in History and from Harvard Law School with a J.D. Typically when medals were issued they were issued by the higher command and the HQ level. 8. His professionalism and dedication to duty are in keeping with the finest traditions of the army and reflect great credit upon himself, the 1st Infantry Division, and the United States Army. A question--what type of documentation did they provide with the Bronze Star Medal? I was asking a question of Glenn Soden regarding orders for a Bronze Star Medal awarded after the war because you had been awarded a Combat Infantryman (or Combat Medical) Badge. :-). [49] After introducing the End Pensions in Congress Act, DeSantis said "The Founding Fathers envisioned elected officials as part of a servant class, yet Washington has evolved into a ruling class culture. US Navy photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Eli Medellin. . His effectiveness in communicating with Central Command, FORSCOM, the United States Army Reserve Command, Human Resources Command and the Department of the Army G3 mobilization branch allowed MAJ Xxx to coordinate with various units of the Army Reserve and Active Duty to place 67 individual Soldiers on an extension order for an additional 365 days in theater filling shortages in commands where Army units came forward to theater at less than 100% strength. For heroic achievement on the night of 16 April 1967 while voluntarily serving as a member of a eight-man team from Delta Company, 1st Marine Battalion, 1st Marine Division South Vietnam. A Florida Cooperation. The medal is sometimes referred to as the Bronze Star. SMPs make up an elite Iraqi army unit that has received training from Navy SEALs. That meant DeSantis would sometimes hand detainees off to Iraqi officials for prosecution. What did Ron DeSantis get a Bronze Star for? He returned to CONUS in April 2008, at which time he was reassigned to the Naval Region Legal Service. But, due to extremely rugged terrain and the failure of radio communications, SGT York, radio operator, was unable to contact the flank platoon. But if you have not done so you can request your relatives military records and the citation or GO# will be listed on their discharge papers. They do a pretty good job of laying out the criteria for each of the campaign stars, and if you want to dig deeper (some of them vary by service, for example), you can always use the references to read the regulations that underpin the information. Im trying to find out what he did to earn it? It may be awarded for acts of heroism, acts of merit, or meritorious service in a combat zone. First time I had seen one without the valor "V". [66], DeSantis opposes abortion[67] and has denounced Planned Parenthood. MAJOR SMITH'S PERSONAL BRAVERY AND DEVOTION TO DUTY WERE IN KEEPING WITH THE HIGHEST TRADITIONS OF THE MILITARY SERVICE AND REFELCT GREAT CREDIT UPON HIMSELF, MULTI-NATIONAL FORCE IRAQ, AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. Congressman Ron DeSantis, Lcdr-USNR (JAGC) (R-FL-6), a resident of Ponte Vedra Beach in St Johns County, is running for the open U.S. Senate seat vacated by Senator Marco Rubio, who is running for U.S. Presidency, and by doing so is leaving a CRITICAL Republican Senate seat up for grabs in a critical swing state. Heres what they got right. After an energetic-responsibility carrier, Ron DeSantis served as a federal prosecutor, wherein he focused on . He distinguished himself by his heroic actions while serving as a rifleman for Company C on 16 June 1968. Thank you for posting your request on History Hub! FOR EXCEPTIONALLY VALOROUS ACTION IN THE FACE OF OVERWHELMING ODDS AND DIRECT HOSTILE AGGRESSIONS AS THE COMMUNICATIONS SERGEANT FOR AN ADVANCED TEAM CONDUCTING COMBINED COMBAT OPERATIONS IN AFGHANISTAN. Have you served your country in our military? [20] The amendment would counter a bipartisan bill authored by two Democratic and two Republican U.S. But, due to extremely rugged terrain and the failure of radio communications, SGT York, radio operator . Cpl. Roughly 30,000 US troops were deployed to the country during the surge to quash insurgencies, boost security, and stabilize Iraq. Joseph Howard received a Navy and Marine Corps Medal for risking his life to save others. Ron DeSantis partied with students as a 23-year-old teacher. WHEN ESCORT VEHICLES ARRIVED AND DREW FIRE, MAJOR SMITH SUCESSFULLY ENGAGED THE ENEMY, THEREBY ALLOWING OTHERS TO BE EXTRACTED. The Combat Veterans for Congress PAC is pleased to endorse Congressman Ron DeSantis, Lcdr-USNR (JAGC) (R-FL-6) who will bring to the United States Senate extraordinary public sector and private sector skills and wisdom to better solve problems and represent his Congressional District and the Republic. [36], After the November 2015 Paris attacks, DeSantis "called for urgent recognition that Islamic extremism is to blame for the Paris attacks and should be seen as an enemy for America." Who distinguished himself by extraordinary meritorious service in connection with military operations against a hostile force in the Republic of Louisiana. DeSantis did serve in the Navy. Assuming responsibility for the lack of communications, he raced over 200 yards across uncleared and open terrain and streets, braving