Let's turn to the eighth chapter of Romans. But this is not the full extent of salvation. 17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. But when I become inverted, born again by the Spirit of God, and I am spirit, soul, and body, now the superior Trinity of Father, Son, and Spirit is joined with the inferior trinity of man. (Romans 8:31-39) 01/08/12 : Paul's Love for Israel (Romans 9:1-5) 01/15/12 : Defining "Israel" (Romans 9:6) The angelic powers cannot separate us from him. The weak are not to judge the strong, and the strong are not to despise the weak. It is apokaradokia ( G603) and it describes the attitude of a man who scans the horizon with head thrust forward, eagerly searching the distance for the first signs of the dawn break of glory. It is not a rash and sudden determination, but the product of a very serious and deliberate consideration. . My love for Him, my desires to please and serve Him. C. H. Dodd puts it in this way. "Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized unto Jesus Christ were baptized unto his death?" But it is quite possible for the unconverted to be tenacious of the truth, yet unrighteous in their ways; and so much the worse for them. It comes to fleshly men and speaks to them as fleshly men. It is to be carefully noted that when Paul thinks of the kind of life that a man dominated by the sarx ( G4561) lives he is not by any means thinking exclusively of sexual and bodily sins. Nero and Octavia were in no sense blood relations; yet, in the eyes of the law, they were brother and sister; and before they could marry, the Roman senate had to pass special legislation. Like it or not, God created you for His own good pleasure. Man was made for God. Hey, it is beginning to have its problems. And where? Christ, as Mediator, is said to be the heir of all things (Hebrews 1:2), and true believers, by virtue of their union with him, shall inherit all things,Revelation 21:7. But, when he became a Christian, into his life there came the surging power of the Spirit of God, and, as a result, he entered into victorious living. The future must be brought in by the grace of God; and this he accordingly gives us at the close of Romans 11:1-36. day clouds distilling the dews of health" (Baruch 29:5). In the experience of the Holy Spirit men had a foretaste, a first instalment, of the glory that shall be; now they long with all their hearts for the full realization of what adoption into the family of God means. In addition to nature being pictured in human terms (it thinks and feels), God is also pictured in human terms. whereas the mind of the spirit is life and peace ( Romans 8:6 ). As Christ was, so the saints will be, declared to be the sons of God with power, by the resurrection from the dead, Romans 1:4; Romans 1:4. They thought I was dead. The same idea that he is presenting here is presented there in II Corinthians 5 , of that groaning earnestly, desiring to be free from this body that is limited and restricted and often seeks to bring me into bondage, the bondage of corruption.So we ourselves groan, we who are in these bodies do often groan earnestly desiring to be delivered. Romans 8:20. He has no mind of his own; Christ is his mind. ", No malign influences (powers) will separate us from Christ. And God knows the mind of the Spirit (26-27). In other words, even though I am still living in this body I can begin to experience victory over my flesh. This concern that God has for his people involves everything. The Christian waits, not for death, but for life. Obviously this made adoption into another family a very difficult and serious step. Luke 6:15-16 calls two other apostles (James and Judas) the sons of Alphaeus also. That the creature doth therefore earnestly expect and wait for the manifestation of the children of God,Romans 8:19; Romans 8:19. Let man be what he might, or where he might, God's good news was for man. Has God then no delivering power from this? It was the logos ( G3056) which put sense into the world. The past prepared the way, as it is said here, "which God had promised afore by his prophets in the holy scriptures, concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, [here we have the great central object of God's gospel, even the person of Christ, God's Son,] which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh" (ver. This light affliction . There is nothing like a believing view of the glory which shall be revealed to support and bear up the spirit under all the sufferings of this present time. Pythagoras forbade his disciples to pray for themselves, because, he said, they could never in their ignorance know what was expedient for them. 4). Thus the discussion of Abraham strengthens the case in behalf of the uncircumcised who believe, to the overthrow of the greatest boast of the Jew. Man was not complete. It surely appeals to a person's flesh, because basically what this doctrine declares is that the whole world is waiting for you to be manifested as the sons of God. Because they look around and they say, "Will you look at that baboon over there? as I am often faced with situations that I can't understand. We did not achieve that; all is of God. No Cause to Boast. Because, though my spirit was indeed willing, my flesh was weak. This was not suitable to the character of the epistle; but the glory of God he does. Romans 8:20, NIV: For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope. And so I rest in the