In my opinion, Forces was already fated to bring about this kind of reaction when infinite as a concept was created in the first place. Unlike Dr. Eggman, who would reveal his plans and motives while gloating to his enemies, Infinite chose never to reveal anything vital about himself when confronting his enemies, making him mysterious and enigmatic; when Sonic tried getting information about his power from him in Mystic Jungle, Infinite ignored all of Sonic's attempts to provoke a response from him and instead tried to eliminate him. View source. While Eggman was greatly concerned over this, Infinite dismissed his worry. 3D Model. Now, you must assist Sonic and build an army to reclaim the world as you fight against chaos and destruction. If an opponent got struck by these cubes, they would be sent into a virtual reality where they were assailed by objects manifested by his Ruby's power. Andrea Bolognini (Italian)Jordi Salas (Spanish)Mario Hassert (German)Patrick Borg (French) I want to say coincidence but I know everyone's going say otherwise. Sonic News Network is a FANDOM Games Community. Everything about him is playedseriously and straight. Before Infinite could finish Silver, however, Sonic, who had been broken out of prison, showed up and interrupted him. A common element his early design shared with his final one was his mask and large hands with sharp claws. Intrigued by Sonic's arrival, Infinite attempted to rattle him, only to get brushed off by Sonic, who tried getting the secret to his power from him. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), But here I think it clashes to much. Then shouldn't there be some catharsis in destroying that when it's personified as a villain? When Infinite channels the power of the gemstone, he can surround himself in a red aura, with red, glitch-like pixel particles scattered throughout his body. It seems when saving the files out, the layers weren't flattened and hidden layers weren't removed. When the Resistance attacked the city again, however, Infinite appeared before Eggman when Sonic and Tails came to capture the doctor. One imag. After casting his old self aside, Infinite picked up a persona that greatly amplified his dark traits, becoming a much darker and more lethal figure as a result. There's good crazy and there's bad crazy. So that means. Indeed, when fighting Silver the Hedgehog he said that he is 'always happy to crush a hero'. Contact. During their subsequent talk, Infinite revealed to Eggman that he let Sonic go after their last battle. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. If it tried to be a parody, maybe. I think that that was a severe misstep, especially with the premise it has, and the series would definitely be better off if he didn't exist in the first place, for sure. When opening portals into Null Spaces, Infinite could reinforce such portals to expand and suck everything nearby into them. Any weirdo willing to laugh at someone for liking one series while being unaware that it's very possible they both might be fans of a different series is a person not worth paying attention too. Sega Infinite meeting the Avatar, from Sonic Forces. For the masked Infinite, please look through my workshop page. The power to make all yield to my will. Similar to Erazor Djinn, Infinite also derogatorily referred to Sonic as a "filthy sewer rat". Infinite creating monstrous clones of himself through his Phantom Ruby copy, from Sonic Forces. Defeat enemies with blazing speed as Modern Sonic, catapult past perilous platforms as Classic . After obtaining unrivaled power in the form of the Phantom Ruby, Infinite believed himself to be unbeatable, causing his confidence and arrogance to grow to astronomical heights. Since Namahages look scary, they also made for a cool and catchy silhouette that Infinite came to possess. Fucking Christ, he's actually using a sword? He then obtained Eggman's finalized Phantom Ruby copy, which granted him virtually limitless power. I'd maybe agree with you if the game portrayed him as clearly being ridiculous and a joke, but so far all we've gotten is stuff "attempting"to show how cool he is, including cringy music video and trailers showing unironically how badasshe is. 1864 Downloads. This is my old head model, why not credit me? Just because you associate the series' problems with villains you don't like doesn't mean they're thesource. And again, it's one reason among several, it's not the only reason, it's not even the biggest reason. Ad. This is a version of Infinite without a mask and a phantom ruby. I'll help you change the world! Voice actor(s) Ultimate (cameo)Sonic Frontiers (mentioned) After gaining the Phantom Ruby's power, Infinite grew very unconcerned with the opposition, seeing military organizations like the Resistance as little more than "rabble" or insects to be crushed by him. - Whiiiiich brings me to my other thought. Alignment and character traits 4K Views. Sonic Team was also peculiar about giving him a cool, but evil design, with his mask being designed especially to emphasize his evil nature. [7] In time, he gained a public reputation as the "ultimate mercenary".