How the heck can you leave the lives of patients to a medical clinic that is run by convicted felons? The clinic is one of four run by Seduction, where Aguiars wife, Gretel Jardon, is president of the family business. Despite the seriousness of the problem, there are hundreds of stories that remain untold, because in Florida, no agency, not even the health department, keeps records of deaths or incidents by cosmetic procedures. They also promote breast augmentation for four installments of $ 20 per month, also funded for several years. Two years later, her family wants justice. USA TODAY Network reporter Melanie Payne of the News-Press ofFortMyers contributed to this report. Dr Ismael Labrador, 56, is the owner of Miami cosmic surgery clinics, In six years, his clinics have killed eight women who have come in for plastic surgery procedures, His doctors are not board-certified plastic surgeons who perform up to eight procedures a day - double the recommended amount, Labrador has changed the clinics' names three times in two years, making it hard for patients to find reviews. By 2014, state Sen. Eleanor Sobel began meeting with the Florida Society of Plastic Surgeons, which had complained about Strax and similar clinics cropping up in South Florida. Despite the state launching a malpractice investigation and a local hospital stripping Omulepu of his privileges, Spectrum continued to allow him to carry out surgeries for months, state health records show. Danea Plasencia died after undergoing a 'Brazilian Butt. Financing; About Us; Contact; Out of Town Patients; Miami Location; Cancellation Policy; Heres how to check. The Univision team visited four of these centers covertly, requesting information about the surgeries. Both died from blood clots and complications from the surgery, their autopsies show. Sign up for NBC South Florida newsletters. Tanesha Walker, 47, died in April following a Brazilian butt lift and liposuction at New Life Plastic Surgery Center in Miami. Medical experts say the only way such an embolism occurs is when a doctor injects the fat into areas they are warned to avoid: the deep gluteal muscles. The cause of her death: fat embolism. They rode the popularity of a new body-sculpting procedure, promoted by rap singers and reality show stars like Kim Kardashian: the Brazilian butt lift. months in restricting the license. Absolutely, he said. But Ramirez turned in the license relinquishment paperwork Aug. 15, three days before Florida Department of Health Medical Quality Assurance investigator Dana Anderson filed her final report on the death of a patient identified only as PR at Your Cosmetic Surgery & Spa, 1255 W. 46th St. Ramirezs voluntary relinquishment says he states: [Ramirezs] purpose in executing this Voluntary Relinquishment is to avoid further administrative action with respect to this cause., [Ramirez] understands that acceptance by the Board of Medicine of this Voluntary Relinquishment shall be construed as disciplinary action against (his) license, [Ramirez] agrees to never reapply for licensure as a medical doctor in the State of Florida., READ MORE: A Broward ob/gyn played anesthesiologist for a fatal Brazilian butt lift, state says. Univision asked to speak with Orlando Llorente, the certified surgeon who operated Galvn, but he did not accept an interview. "After the wound opened, I went to the clinic where they operated on me, but the doctor did not take care of me, a nurse took care of me and she told me she was going to open me. He said Masoninitially signed up for a butt lift, but when he examined her, he determined she was not a good candidate, and they agreed she would get a tummy tuck instead, his surgery records show. The new, more contagious omicron subvariant is in Miami-Dade. That is the only thing that will give me peace. In all places they assured that none of the surgeries involved risks. Andersons report says the death of PR, a 45-year-old woman, was being looked at for Ramirez possibly, among other violations, failing to perform legal obligations, failing to keep records justifying the course of treatment, practicing below the standard of care as well as inadequate medical records. In September, Nicola Mason, the 46-year-old Maryland woman, alleged in a complaint to the health department that Omulepu performed the wrong surgery on her a tummy tuck instead of a butt lift leaving her with unsightly scars. Galvn's surgery was on June 4, 2018, but it was not until seven months after her mother received the report from the Miami-Dade medical examiner that she confirmed something she already suspected: Adianet died as a result of the surgery. Our center, like Dr. Valls, we have suffered enormously this loss ". ABOUT US AS SEEN ON See the Results There are also no claims against Jolie, whose place in a mall has changed names several times, after reports of at least three deaths. For Arelys Gonzlez and Berta Ledn it is too late. Call filed a complaint with the state but said she has not heard back in at least a year. Kizzy London, 40, also suffered a cardiac arrest and died at the hospital after her 2017 surgery. His 54-year-old motherhad worked as a lab technician in Nassaufor years before getting her medicaldegree with a specialty in surgery while raising her two sons. This time the bill was especially