whatcom county court clerk

Search for free Whatcom County, WA Court Records, including Whatcom County civil, criminal, family, probate & traffic court case records, calendars & dockets, driving records, parking & traffic ticket payments, and more. Find Whatcom County Households, Marital Status, and Veteran Status. In Bellingham Civil Courts, the Court settles disputes between citizens that they are unable to resolve on their own. 311 Grand Avenue Fault reasons like cheating or mistreatment cannot be indicated on the forms. Fax: 360-966-3466 Find Birth Records, Divorce Records, Marriage Records, and Voter Records related to Whatcom County Clerk. Similar Listings THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF WHATCOM CITY . Search law firms at FindLaw. Whatcom County Superior Court is located in Whatcom county in Washington. 360-380-6887 You can contact the Jail in several ways: you can visit the website or call 360-676-6848 for inquiries. 360-676-6740 Lynden, Access Bellingham Municipal Court records in WHATCOM County for civil, family, criminal, traffic, & property case information. Sumas, WA 98295-0009, Phone: 360-988-5711 1750 Labounty Drive 98230 During the COVID pandemic, special requests for remote court hearing appearances are no longer necessary. https://odysseyportal.courts.wa.gov/ODYPORTAL/Home/Dashboard/29, Whatcom County Probate Records All Rights Reserved. Visit Website, Phone: 360-332-8311 Get Court Records from 8 Courts in Whatcom County, WA, Whatcom County Court View map of Whatcom County Clerk, and get driving directions from your location. However, the visit to Whatcom County Jail should also be scheduled in advance. About the Court The Whatcom County District Court consists of 2 Judges, elected for 4 years, 1 appointed Commissioner, and professional and paraprofessional staff. You may not use this site for the purposes of furnishing consumer reports about search subjects or for any use prohibited by the FCRA. Effective Tuesday, February 1st, remote appearances and access to each days calendars for District Court hearings will be as easy as the click of a button! There is 1 Clerk Office per 106,369 people, and 1 Clerk Office per 1,053 square miles. 103 East Holly Street The court hears criminal, civil, infraction and miscellaneous cases. The Whatcom County Health Department has declared a Whatcom County health emergency to reduce the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in our community. Whatcom County District Court in Bellingham, Washington. WA Directions, Everson Municipal Court Directions, Bellingham Vehicle Licensing Office The main Whatcom County courts forms required to file for divorce are: To divorce with children, you will need to file additional Whatcom County clerk forms, such as the: In cases both with and without children, you might require other or more Whatcom County family law forms depending on various factors. Whatcom County, Phone Number: 360-676-6777 About Us Contact Us *Not location specific. There are 2 Clerk Offices in Whatcom County, Washington, serving a population of 212,738 people in an area of 2,107 square miles. - Judge Debra Lev Washington State no-fault divorce is the only option available to couples, and you simply need to state that your marriage is irretrievably broken to get divorced. Privacy Policy 5694 2nd Avenue Suggest Listing The Whatcom County District Court consists of 2 Judges, elected for 4 years, 1 appointed Commissioner, and professional and paraprofessional staff. Directions, Bellingham Vehicle Licensing Office 311 Grand Avenue, Suite 401. Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. You may not use this site for the purposes of furnishing consumer reports about search subjects or for any use prohibited by the FCRA. 360-676-2096 4180 Cordata Parkway The phone number for Whatcom County Superior Court is 360-676-6777 and the fax number is 360-676-6693. Post Date: 01/18 12:00 AM. About the Court The Whatcom County District Court consists of 2 Judges, elected for 4 years, 1 appointed Commissioner, and professional and paraprofessional staff. Start your divorce by filing the forms with the clerk of court and paying the fee. Criminal Cases Criminal misdemeanor cases carry a maximum penalty of up to 90 days in jail and a $1,000 fine. The court address is 311 Grand Avenue, Suite 301, Bellingham WA 98225. Fill out the paperwork, sign it as required, and make the copies. 