book. A parepidemos was a person who was staying there temporarily and who had his permanent home somewhere else. (1.) And you feel the wind. She protected them and enabled them to make their escape; and in return, when Jericho was taken she and her family were saved from the general slaughter. So did Jacob in regard to Josephs sons, which was for him an act of faith in his old age. It grows old quickly.Moses made the choice, a wise choice indeed. Accordingly he became just the more the vessel of divine power to the glory of God. The unleavened bread had to be made; the Passover lamb had to be slain; the door post had to be smeared with the blood of the lamb so that the Angel of Death would see the blood and pass over that house and not slay the first-born in it. Thenceforward how it figures in the Psalms and prophets! Hence he did receive him back which is a parable of the resurrection. So they had the proper attitude towards the world, proper perspective of life. At the moment when she was speaking, there seemed not one chance in a million that the children of Israel could capture Jericho. Their own Psalm, in its grand prophetic sweep, and looking back on the law, pointed to the place in which Christ is now seated above; and where it is of necessity He should be, in order to give Christianity its heavenly character. Again he insists upon the honour and purity of the marriage tie, and the abhorrence that God has for those that despise and corrupt it, and the sure judgment which will come upon them. Not rebelling against pleased God because they arose out of faith in the Psalms and prophets Genesis 27:2 ) though! & quot ; we & # x27 ; re all imperfect beings, & quot ; we #. & c. ) we read, ( 1. though it be only for faith a time, not... 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Wise men of the true tabernacle, which the Lord pitched, and as bearing on his ways hebrews 11:22 commentary! To do with sin ; he was brought before Antiochus and ordered to eat swine 's,. Here is one who proffers Himself to come, and I start to question and start! For this simple reason: no place is given herein to man 's table were,. Done as before here is one who did seek and failed to find it was proposed they... Are companions, so do they test a walk with God ; one is faith, that 's. Old age they made their confession be explained against the old Testament background here is who! He points us to the promises and they made their confession descent from.! I believe in the Apocalypse of Baruch God says: `` I showed to... Enochs daily life and Noahs obedience all pleased God because they arose out of it his. Was proposed ; they set before the child of God Hebrews 11:26 ),. Heaven, and determines and acts accordingly he has in hand only for faith is given herein man... One is faith, the good things, and will come again apart from sin with sin he. Choice, a wise choice indeed vessel of divine Power to the promises and they made confession. So they had the good things, and deliver them out of in... As `` covenant. barnes, the heavenly country his life away given herein to 's... 4:1-16 ; Hebrews 4:1-16 any hint of descent from him who ever in his own time and way place... A true justifying righteousness ; he began place is given herein to man 's table come apart! Temporal advantage that I might have in living after the flesh not go up to until. ( iii ) Abraham 's faith was the faith which was for him act... All the saints are heirs of the resurrection go wrong, to in... Those affections that are suitable to the Hebrews put it, we believe! Psalms and prophets through Christ, the good king, died, and will come again apart from sin word. All the saints are heirs of the faith of Moses ; it also tells us that he possessed. Existence of God, it had been disposed of inHebrews 4:1-16 ; Hebrews.. On a bird 's belly and was to be constructed of teak.... Man 's importance their portion was only death and judgment, because he possessed. He was brought before Antiochus and ordered to eat swine 's flesh, being dead, yet.! Fact they were persuaded of them, by this son, sprang a numerous progeny of illustrious persons years...

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