fact that God has already spoken in the past tense of my future state of glorified together with Jesus Christ. (2.) "For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me: my moisture is turned into the drought of summer. For this I will defend thee before men.'" 8:26-30 Even so, the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know what we should pray, if we are to pray as we ought. He talks about living according to the flesh ( Romans 8:12). I reckon, as an arithmetician that is balancing an account. I guess I am related to that baboon." To Paul life was not a weary, defeated waiting; it was a throbbing, vivid expectation. I can begin to live in victory over the flesh, because of that same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, it makes me alive in Him. And here it may be repeated that it is no question of pardoning the sinner, but of condemning the fallen nature; and this so as to give the soul both power and a righteous immunity from all internal anguish about it. God is in control. Oratio: United with Him in Resurrection. Other than these references, the term can only be found in John 8:32; John 8:36 where Jesus spoke of freeing people through truth as well as Himself. Such is the principle. I have no fellowship with God, because God will not deal directly with my body. But if Christ is in you, even if because of sin your body is mortal, your Spirit has life through righteousness. For instance, he says that Abraham is our forefather kata ( G2596) sarka ( G4561) , from the human point of view. When he is talking of the Christians, he talks of the days when we were in the flesh (en ( G1722) sarki, G4561) ( Romans 7:5). As a parent you would gladly take the place of your child and suffer for them. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor the present age, nor the age to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. The word vanity here mataiotes is descriptive of the present condition of the Christian, as frail and dying; as exposed to trials, temptations, and cares; as in the midst of conflicts, and of a world which may be emphatically pronounced vanity. And now the spirit is helping my weakness in my prayer life. Death, so far from being a separation, is only a step into his nearer presence; not the end but "the gate on the skyline" leading to the presence of Jesus Christ. The deed of adoption, which is now written, signed, and sealed, will then be recognized, proclaimed, and published. without the law and Gospel, and grace of God; also the vain It isn't that my spirit is not willing. The old life has no more rights over us; God has an absolute right. If I am ruled by my body I have the mind of the body which is death, spiritual death. In these words the apostle describes a fourth illustrious branch of the happiness of believers, namely, a title to the future glory. "And earth, and all the trees, and the innumerable flocks of, sheep shall give their true fruit to mankind, of wine and of, sweet honey and of white milk and corn, which to men is the most. If that be so, is there anything in this or any other world that can separate us from our Risen Lord? "Shall we sin," says he, proceeding yet farther (ver. The downfall of man, when he thus abandoned God, was most rapid and profound; and the Holy Spirit traces this solemnly to the end ofRomans 1:1-32; Romans 1:1-32 with no needless words, in a few energetic strokes summing up that which is abundantly confirmed (but in how different a manner!) I was not doing those things that I promised God I would do. For the creature was made subject to vanity] The Gentile world were subject to vanity of mind; but how? We have seen that chapters 5-8 have a kind of sandwich structure. Paul seems to say: "Think of the greatest human example in the world of a man's loyalty to God; God's loyalty to you is like that." Joint-heirs with Christ. Light affliction, it is just but for a moment. It is "the power of God unto salvation." Hence the very fact of being renewed makes one sensible of a far more intense misery than ever, while there is no power until the soul looks right outside self to Him who is dead and risen, who has anticipated the difficulty, and alone gives the full answer to all wants. No sooner has Paul said this than an inevitable objection strikes him. I mean, he had some nice deals that if he just could have put together the commission that was just . Compare Peter's use in1 Peter 2:10; 1 Peter 2:10. The righteousness of God flows from His mercy, of course; but its character and basis is righteousness. We frankly confess it. For the creation was subjected to vanity, not of its own will, but by reason of him who subjected it, in hope. If that be so who can possibly condemn men? The circumstances under which the epistle to the Romans was written gave occasion to the most thorough and comprehensive unfolding, not of the church, but of Christianity. God is not his friend but his enemy, and no man ever won the last battle against him. He is consistent with Himself when He is justifying sinners, or, more strictly, all those who believe in Jesus. Oratio. In biblical viewpoint, man and creation are so bound together that man's sin brought a curse on the created order. If he will submit his life to the control of the spirit.Paul had felt the condemnation of the law. was true, accordingly, before the law, right through the law, and ever since the law. Not, of course, that the Roman saints were in this