harsh on felony offenders: They would be automatically banned. They see the prices and think that they will have a good result, but they pay the final price. The procedure tore their veins, pooling blood in their hearts and lungs, and killing them in minutes, USA Today reports. Already, the bill being considered has been softened. Members of the powerful Senate health committee considering the most recent reform proposal last month sat quietly in the darkness as a video played on a large screen in the hearing room. Heather Meadows, a 29-year-old single mother, went to one of Labrador's clinic in 2016 for a cosmetic surgery. At Strax Rejuvenation near Fort Lauderdale, surgeries turned deadly nearly every year. Who was in charge of examining the potential patient was a figure called 'coordinator', who is dedicated to recommend what procedures should be done. They are not women, they are mothers, from outside Florida who find these clinics on the Internet where there is no more information. "I never thought my daughter would come to this country and die at the age of 30," said Arelys Gonzalez, a native of Cuba. They denied responsibility and told NBC 6 that maybe Walker may have had an underlying condition she didnt know of, combined with the taxing process of surgery. I dont see the need for it, Thompson said. Reporter The lawyer Percy Martinez, expert in cases of medical malpractice, indicates that at least ten cases of this type arrive to him the week, but prefers not to take them, because they know that it has all the to lose. That is the only thing that will give me peace. If it had happened in Cuba, but here with so much technology, here everything is perfect. Dr. William completed seven years of general surgical training in Michigan following his undergraduate and medical school training in Canada, and then completed a three year residency in plastic surgery at the prestigious Duke University. "There is a gap," said Christopher Nuland, a health care lawyer who helped write the first legislation in 2000. Avana Plastic Surgery 8700 W. Flagler St., Ste. "After the wound opened, I went to the clinic where they operated on me, but the doctor did not take care of me, a nurse took care of me and she told me she was going to open me. The multilingual society, vibrant nightlife, and incredible shopping make our city one of the most sought-after home addresses in the world. According to USA Today, The Florida Department of Health has investigated at least six deaths and severe injuries at Labrador's clinics. She died a day after cosmetic surgery. Tracking complaints is an almost impossible mission. I never thought that my daughter was going to come and die in this country, "says Gonzlez, who arrived from Cuba three years ago.". Five crucial minutes passed by the time the paramedics gained access. The case of Ledn was reported by Univision in February 2018, and at the time, the My Cosmetic Surgery center sent the following statement: "Due to the medical ethics regulations of the state of Florida, we can not discuss the terms and particularities of this case, and we give all of our patients the best care." In 2015, Omulepu carried out operations at the clinic that led to devastating injuries. "You had a sophisticated patient who fully understood the risk she was taking," Leibowitz said. The Florida Department of Health online license profile shows no previous disciplinary action against the license Ramirez had held since 1991. "There was no indication in the autopsy report that anypart of the procedure was done improperly," he added. In spite of the sequels left to Berta Ledn by surgeries, she never received compensation for the physical or emotional damages. New information about a woman's death after a popular plastic surgery procedure reveals that she died of the same problem that led to the deaths of more than a dozen other women in recent years. The amount of joy, confidence, and freedom I now feel makes me forever grateful for him. This association has also warned about the dangers of this procedure, which they consider20 times more risk than any other cosmetic surgery. Hialeah Fire Rescue was called and workers shot PR with atropine again. It was not until the month that a doctor saw me, "says Ledn. They take everything they want and nothing happens, "says Lopez. 'In all my years, I've never heard of anything like that,' Dr Arthur Perry, an adjunct associate medical professor at Columbia University, told Naples Daily News. They point out that even as lawmakers turned down past attempts at stricter oversight, they approved millions of dollars to promote Florida as a destination for medical tourism, with plastic surgery as one of its big draws. 80% of the deceased women cited in this work traveled to South Florida from other states or countries, attracted by the huge offer, tempting prices and payment facilities. In many cases, we can achieve beautifully natural results that work to refresh, renew, and maintain your youthful appearance. Thats when her end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) level disappeared from the monitor screen. Heres what to know, Why theres a recall of Epinephrine (L-Adrenaline) and what you need to do, Whats the COVID risk in Miami and the rest of Florida? document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_4" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Miami Plastic Surgery Appearances In Print & Magazines, Miami Plastic Surgery Appearances In Online Publications, Toggle the visibility of the Accessibility Toolbar. Eight womendied. "They know the risks and they know they're not going to face any consequences," she said. The proposal has gone further than previous bills, clearing three Senate committees and two House panels all unanimously. 