2023 County Office. Are you sure you wouldnt like a free professional resume evaluation? Access the latest docket status and case summaries, receive alerts and track cases, and download documents. City of Bellingham Parking Tickets C) Salary.com using cookies (as described here) to refine and tailor the website visitor experience. Directions, Everson Vehicle Licensing Office After the service process is completed, if it is required, bring the proof to the court. David L. Reynolds, County Clerk. Whatcom County Superior Courts County Name Whatcom County Population 229,247 Area (sq mi) 2,107 County Seat Bellingham Established Year You may not use this site for the purposes of furnishing consumer reports about search subjects or for any use prohibited by the FCRA. Data Source: U.S. Census Bureau; American Community Survey, 2018 ACS 5-Year Estimates. Top Whatcom County Health Employees Satpal Sidhu Whatcom County Executive. WA 98229 360-676-3100 Address, Phone Number, and Fax Number for Whatcom County Court, a Court, at Grand Avenue, Bellingham WA. 311 Grand Avenue Ferndale, Find 6 Courts within 18.4 miles of Whatcom County Court. 311 Grand AvenueSuite 401Bellingham, WA 98225Phone: 360-778-5400Fax: 360-778-5401, Website Feedback |Employee Login |Jobs |Site Map | Accessibility |Terms of Use |Copyright |Government Websites by CivicPlus, 311 Grand Avenue | Bellingham, WA 98225 | Phone: 360-778-5000, INFORMATION TO PROSPECTIVE JURORS CONCERNING, https://www.whatcomcounty.us/3369/Current-Recommendations-For-Whatcom-Coun. Nearby Courts: Whatcom County District Court Probation 311 Grand Ave, Ste 406 0.0 mile away. Court Name: Whatcom County Superior Court. Terms and Conditions. Whatcom County Superior and Juvenile Court Administrator and Superior Court Clerk. WA Staff: Matthew S. Elich, Judge, 360-676-6770 ; David M. Grant, Judge, 360-676-6725; Tony Parise, Commissioner , 360-676-6770. Whatcom County Perform a free Whatcom County, WA public criminal records search, including criminal background checks, criminal history checks, and public records checks. The Whatcom County Court, located in Bellingham, Washington is a government institution where legal disputes are resolved in accordance with the law. By clicking Agree, I consent to our data usage policies as stated. However, the court needs to have jurisdiction not only over you but also over your spouse and children to issue orders on: As long as your spouse lives in Washington as well, it should not be an issue. Washington Attorney General Bellingham Office, Bellingham Washington Department of Justice, http://www.wsp.wa.gov/driver/collision-records/, https://www.doc.wa.gov/information/warrants/default.aspx, https://www.dshs.wa.gov/esa/division-child-support, https://odysseyportal.courts.wa.gov/ODYPORTAL/, https://odysseyportal.courts.wa.gov/ODYPORTAL/Home/Dashboard/29, http://www.co.whatcom.wa.us/2721/Tickets-Payments, Whatcom County Traffic & Parking Ticket Payment. Website: http://www.courts.wa.gov, Staff: Dave Reynolds, County Clerk, 360-676-6777, [emailprotected]. 98225 Bellingham, The Whatcom County Superior Court Clerk's Office is responsible for maintaining and protecting the integrity of all records filed in the County Clerk's Office, as well as serving the public and legal community in a respectful and courteous manner. Booking data is available online from 1996 until current. WA Terms and Conditions. Directions. 98225 98226 Look up any terminology and information that you are not familiar with. WA Receive alerts for other Court Clerk job openings. 98247 Office Email: Trellis helps you find cases in Whatcom County, Washington court records. Let us know here, Whatcom County District Court Probation311 Grand Ave, Ste 4060.0 mile away, Whatcom County District Court311 Grand Ave, Ste 4010.0 mile away, Whatcom County Juvenile Court311 Grand Ave, Ste 5010.0 mile away, 2023 Everything-Bytes | Terms of Use & Privacy Policy. The clerk will likely ask you to redo the whole document if it is filled out incorrectly. Fax: 360-332-8330 Get the personal and contact information of everyone involved in the case. Fax: 360-384-1163 Visit our Links Page for websites providing Employment Listings, as well as US Government holiday closings. The Whatcom County Court Records (Washington) links below open in a new window and will take you to third party websites that are useful for finding Whatcom County public records. The small claims court may only grant a judgment for monetary damages. Inquire about your spouses financial and employment information. Select a date below to view bookings from a previous date. Fax: 360-778-5451 Circuit Court Location: 311 Grand Avenue Suite 301, Bellingham, Washington 98225. In Washington, Whatcom County is ranked 32nd of 39 counties in Clerk Offices per capita, and 27th of 39 counties in Clerk Offices per square mile. 1 co.whatcom.wa.us; 1 360733XXXX; View Similar Profiles . 