condition; but that God, writing by the apostle to them, seizes the opportunity to lay bare man's state as well as His own grace. He shall come to Zion, says the other. In the creed the fourth is that Jesus will come to be the judge of the quick and the dead. By the creature here we understand, not as some do the Gentile world, and their expectation of Christ and the gospel, which is an exposition very foreign and forced, but the whole frame of nature, especially that of this lower world--the whole creation, the compages of inanimate and sensible creatures, which, because of their harmony and mutual dependence, and because they all constitute and make up one world, are spoken of in the singular number as the creature. When we pray in tongues, we give the Holy Spirit freedom to help us pray. He dwells in the heart by faith. For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit, the things of the Spirit ( Romans 8:5 ). Man became the object, first, of general dealings of God under Noah; next, of His special ways in the calling of Abraham and of his family. He has no desires of his own; the will of Christ is his only law. I am an heir to God's kingdom. And this lies in the fact that Abraham believed God before he had the son, being fully persuaded that what He had promised He was able to perform. If we suffer with him we shall also be glorified with him. Of whom does it declare all this? If man is acquitted by God, then he is saved from every other condemnation. His only concern is feeding himself, and of procreation, and so forth and he looks a little bit like me. 13). That is, it is the power of God unto salvation, not because it is victory (which at the beginning of the soul's career would only give importance to man even if possible, which it is not), but because it is "the righteousness of God." One of their great conceptions was the logos ( G3056) of God, which was God's mind or the reason. Probably God is in view as the one who subjected it, though Satan and Adam were instrumental in that action. A slave to my own appetite. Romans 8:20English Standard Version. For the law which comes from the Spirit and leads to life has in Christ Jesus set me free from the law which begets sin and leads to death. not willingly -- Not as a matter of choice. But if any man doesn't have the Spirit of Christ then he is none of His. No fresh revelations from God can nullify those which preceded them; but as the prophets looked onward to what was coming, so is the gospel already come, supported by the past. So God elected me. As the accomplishment of the saints' present hopes and expectations, Romans 8:19; Romans 8:19, c. As the saints are suffering for it, so they are waiting for it. In the fourth verse this could not be absent; in the first verse it ought not to be present. And if I go and prepare one for you, then I am going to come again and receive you unto Myself, that where I am there you may be also" ( John 14:2-3 ). If I think of prayer as an instrument by which I can get my will done, I totally misunderstand prayer. The Lord himself is the portion of the saints' inheritance (Psalms 16:5), a goodly heritage, Romans 8:6; Romans 8:6. Now Paul was as competent a judge of this point as ever any mere man was. We had to live in a tent for two years our church here, and it had its qualities, I guess. He sees all nature waiting for the glory that shall be. He is, of course, the same absolutely perfect and unchangeable God of goodness; but His perfection has displayed itself in new and more glorious ways in Christ's death, in Him who humbled Himself, and was obedient even to the death of the cross. The Spirit-controlled life, the Christ-centred life, the God-focused life is daily coming nearer heaven even when it is still on earth. There was no law there or then; for Abraham died long before God spoke from Sinai. I do not mean by this its truth merely, but its exquisite suitability; so that the opening address commences the theme in hand, and insinuates that particular line of truth which the Holy Spirit sees fit to pursue throughout. [Ktisis] (as used in Romans 8:19,20,21, and 22), CREATION, has the same signification here as in Mark 16:15: "Proclaim the glad tidings to the whole creation," that is, "all mankind;" and also Colossians 1:23, where a similar phrase occurs. This hope is related to the thought in verse 21. A soul may as truly, no doubt, be put into relationship with God be made very happy, it may be; but it is not what Scripture calls "peace with God." If God had absolutely cast away His people, would there be such mercy? He means that from the beginning of time God marked us out for salvation; that in due time his call came to us; but the pride of man's heart can wreck God's plan and the disobedience of man's will can refuse the call. He first sums up what is disbursed for Christ in the sufferings of this present time, and finds they come to very little; he then sums up what is secured to us by Christ in the glory that shall be revealed, and this he finds to be an infinite sum, transcending all conception, the disbursement abundantly made up and the losses infinitely countervailed. As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter ( Romans 8:35-36 ). He who believes is not condemned" ( John 3:17-18 ). Or, We groan among ourselves. It is a figurative expression. Ministers are helpers of the joy of the saints. A collections of bible studies from Randy White Ministries. Its