sniper fire and capture, to tell the platoon to cease fire. He still serves in the Navy Reserve as a lieutenant commander. Ron DeSantis's military records substantiate his service as a Naval officer in many roles. Gancarski, July 31, 2015 (July 31, 2015). Mica opted to run in the reconfigured 7th, making the 6th an open seat. [70] DeSantis agreed with the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., saying "This case does not concern the availability or legality of contraceptives, and individuals can obtain and use these as they see fit. Congressman DeSantis also holds a seat on the Congressional Oversight Committee, and has been relentlessly investigating scandals concerning the Obama Administration, including the Battle of Benghazi where four Americans, including two Navy SEALs, lost their lives because of the failure of Obama to execute Cross Border Authority so Military personnel at the ready could be sent to rescue them. When Maj. Shawn Campbell was killed in a helicopter crash, his wife, Kelli, scrambled to find a school for their four young children. Several non-official websites list Bronze Star recipients such as Wall of Valor, American War Library,, and Wikipedia Commons but they are incomplete. So yes, he did receive a copy of the order with his Bronze Star medal for Valor. Ron DeSantis governs the state of Florida from a position that keeps as much power within the districts as possible. presidency. Congressman DeSantis was selected as Chairman of the National Security Oversight Committee, has highlighted the threats posed by an EMP attack, and has helped lead efforts to protect critical infrastructure. Senators that was meant to limit the president's power to fire the special counsel. [76][77] They continue to live in their Ponte Vedra Beach residence primarily. During the period (dates) he consistently manifested exemplary professionalism and initiative in obtaining outstanding results. So, because of the tour length of one year, most Vietnam Veterans tend to have three campaign stars, as a general rule. "[50] DeSantis supports a constitutional amendment to impose term limits for members of Congress, so that Representatives would be limited to three terms and senators to two terms. SGT York realized immediately that the other platoon was firing on them by mistake. His rapid assessment and solution to numerous problems greatly enhanced the allied effectiveness against a determined and aggressive enemy. |birth_place = Jacksonville, Florida. Naval Reserve Center in Dallas, Texas, in 2004 while still a student at Harvard Law School, completing U.S. Fair winds and following seas to Marine Corps 1st Lt. Nicholas Manganiello. [64][65] DeSantis has opposed legislation to require online retailers to collect and pay state sales tax. Required fields are marked *,,, Combat Veterans For Congress Endorses Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL 6) for U.S. Senate. But the criteria of the BSM that my Grandfather received from what I read would suggest one should have received the SSM. Congressman DeSantis has demonstrated that he stands with Israel, is a leading opponent of Obamas policy of nuclear concessions to Iran, which is permitting Iran to develop nuclear weapons. "As she faces the most difficult test of her life, she will have not . Read Next: WATCH: The Men With Green Faces Vietnam War Navy SEAL Documentary, 2023 Coffee or Die Magazine. [26], DeSantis opposed the Iran nuclear deal framework, calling it "a bad deal that will significantly degrade our national security. MAJ Xxx tracked the location of as many as 8300 Soldiers on the battlefield every month and consolidated the information to a power point slide that is used for providing a visual report of the Army Reserve Soldiers located in Iraq. He co-sponsored the VA Accountability Act, which aims to increase accountability by providing for the removal or demotion of employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs based on performance or misconduct. He has also been involved in investigating the IRS violation of the right of conservative Americans citizens to exercise their Constitutional right to organize to participate in the election process, and has led the effort to hold IRS Commissioner Koskinen and Lois Lerner accountable for the cover up and obstruction of justice. |successor = If you know the unit he served with, you might check to see if there is a published unit history, or a regimental/divisional organization. [6], DeSantis was sworn into the Judge Advocate General Corps of the U.S. Navy at the U.S. Currently pertaining to WW2 veterans an individual or family member can submit to the Army Awards and Decoration Branch Commander. All rights reserved. "[54][55], DeSantis has said that the debate in Washington, D.C. over how to reduce the deficit should shift emphasis from tax increases to curtailing spending and triggering economic growth. Your email address will not be published. Serving ones country does not need clarification. With a jump in Australia on Monday, Jan. 16, local time, a team of vets set skydiving records to raise money for Folds of Honor. Robert B. Yes typically the Higher Command would issue a General Order which would list the awards that were being issued