[8]. Infinite (, Infinitto? Confident that he could still beat Sonic, even in his weakened state, Infinite engaged Sonic in battle until his Phantom Ruby copy was fully recharged. Infinite's first meeting with Sonic the Hedgehog had him beating the blue hedgehog effortlessly. That's what Infinite is, embarrassing edgy shit, the bad fan character half of us made when we were younger except actually a real thing in a real game. I don't mean that Infinite alone is why the series/fanbase gets shit, but that the kind of things that led to Infinite are why it/we get shit. Permits . And like, compare to ShtH. It's a relatively divisive game nowadays, but people loved it back when it came out, if only due to the craziness. [8] Prior to gaining the Phantom Ruby, Infinite was also very loud, boisterous and rough, and used very gruff and informal speech owing to his mercenary background.[7]. This inferiority complex is implied to have developed into a mad obsession with strength, and to a lesser extent his sadism. The first and the third battle have the player chase after Infinite, while the second one takes place in an arena. URRRAAAAAAAAAAAGHH!- Credits -Infinite Mod - TSININYRelease video : https://www. In 2020, a 10" plush toy of Infinite was released by Great Eastern Entertainment. But it's not. Rigged Model: Ryuko the Hedgehog(Javo2131). And I let go of the old me, the one that was so weak, so that I could become stronger. All rights reserved. You need to sign in or create an account to do that. Infinite threatening the Avatar, from Sonic Forces. No, but honestly it's just because I think it clutters his otherwise great design. But I suppose that's the way it goes. Opening the Sonic Forces: Moment of Truth digital comic PDF files in Photoshop reveals an interesting behind-the-scenes look at the production process, and reveals some hidden art - including a peek at Infinite without his mask! In the E3 2017 trailer and the comic prequels, his aura is depicted as being flame-like. I remember you. We don't live in a world where people are only apart of one fanbase and no others. [16] Shadow soon after showed up at the facility to find Omega, and Infinite welcomed Shadow to their awaited reunion. From the creator who brought you the playable Infinite mod, now comes his next work.Maskless Infinite! By that, I mean everything about him is supposed to be "cool" to a ten year old. Takashi Kond[1] Pessimism aside, I'm kind of hoping he actually was just a regular dude who drank the Eggmanland Cool-Aid. Tomoya Ohtani Know something we don't about Sonic? In addition, both Sonic and Amy noted that Infinite's existence was ultimately sad and lonely. Blue (right), yellow (left) He also relished in how the world's population was afraid of him and had a twisted need to see others fear him, expressing that feelings like fear, anxiety, and doubt were "delicious" to him. After his squad was destroyed by the brooding hedgehog during an attack on Eggman's Facility, a furious Infinite attempted to attack him, only to be effortlessly defeated. It's not worth entertaining the thoughts of morons who think games are super serious business and like to turn every little dumb thing into a pissing contest. After then ignoring some sounds, Infinite asked Eggman if their plan to wipe out the Resistance went on as usual, which Eggman confirmed, and the two briefly relished at the thought of their victory before Infinite took his leave. During the "Challenger Mode" Event, Infinite would appear in every race. If it's not Infinite it'd be something else. If you have a related Youtube channel, enter the URL. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue. Check them out if you have the chance! Explore Buy 3D models. He's a right badass out the gate, and he can dish out exactly what he talks. Infinite has been done so seriously and played so straight, it's hard to take seriously. ), Gurren Lagann is one of the most critically acclaimed anime action series out there, and it embraces it's craziness like a madman, At one point it shifts from being about a serious political drama to the moon flat out attacking them. As he took his leave, Shadow called the captain "worthless". And if that's the case How fitting is this character exactly if he comes from the same world that Sonic inhabits on a daily basis? Why doesn't it work here? License. He is a jackal who used to be called the "Ultimate Mercenary". During each of these battles, taking damage will result in the player getting thrown into a brief virtual reality with extra hazards. On Eggman's orders, Infinite opened a portal into Null Space, which sucked both Sonic and the Avatar into it, seemingly trapping them forever. For business / Cancel. Attire [29][13], Before obtaining the finalized Phantom Ruby, Infinite was apparently a strong fighter in his own right, his skills having earned him the title as the "ultimate mercenary". Virtual reality manipulationSuper speedSuper strengthFlightEnergy projectionDuplicationSize alterationGravity manipulationTeleportationSpatial manipulationEnhanced agilityEnhanced durabilityGrindingSwordsmanship If Shadow the hedgehog had been a really good game in terms of design, control, pacing and structure,(and also not shat on it's title character's personality) but still had Black Doom as the villain, I guarantee it wouldn't hold much worse a place than Sonic Heroes or even SA2. Steam Community: Sonic Forces. Sonic Forces | Infinite BOSS PC 1920X1080PX HD Video Game Theme FOR Chrome 2017 / : 2018 . While his left eye is visible through a red visor, his right eye is covered by a black lightning bolt-shaped piece, similar to an eye-patch, that is connected to his mask's right ear, which glows red when he uses his power. Similarly, his strength became potent enough to knock away someone of Sonic's size with enough force to crack a concrete arch upon impact. 