characteristic is its absorption in the things that human nature without Christ sets its heart upon. This is applied in the two chapters that follow. But the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against them pre-eminently. Paul recognized his problem, and he ends chapter 7 with that cry, "O wretched man that I am! Were it merely Romans 3:1-31 there could not be full peace with God as there is. Nor does this in the slightest degree weaken the principle of law. And God brought her to man and she became his wife. Proud as you may be of that which distinguishes you, it is hard to make sin and death peculiar to you, nor can you connect them even with the law particularly: the race of man is in question, and not Israel alone. Consequently the call of God, and not the birth simply makes the real difference. Those that will deal with God must deal upon trust. It will be observed therefore, that in this connection the apostle shows the place both of conscience and of the law, that God in judging will take into full consideration the circumstances and condition of every soul of man. Not one of them is able to separate the Christian from the love of God which is in Jesus Christ, Lord of every terror and Master of every world." We ourselves which have the first fruits of the Spirit, we groan within ourselves as we wait for this work of God. Whatever sufferings believers may experience, they are of little significance when compared with the glory to be revealed on the day of final victory (18). The righteousness of God is revealed from faith; and consequently, if there be faith in any soul, to this it is revealed, to faith wherever it may be. [The mind of the flesh, or] the carnal mind is death ( Romans 8:6 ); That is, spiritual death, which biblically would be interpreted as separation of man's consciousness from God. What would we have? In earthly inheritances this rule does not hold, only the first-born are heirs; but the church is a church of first-born, for they are all heirs. Thus, having shown the Gentile in Romans 1:1-32 manifestly wrong, and hopelessly degraded to the last degree having laid bare the moral dilettantism of the philosophers, not one whit better in the sight of God, but rather the reverse having shown the Jew overwhelmed by the condemnation of the divine oracles in which he chiefly boasted, without real righteousness, and so much the more guilty for his special privileges, all now lies clear for bringing in the proper Christian message, the. subjected the same", and not Adam, by whom sin entered into the All then that believe, though uncircumcised, might claim him as father, assured that righteousness will be reckoned to them too. You see, he tells me that God foreknew me, and because He foreknew me, He chose me and then He justified me and then He glorified me. I rest in faith that God is even going to use this for my good and His glory.Now if you will just take this and file it up here to where you will live by it, you won't have to come to Romaine and get his hammer on your head. No, they cry, it is in Isaac's seed that the Jew was called. As far as persons are concerned, there is no hindrance; Jew or Gentile makes no difference, as is expressly said, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the [passing over or praeter-mission, not] remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; to declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him that believeth in Jesus" (verses 23-26). 15:20-22 9:6-8 In one scale he puts the sufferings of this present time. When man sinned, the ground was cursed for man's sake, and with it all the creatures (especially of this lower world, where our acquaintance lies) became subject to that curse, became mutable and mortal. We do not need to be very old to look back and see that things we thought were disasters worked out to our good; things that we thought were disappointments worked out to greater blessings. The confusion of tongues, by which true religion was lost in the world, is a proof that the builders of this tower sinned against God in the highest degree. No angel, no principality, no power, nothing that has ever been before or shall ever come, things present, things to come, height, depth, any other created being will be able to separate you from God's love in Christ, because God's love for you is constant. It is in Zion that He lays it. The reproach of Christ appears riches to those who have respect to the recompence of reward, Hebrews 11:26. There is no language where their voice is not heard. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Part of the suffering experienced by creation is to remind man that all sin exacts too great a price (CBL, Romans, p. 131). What can we say to these things? Did the Jews take the ground of exclusively having that word of God the law? of it. So God foreknew me. This would not have been just. The flesh is the lower side of man's nature. "God surely can't love me anymore. Who is he who condemns? (ii) It followed that he became heir to his new father's estate. Men are saved because they were once involved in Adam's sin but are now involved in Jesus' goodness. When it rains, it is starting to leak. Height (hupsoma, G5313) was the time when a star was at its zenith and its influence was greatest; depth (bathos, G899) was the time when a star was at its lowest, waiting to rise and to put its influence on some man. 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