such as SSM, BSM, PH, SM and so on. Template:Governor US Army Special Forces assigned to Special Operations Task Force-West Hadithah stop and search a suspicious vehicle in their area of operations in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom on Aug. 31, 2007. And the vast majority of Bronze Star Medals are awarded for achievement or service. DeSantis and his wife bought a home in Palm Coast in July, 2016 after redistricting moved their home in Ponte Vedra . The Bronze Star Medal is the fourth-highest individual military award and the ninth-highest by order of precedence in the US Military. CITATION TO ACCOMPANY THE AWARD OF THE BRONZE STAR WITH V DEVICE His personal actions have been noted in two separate master thesis from Fort Benning OCS student reports. |battles = Iraq War When his team, whose mission was the enemy reconnaissance in I Corps area was pursued by a numerically superior enemy force. "[28], During a line of questioning, DeSantis told Secretary of State John Kerry that the executive branch had a legal obligation to provide Congress with the details behind any side deals made between world leaders and Iran. Leading the patrol away from the path of intense fire, he left his position of cover, wrestled the man to the ground and, although wounded himself, managed to assist in ultimately removing the Marines to the safety of the patrol base. He only spoke of the war a handful of times. Ronald Dion DeSantis (born September 14, 1978) is an American politician who has been the United States Representative for Florida06 !Florida's 6th congressional district since 2013. A viral social media post accurately summarized the early life and career of Florida Gov. DeSantis deployed to Iraq as legal counsel to a SEAL commander during the 2007 surge of US troops. [13], Prior to the 114th United States Congress, DeSantis was named the Chairman of the Subcommittee on National Security. [44], DeSantis was a critic of President Obama's immigration policies; he opposed Obama's deferred action programs (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and Deferred Action for Parents of Americans (DAPA)) and accused him of failing to enforce immigration laws. Congressman DeSantis has also been investigating the Obama administrations retaliation against whistleblowers, which is another the Obama administrations violation of Federal Laws enacted by Congress. Ron DeSantis Facebook photo. 3973; 113th Congress), a bill that would direct the United States Department of Justice to report to the United States Congress whenever any federal agency refrains from enforcing laws or regulations for any reason. Im speaking of the Vietnam War 1969-1970 , the 1st Cavalry Div (airmobile). Republishing of columns on this website requires the permission of both the author and editor. The bronze service stars which are worn on the campaign medals (for example, the Korean Service Medal, the Vietnam Service Medal, the Iraq Campaign Medal, etc.) The regimental units would not issue those, but would come from the Division HQ. The main body of SGT York's unit was attacked by heavy small arms fire from the suspected position of the flank platoon and was pinned down in an exposed section of the village. |district = Florida06 !6th [31] DeSantis opposed President Obama's plan to shut down the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, saying "Bringing hardened terrorists to the U.S. homeland harms our national security. [4][5], He graduated from Dunedin High School in Dunedin in 1997. Which soldier? Congressman DeSantis is often interviewed on the FOX National News TV Network seeking his invaluable opinion on controversial issues of the day. It was also a response to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein's statement that the DOJ, "doesn't conduct fishing expeditions. Brown. Special Mission Platoon students practice moving as a two-man team through an open room during night conditions in Habbaniyah, Iraq, on Dec. 15, 2007. Washington DC Lawyers Chapter,, Featured Fireside Chat with Gov. Error: You don't have JavaScript enabled. Haskell received a wound to the right foot. The American people deserve to know exactly which laws the Obama administration is refusing to enforce and why. DeBonis, Mike; O'Keefe, Ed; Sullivan, Sean (June 22, 2016). SGT ROBERT B. BROWN/REGIMENTAL COMBAT TEAM 6. "[22], He is a member of the Freedom Caucus.[23]. However, most of Mica's territory in Orange County had been drawn into the new 7th Districtthe old 24th District. Ron DeSantis standing in front of a bone frog mural. Thank you for this info. At times, DeSantis also had to work hand in hand with the newly stood-up Iraqi judicial system, Thorleifson said. I presume you know this Mr. Keane, so I'll state it for other readers, but the Bronze Star Medal is the award. Attached is an example. A photo of the Florida native standing in front of a bone frog mural has been circulating the internet for years. Since his election to, Congress he has led by example to reform Congress by declining pension and taxpayer-financed health insurance subsidies for Congress, authored a bill to end pensions for members of Congress, authored a bill to force Congress to live under Obama Care as it is written, supports