98264 Completed forms may be emailed or faxed to Whatcom County District Court at (360)778-5401 or mailed to the following address: For information regarding access to administrative records please see the Whatcom County District Court Access to Administrative Court Records Policy. Kathryn D. Resnick, WSBA #34880 Attorney for Petitioners File Response with: CLERK OF COURT Whatcom County Superior Court 311 Grand Avenue Bellingham, WA 98225 W00000000 Publication Dates. 2502 Cedarwood Avenue http://www.wsp.wa.gov/driver/collision-records/, Whatcom County Arrest Warrants Links to District Court Electronic Case Files. Whatcom County Jail Bookings by Date. Office Email: Fax: 360-318-0301 WA WA. http://www.co.whatcom.wa.us/2721/Tickets-Payments, About Us Contact Us About Us Contact Us 1855 Barkley Boulevard Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. Full-Time - $18.51 - $28.07 Hourly. If any of these apply to you, contact the court to verify they observe the exemption. Bellingham, Visit Website, Phone: 360-676-6780 County Office is not affiliated with any government agency. 344 H Street The general steps to the Whatcom County divorce process are: Spouses who cannot settle their disputes will have to undergo a lengthy marriage dissolution process and hire lawyers. Clerks Offices in Whatcom County, WA are responsible for maintaining public records for the county. To get a Whatcom County divorce, you or your spouse must reside in the county and file your paperwork with the local court. View map of Whatcom County Court, and get driving directions from your location. Please note: Remote hearing appearances are not available for the 1:30 in-custody calendar. By submitting this form you agree to our Privacy Policy & Terms. Property records, mortgage records and title deeds, Whatcom County, Washington vital records, birth records, death records and certificates, Marriage and divorce records, licenses and applications, Business & professional licenses, permits, and registrations, Election records, voter registration and poll locations. Bellingham, *Please call to verify. Visit Website, David L. Reynolds, Director and Superior Court Clerk, Kristine Glasgow, Interim Detention Manager, Jake Wiebusch, Probation Services Manager. Provide complete and truthful answers to relevant questions. Category: Administrative Assistant / Clerical & Data Entry / Public Safety / Records Management / Office and Administrative Support. Bring the rest of your paperwork to the court and appear before a judge to officially end your marriage. There is no specific residency requirement to file. 98225 For the best search results, search by name. 360-676-6770 You have a chronic health condition such as heart disease, lung disease and/or diabetes; You are age 60 or older and you do not wish to report for jury duty, or. https://www.wa-probate.com/, Whatcom County Traffic & Parking Ticket Payment Visit Website, Mailing: PO Box 9 About Us Contact Us These records include the index to Declarations of Intention, Petition and Record, and Final Citizenship Records filed at the Whatcom County Superior Court between 1872 and 1988. Anyone can appear remotely, unless advised otherwise by a Judicial Officer. The Public Access to Court Records (PACER). Directions, Get Court Records from 1 Public Defender Office in Whatcom County, WA, Whatcom County Public Defender WA 8130 Guide Meridian Road Directions, Bellingham Municipal Court Court case management system, known as Odyssey, in 37 counties around the Washington state. Bellingham, Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. All Rights Reserved. Whatcom County Court Records are public records, documents, files, and transcripts associated with court cases and court dockets available in Whatcom County, Washington. Whatcom County, WA Divorce Court Information, Court Name: Whatcom County Superior Court, Court Title: In the Circuit Court of Whatcom County, Alabama, Circuit Court Location: 311 Grand Avenue Suite 301, Bellingham, Washington 98225. Who can help fill out divorce papers? Bellingham, WA 98225. Directions, Get Driving Records from 8 DMVs in Whatcom County, WA, Bellingham Driver Licensing Office You may not use this site for the purposes of furnishing consumer reports about search subjects or for any use prohibited by the FCRA. Find Whatcom County, Washington clerk offices, including county, city, and circuit clerks, and clerks of court. 360-756-9821 WA 98295 Directions, Bellingham Vehicle Licensing Office The Whatcom County Health Department recommendations can be viewed at the following link: https://www.whatcomcounty.us/3369/Current-Recommendations-For-Whatcom-Coun Jurors: If you meet any of the following criteria, you may contact the District Court Jury Coordinator at (360)778-5435 to defer your service to a later date. The clerk will ask you to make the payment once you give them your paperwork and, potentially, to cover other miscellaneous fees. Directions, Blaine Municipal Court However, if they reside in another state, you might need legal advice on whether Washington is the right state to file in. In Bellingham Criminal Courts, the government brings a case against a defendant who is accused of breaking the law. https://www.dshs.wa.gov/esa/division-child-support, Whatcom County Court Records TDD: 360-738-4555, Phone: 360-778-5400 Directions, Lynden Municipal Court Bellingham, Popularity:#1 of 2 Clerk Offices in Whatcom County#7 of 94 Clerk Offices in Washington#1,190 in Clerk Offices. 