3D Model. Also, unrelated: my current guess for Infinite's species is fennec fox. There's no catharsis in that. Well, again here with sapphire and infinite. We don't even know if he will use itm. One of his legs has joints that are awkward to pose, because the other leg rotates in parallel to itself, where as the other doesn't. Following then an adjustment in colors, Infinite reached his current design.[6]. He could be blind in that eye. I don't know why people hate him so much, he's so misunderstood. 1366x768px 729.97 KB. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Source Filmmaker. Infinite Welcome to Sonic Forces, the modern Sonic portion and follow-up story to Sonic Mania. Add to Embed Share Report. (He was just an innocent friend of the Avatar, he gets corrupted, you save him, yaddayaddayadda) This way he can be an actually effective villain if handled right, and besides that I think the concept is just plain cool, regardless of how ill-fitting it would be for Sonic's world. "The little blue saviour", "You may call me Infinite", "I will teach you fear Then pain." ), also known as the "ultimate mercenary" (, Kykyoku Yhei? We are in need of content, and everyone has something to contribute! Meeting Eggman in Green Hill, Infinite destroyed what was thought to be the last Phantom Ruby prototype. On the official YouTube channel's release of the song, the song has an image of Infinite from the E3 trailer when preparing his bombardment of red cubes, as well as the screen occasionally flickering as if in a glitched manner. The team later proposed a design using a buffalo motif, but it got scrapped in favor of his current jackal motif, which would settle as the outline for the character's design. Likewise, the rest of the squad seemed to place a lot of faith and trust in Infinite, believing that they could survive on their own, though ultimately, Infinite's desire to end his boredom proved more important to him than the interests of his teammates. Face possibly fox, based on the mask . This ultimately had Infinite's ego receiving a massive boost. I think he's not supposed to be taken seriously. Infinite before his boss battle in Mystic Jungle, from Sonic Forces. Flags. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Infinite plush, by Great Eastern Entertainment. All rights reserved. Reply. Infinite, from Sonic Forces: Speed Battle. Evil They later re-encountered each other at Metropolis, with Infinite trying to intimidate the Avatar, although they, due to Sonic's words of encouragement, ultimately chose to fight Infinite instead of giving in to fear. Though at first shocked, Infinite dismissed them upon defeating the Avatar and departed, stating that only two days remained before the Resistance was to be wiped out. Nintendo. Interestingly, Infinite is one of the only powerful entities that Eggman aligned himself with who did not end up betraying him. That Infinite has a sword? He was even able to manifest giant monsters in his likeness, trap beings in virtual realities, create a whole sun that moved according to his will, and mimic the special techniques of others, such as Metal Sonic's exclusive V. Maximum Overdrive Attack. I'm sorry you're embarrassed that this is part of Sonic's identity. Infinite was soon after added as a playable character to the game's roster during the "Infinite" Event, as a celebration of the fourth anniversary of Sonic Forces: Speed Battle. Infinite Do you honestly think everyone would have just been nice to us and totally tolerant if Infinite wasn't a part of this game? I think he's basically an unironic Coldsteel the Hedgehog and that this is a real thing that is actually happeningis why other fanbases laugh at us. I mean, maybe if they actually did that it could deflect some of the criticism, butthey're not doing that. So is the series continuing to exist at all. Powers and abilities 1.9k. Sometime later, Infinite went to the Mystic Jungle to pick up Eggman's remaining Phantom Ruby prototypes so they could be disposed of before they could be used against Eggman. [30][31] Infinite's newfound strength proved so great that he was able to effortlessly defeat figures like E-123 Omega and Silver the Hedgehog, and ultimately best even Sonic the Hedgehog twice, the first time with great ease. Follow. [14] Reborn,[12] Infinite became Eggman's right-hand man in his conquest.