term limits for members of Congress, and supports prohibiting Congress from exempting its members from generally applicable laws. The 2016 election could well rest on the shoulders of Florida-againand on the caliber of the Republican senate nominee. . Perhaps I should have been clearer. The citations are issued at various levels of the military hierarchy. Ron was awarded the Bronze Star and Iraq Campaign Medal while in the Navy; was discharged from active duty in 2010 and remains a Reserve officer; and returned to Florida and ran for Congress in 2012. Jive Software Version: , revision: 20220815205735.50e1b0c.master, Several non-official websites list Bronze Star recipients such as. "[18], In 2013, DeSantis signed a pledge sponsored by Americans for Prosperity promising to vote against any global warming legislation that would raise taxes. Authorized on February 4, 1944, the Bronze Star Medal is awarded to members of all branches of military service. DeSantis was awarded a bronze star medal for meritorious service from October 2007 to April 2008, the records show. Thank you. |party = Republican Army Special Forces assigned to Special Operations Task Force-West Hadithah engage a mission in their area of operations in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom on Aug. 31, 2007. For exceptionally meritorious service while assigned as a Platoon Leader for the 1837th Transportation Company in support of Iraqi Freedom during the most hostile period of the conflict. [41], DeSantis is opposed to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. If the soldier served in the U.S. Army during WWII, their discharge papers should list the Bronze Star Medal, if one was awarded. DeSantis received at least 10 awards and decorations for his service. [61], DeSantis supported the REINS Act, which would require that regulations that have a significant economic impact be subject to a vote of Congress prior to taking effect. Thats like asking what combat experience does a Chaplain get in Iraq? 1st and 2nd platoons of Company C were positioned approximately 500 meters to the front of 3rd platoon and was also receiving hostile mortar fire. DeSantis has said "The enemy is an ideology rooted in militant Islam" and has said that ISIS must be stopped and its members kept away from America. Major Xxx worked effectively and efficiently to assist the Army Reserve Soldiers in the absence of established Army Reserve personnel systems and organizations in a multi-component force. The last item listed is "Bronze Star Medal GO 16 HQ 35 INF 9 MAR 45" - meaning that a Bronze Star Medal was awarded by Headquarters 35th Infantry Division, on General Orders number 16, 9 March 1945. [39][40] He is a member of the Post-9/11 Veterans Caucus. The task force has overseen the controversial detention camp for prisoners captured in Iraq and Afghanistan at Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, since 9/11. Brown. |name = Ron DeSantis That day Company C had maneuvered across a hill in northern Thau Thien province and had established a defensive position on the hillside when Company C began to receive heavy mortar fire. |rank = Lieutenant Commander We have endorsed another Combat Veteran For Congress that General George Washington would have approved of. While the US and NATO have yet to commit to sending full-size tanks, the Bradley is a potent armored vehicle for a mechanized war. I only remember him talking about it once, seems it had to do with sneaking into an occupied city and driving a fuel truck out to refuel the army efforts as they were running low on fuel. I've seen a number of obituaries where family members make that mistake. Posted at 17:01h in queensland holiday vouchers 2021 by Sixty Days for . That medal was awarded . The district had previously been the 7th District, represented by 20-year Republican incumbent John Mica. A member of the Republican Party, he ran in Florida's 2016 U.S. Senate election; however, DeSantis withdrew from the race following incumbent Senator Marco Rubio's announcement that he would seek reelection to the Senate, reversing his initial pledge not to run, on June 22, 2016. In July 2007, Lt DeSantis received orders to report to the Naval Special Warfare Command Group ONE in Coronado, California; he was assigned to SEAL Team ONE and ordered to deploy to Iraq on October 7, 2007 with the troop surge. DeSantis did deploy with SEALs in 2007. )Harvard Law School (J.D.) MAJOR SMITH DISTINGUISHED HIMSELF ON 14 NOVEMBER 2004 WHILE SERVING AS SENIOR OFFICER DURING COMBAT OPERATIONS IN BAGHDAD, IRAQ. Navy photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Eli Medellin. On May 6, 2015, DeSantis announced that he was running for the United States Senate seat held by Marco Rubio, who initially did not file to run for re-election due to his bid for the U.S. [74] In addition, this provision also would prohibit Mueller from investigating matters that occurred before June 2015, when Trump launched his presidential campaign. Lee, Mike; DeSantis, Ron (June 10, 2015). Published Jul 26, 2022. Having only recently obtained my father's posthumously, while the process can take time through NARA and TACOM, it suggests many WWII combat soldiers were entitled to the award, expanding