98230 300 4th Street In case you have any questions, please contact us via our email, phone or live chat on the website. Ferndale, Answer a few questions, download your forms, and follow the guide you receive to get a simple divorce in Whatcom County. Visit Website, Phone: 360-778-5450 360-676-6777 208 East Main Street Directions, Ferndale Vehicle Licensing Office Limit of 5 free uses per day. 360-676-2037 Office Email: Filing for Divorce in Klickitat County, Washington State, How to File for Divorce in Washington State, Divorce and Legal Separation in Washington State. Find 19 external resources related to Whatcom County Clerk. 433 Cherry Street The aforementioned divorce papers are common in uncontested cases, and many of them will have to be notarized. Contact Us Superior Court Administration/Clerk 311 Grand Avenue Suite 301 Bellingham, WA 98225 To get a divorce in Washington state, you need to live in the state and intend to stay there. Superior Court Clerk 311 Grand Avenue Search court cases for free, read the case summary, find docket information, download court documents, track case status, and get alerts when cases are updated. Find Court Records related to Whatcom County Court. Suggest Listing Phone (360) 778-5560. Visit us at Whatcom County Auditor's Office to obtain information on how to request a document copy or certified copy. As the exact sum may change slightly, you may contact the courthouse before your visit to learn the precise amount. 360-354-8080 Lynden, Washington, United States View. Refcode: #IPL0105703 i Print. Visit Website, Phone: 360-778-5560 Whatcom County Superior Court Home > Washington Court Guide > Whatcom County, Washington Court Directory Report Corrections Here Whatcom County Superior Court Whatcom County Courthouse 311 Grand Avenue, Suite 301 Bellingham , WA 98225 Phone: 360-778-5560 Fax: 360-778-5561 Website | Directions We're sorry your court map could not be found. Directions, Whatcom Superior Court Pubrecord.org does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). 2023 County Office. Get the relevant Whatcom County divorce papers based on your filing decision and agreements. A) Salary.com storing your resume for purposes of providing you with the job posting service. Criminal gross misdemeanor cases carry a maximum penalty of up to 1 year in jail and a $5,000 fine. Bellingham Municipal Court Information Judge Debra Lev Commissioner Nick Henery The mission of the Bellingham Municipal Court is to administer the operations of the judicial branch of City government in a neutral and effective manner and ensure access to justice for all citizens. Office Email: Visit our Links Page for websites providing Employment Listings, as well as US Government holiday closings. 98225 Website Feedback |Employee Login |Jobs |Site Map | Accessibility |Terms of Use |Copyright |Government Websites by CivicPlus, 311 Grand Avenue | Bellingham, WA 98225 | Phone: 360-778-5000, Whatcom County District Court Records Request Form, Whatcom County District Court Access to Administrative Court Records Policy, District Court Calendar / Remote Hearing Info. *county-courthouse.com is not affiliated with the Official US Government, or any state, local, or federal office. Follow any previous instructions that have been given by a Judicial Officer about specific defendant court appearances. For court records requests, please fill out a Whatcom County District Court Records Request Form.Completed forms may be emailed or faxed to Whatcom County District Court at (360)778-5401 or mailed to the following address:. . http://www.co.whatcom.wa.us/177/Assessor, Whatcom County Child Support Warrants Odyssey Portal offers: Case information** and public documents filed in Superior Courts and County Clerk's offices using Odyssey's case management system. You are sick or have recently been in contact with someone who is sick. Offices, including County, Phone: 360-778-5450 360-676-6777 208 East Main Street directions, Bellingham Vehicle Licensing Office Grand! A previous date and contact information of everyone involved in the County of Whatcom County, Phone: County. Square miles will likely ask you to make the payment once you give them your paperwork and,,! 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whatcom county court clerk