[15]. Do I think Infinite needs a sword? Arranger(s) But, regardless of whether he comes from, the Warrior angle gives Infinite a huge benefit in terms of context that I was hoping for: A soldier fighting battles as an occupation. Infinite and Dr. Eggman, from Sonic Forces. Say Tails probably stumbles upon a fragment of the Ruby and upon doing tests on it, it probably awakens Infinite. Sensing their fear, Infinite tried to intimidate them. Infinite refused, however, and knocked Sonic away to deal with him. Nono it's not. He noticed a rock on the ground, and it almost felt like a lightbulb had gone off in his head for a moment. In Sonic Forces: Speed Battle, Infinite first appeared in the version 4.0.1 update as a bot-controlled rival that could be encountered randomly. This sword was evidently very sharp, being able to cut through robots with ease. Though his confidence was not without validity, his hubris proved to be so great that he would at times leave his enemies behind rather than kill them, believing fully that they were no threat to him. As such, it is possible to remove word balloons, line art . He took pride in his title as the "ultimate mercenary" and believed himself to be a powerful foe, seeing as he denied being weak after having been beaten up by Shadow the Hedgehog. Image size. Follow. You can also click Save which will save which mods are selected but won't start . Experience Infinite without his mask, during a time before he became not weak Includes jumball, boost effects and his very own voice clips, thanks to Freedoman. Not having Infinite isn't going to fix those things, the same way Mania being great hasn't stopped the 06 circlejerk. Know something we don't about Sonic? Now the mod should be ready to select in the list. login Sign Up Upload. His overall design motif was derived from the Namahage, a demon-like being in Japanese folklore, with focus on key words like "cruel", "clinging to power", and "not believing in bonds." Don't hesitate in signing up today! In the. But since we already have to put up with this concept, instead of stripping it down to his most bland and boring essentials for the sake of it, why not flesh out the insanity for the sake of it instead? Although Shadow broke free, Infinite was nonetheless impressed by the power he now possessed. Load more. Sonic Forces - Infinite. [25] He also used his Ruby to give himself the power of flight and levitation, deadly energy beam emission, energy ball projection, self-replication, size enhancement, shockwave manipulation, gravity distortion, object materialization, and teleportation. Growing irritated by the opposition, Infinite initiated Eggman's endgame: using his Phantom Ruby, Infinite created a virtual sun that he planned to drop on the Resistance, which would destroy them. Good quality gameplay or not, the story for Sonic Forces is making me very curious. Appearances in other media Every character besides Sonic is said to be garbage, until you just have people saying Sonic himself is garbage, Classic included. He is, however, able to acknowledge attributes to his opponents he deemed commendable, as he acknowledged before attacking Omega that the latter was "spirited"[16] and during his rematch with Sonic, he begrudgingly acknowledged that Sonic had improved since their last time. Not saying thatwon't happen here, it will for sure :Vbut I don't think this kind of crazy is entirely wrong for an action series to peruse, honestly That is a point, and I still hate that they're wasting the "Eggman took over" plotline on this potentially, but it probably has just about as much relevance as Chaos from Adventure, or Gerald and Gun in SA2 if he is getting this focus. By. At least I see no evidence of it. Infinite's reaction to this was to cast Shadow into a false interpretation of Green Hill, where Shadow would be falsely contacted by an Omega who at first, seemed to be perfectly normal, but as time progressed, soon devolved into incessantly repeating that he was not weak. Mocking and taunting them, Infinite allowed the Avatar to flee with their life, only so he could relish in their terrified screams. Nono it's not. Infinite is an antagonist that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. There is a large white scar across the right eye. His original design was that of a ghost-like figure, with one of the examples including one with monster-like horns. Tanahashi noted as well that the design process was difficult, but that the silhouette of Infinite's face logo worked well during development. And now, you've become nothing more than an insect waiting to be crushed underfoot. When the Resistance attacked Metropolis, Infinite showed up, and, on Eggman's orders, unleashed his Phantom Ruby's power. Another weakness of Infinite's is his extreme sense of confidence and constant need to satisfy his sadism. Grind Step[note 1]Slide[note 1]Spin Jump[note 1]V. Maximum Overdrive Attack. Model ripped from Sonic Forces, face model, rig and adjustments by me, for Mikusch. . It is only visible to you. [33] Said virtual realities are illusions, which Infinite creates by exercising control of one's visual and depth perception by feeding the brain false information. Infinite is the central antagonist of the 2017 platform game Sonic Forces and the main antagonist of its DLC prequel, Episode Shadow. Slipping past the Egg Pawns, the ultimate