a possible listing, and perhaps many had not yet received it. That may be what you're thinking of when you refer to bronze stars being "unit awards. He opposes the Communist regime of Castros Cuba, and joined another elected Combat Veterans For Congress, Senator Tom Cotton, Cpt-USA (R-AR), to author a bill to prevent the release of dangerous Radical Islamic Terrorists from GTMO. Citation to accompany the award of the Bronze Star Medal |death_place = The Combat Veterans for Congress PAC is pleased to endorse Congressman Ron DeSantis, Lcdr-USNR (JAGC) (R-FL-6) who will bring to the United States Senate extraordinary public sector and private sector skills and wisdom to better solve problems and represent his Congressional District and the Republic. A Bronze Star is basically a Meritorious Service Medal awarded in a combat theater. He scanned the surrounding area and located the enemy mortar tube that was viciously pounding the platoon positions of Company C. With total disregard for his own safety and braving intense enemy gunfire maneuvered into a position to use his weapon to fire down upon the enemy mortar site. DeSantis governs with a loose hand. Im not a vet or descendant but interested in the information you are talking about. Due to his immediate actions and selfless bravery, many lives were saved that day. [45][46] DeSantis opposes "sanctuary cities. Unfortunately, there is no name index for Bronze Star awards. |website = House website Google the organization you're interested in and see what you can find. Observing no other wounded Marines Haskell chose to refuse medical evacuation and not sacrifice the Marines' position. Ron DeSantis Facebook photo. HIS LEADERSHIP AND BRAVERY UNDER FIRE REFLECTED GREAT CREDIT UPON HIMSELF, THE JOINT TASK FORCE, AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY. A Navy spokesperson told the Florida Phoenix that JAG officers assigned to Guantanamo performed legal support duties. We suggest you begin there. In 2012, DeSantis ran in the Republican primary for Florida's 6th congressional district. 4. DeSantis was assigned as a Trial Defense Counsel until his honorable discharge from active duty in February 2010. During his deployment, according to the Tampa Bay Times, DeSantis advised Capt. How do I look up award ribbons, specifically Bronze star for soldiers? This period is remembered as one of the most violent phases of the war. [11] His writing has appeared in National Review, The Washington Times, The American Spectator, Human Events, and American Thinker.[9]. Congressman DeSantis was first elected to the 6th Congressional District of Florida in 2012, and was re-elected in 2014. I have indexed by name and posted 35th Infantry Division General Orders for 1944 and 1945, plus some General Orders for the 134th, 137, and 320 Infantry Regiments; the 9th, 12th, 41st, 91st, and 106th Evac Hospitals; and the III, XII, and XVI Corps. If you review Congressman DeSantis . |term_start = January 3, 2013 Foreign soldiers, as well as . He was reelected to the job in November 2022. For heroic achievement on 11 Aug 06 in the vicinity of Tariz, Iraq. When the military court-martials a service member, judge advocates serve as lawyers during the trial. His navy decorations encompass the Bronze celebrity Medal for meritorious carrier and the Iraq Campaign Medal. Further he directed helicopters arriving on the scene the next morning to target areas. Once you identify the issuing unit and specific General Orders, you should be able to request a copy of that document from NARA Textual Reference in College Park MD. Sale price. DeSantis was assigned as a Trial Defense Counsel until his honorable discharge from active duty in February 2010. Which war? The American Conservative Union, Heritage Action, and Freedom Works give Congressman DeSantis an outstanding ratings for his voting record in Congress. Regular price. Tehran remains unusually mum while Neon Defender warships ply Persian Gulf. After the fall of Baghdad, the Armys 82nd Airborne Division occupied the territory. He was super smart, articulate, resourceful and a positive part of the staff, Thorleifson told the Tampa Bay Times. For his duty assignment with SEAL Team ONE in support of counterinsurgency operations in Iraq, Lcdr DeSantis was awarded the Bronze Star Medal (Meritorious), in previous assignments he was awarded the Navy/Marine Corps Commendation Medal (Gold Star in lieu of 2nd award), the Navy/Marine Corps Achievement Medal, the Iraq Campaign Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Overseas Medal, and various Service and Campaign Medals. He is a Veteran who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to The United States of America for an amount up to and including his life.. Ron DeSantis. DeSantis was elected to Congress in 2012 and then became the governor of Florida in 2019. Please turn JavaScript back on and reload this page. Folds of Honor, a veteran-focused nonprofit, helped them find the right school in a new city. The battleship, named for five brothers killed in the Pacific, was the first American warship designated in honor of more than one person. He graduated from Yale University with a B.A. While there, he earned a commission in the US Navys JAG Corps.