mercenary ordered his squad to handle the robots while he moved in to kill Eggman with his sword. [12] Following a number of experiments in the innermost area of the Eggman Empire Fortress,[13] Eggman managed to fuse the jackal with his finalized Phantom Ruby, creating the weapon he needed to defeat Sonic and conquer the world with. Sonic Origins: the Hedgehog: CD: https://yout. [19][20] In the meantime, Infinite worked alongside his Phantom Copies to instill fear into the subjugated population. However, while Infinite and Eggman were losing Metropolis to the Resistance, Sonic and the Avatar showed up before them again, having just escaped Null Space. What in the fuck are you talking about? In fact I guarantee that if every bad Sonic game with a bad story was actually fun to play, the franchise wouldn't be that much less popular than it was before Shadow and 06 came out (okay, maybethe 06 kiss would still have done damage). So what? Infinite slaughtering a group of soldiers without remorse, from Sonic Forces. This mask was given its patterns inside the ears (with one pattern on one side and the inverted colors on the other) because it gave it a geometric eeriness. Valve Corporation. Physical description When Infinite destroyed the Avatar's squad, he willingly let them run away unharmed as he enjoyed the sounds of their screams. If all the games looked as cartoony as Lost World you'd be hearing folks say Sonic is just for babies or something. Infuriated that he had been humiliated, the mercenary took Shadow's words to heart and went on to discard all remnants of his old life, becoming the entity known as Infinite. I did this drawing one day after Sonic Forces release and played Shadow's episode. Swords with Sonic characters has always seemed odd to me because most usually don't have a place for a hilt and the sword itself usually clashes with the overall aesthetic. Fur How to install Mods: Open the HedgeModManager.exe. The fact that they're putting this much into just Infinite alone is crazy. Sonic Forces: Infinite unmasked. 40 Like. From the impact of that last attack, and from Eggman ripping the ruby away from his bosom as if he were a mere toy he was replacing the limbs of, the mask was jostled and slammed against the floor. The Sonic fanbase gets crap either because of poor quality games or just disdain for Sonic's cute character with attitude premise. Unable to control his powers anymore, Infinite suddenly disappeared as he and his Phantom Ruby copy were pulled towards the reactor, and ultimately consumed by the original Phantom Ruby,[2] all while Infinite protested that he could still fight. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Sonic Forces. DeviantArt - Homepage. 4. [3] His final name was intended to reference the nature of his ability. Copyright The Sonic Stadium 2000-2023. Infinite grabbing his mask, from Sonic Forces. What the face looks like, but has yellow eyes and . Part of making good games is not making terrible characters. Composer(s) Tyler SmythAndy Bane To this end, he was willing to burn the whole world to the ground with his power. [29] Whether this implied that he blamed his valuing the Jackal Squad for losing to Shadow is unclear. He was evidently also nearly fearless; before his encounter with Shadow, he had apparently never experienced fear himself. This is just Infinite without his mask, not the Ultimate Mercenary before he gets his mask. And obviously there would always be people giving shit because everyone gets shit but the level of shit we get is above average and this kind of shit is the reason. Other language voice actor(s) Drag the mod (be it a folder, a .zip, .7z or .rar file) into the open HedgeModManager. Whatever bitterness you have about, I'm assuming Mario, has no actual bearing here. Alignment Watching the anarchy, Infinite wondered aloud if the world would send him a challenge, just as the Avatar from all those months ago, now a Resistance rookie, approached him, though Infinite did not recognize them. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Ad. You ran from me before. Because "the real thing" is just a bad character in a bad story. He could probably pull a Chaos and get unleashed by the phantom ruby. Real / Full Name: Unknown Japanese Name: (Infinitto) Alias: Infinite, The Ultimate Mercenary, The Masked One Age: Unknown Species: Jackal Gender: Male Affiliation: Jackal Squad (formerly), Eggman Army Alignment: Villain Appears In The Games: Sonic Forces, Super Smash Bros. Infinite then tried to finish them off after remembering who they were, although due to Avatar's possession of a Phantom Ruby prototype, they managed to evade the attack, leaving Infinite shocked before ultimately dismissing the matter and leaving them be. Spin Jump [ note 1 ] Spin Jump [ note 1 ] Slide [ note 1 V.. Battles, taking damage will result in the version 4.0.1 update as a bot-controlled that... It tried to intimidate them the way it goes is crazy his current design. [ 6.! Because you associate the series continuing to exist at all his head for a cool and catchy silhouette that 's! # x27 ; s Episode they & # x27 ; s Episode reached. 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