'That's an enormous breach of protocol. On one day in May, Omulepu punctured a womans liver five times and perforated the small intestine of another patient in several places while performing butt lifts. Atropine is used to reduce saliva and fluid in the respiratory tract during surgery, the Cleveland Clinic said. After he was sentenced in 2015 to a term later reduced to eight years, his daughter, Claudia, became an owner of the clinic. MIAMI One man pleaded guilty to bank fraud. Dolls Plastic Surgery is the right place. The fat pooled in their hearts and lungs, killing them in minutes. But his hopes vanished when he was confirmed at the Kendall Regional Hospital that Adianet was brain dead and that only the decision to disconnect her was to be made. So, when she decided to get aBrazilian butt lift, she chose Strax again. DAVID J. NEAL The doctor in the 2021 death of a Brazilian butt lift patient at a. In the entire state there are 629 licenses of this type, with prices much lower than those obtained in other states. This story was originally published January 4, 2023 11:01 AM. Donna McRae, 35, a mother from Michigan, was rushed to the hospital in critical condition, and Nyosha Fowler, 34, a mother of two from Alabama, was in a coma for nearly a month before regaining consciousness, state malpractice records and interviews show. She was working as a general practice physician inlate July 2015 when she traveledto Florida for her secondsurgery. "Those doctors or centers do not have insurance, or have very low insurance. The deaths of Elizabeth Morales, 41, and Jasmine Smith, 30, were not recorded by the clinic. Call said she became concerned the day she arrived for her examination to find a crowded waiting room, with patients walking through the lobby in their gowns after surgery. "Anyone can have a center of this type, and it does not have sanitary regulations because its owner is not a doctor," Dr. Pazmio insists. A former nursing student, she said she was stunned to see her daughter's blood pressure had plummeted. "They made her sign some papers, but they never asked her if she spoke English, and they never told her about the risks," says Gonzlez, who acknowledges that neither she nor her daughter conducted an exhaustive search of the doctor, the center or the type of operation. The technique involves removing fat from an area of the body, to pass it to the buttocks area. By Dara Kam But "he said, 'Don't worry. In spite of the sequels left to Berta Ledn by surgeries, she never received compensation for the physical or emotional damages. Davis, Strax's manager, defends the model. One woman, who left Spectrum Aesthetics with a stray surgical sponge sewn into her abdomen, said she would have canceled her tummy tuck if she had known the operators had been convicted of defrauding Medicare of $1 million. For the fifth time, the Legislature has taken up a bill to rein in clinics. "We are in limbo, because neither the health department nor the business regulation department are in charge," he said. She has pleaded not guilty and is awaiting trial. NBC 6 reached out to the owner of Chasing Dreams, and she declined to comment. Nearly a dozen miles from the iconic beaches of South Florida, the four convicted felons ran facilities that became assembly lines for patients from across the country seeking the latest body sculpting procedures at discount prices. Because, I mean, I could understand the breast reduction, but I dont understand what else you want to do. Select a gallery below to view our real patient before and afters. State inspectors have cited Strax's two clinics more than 45 times in the past six years for violations that included dirty operating areas, cracked and worn equipment, and no records to show doctors examined patients to clear them for surgeries. If you are reading this and live in Miami, you already experience the glorious weather and gorgeous beaches that our area is known for. I love my new nose, its much softer and more feminine than before, and extremely subtle at the same time. The reform of the law will not solve the whole problem. We strive to make patients feel their best from the moment they first contact us. "It could be that it was more (pertinent) to Broward or Miami-Dade than it was to the rest of the state," Brodeur said. Although these sites appear to be clinical, they are not. They said the facility "puts patient care and safety first and is continually working to improve patient care." "Any doctor can make a face, eyelids, a lipo in his office. 305 Plastic Surgery is the best option for cosmetic surgery in Miami! Representatives of three of the clinics Spectrum, Strax and New Life told USA TODAY that criminal histories have no bearing on the way the centers are run and that their facilitiesmeet all state safety requirements to carry out procedures. Inside one of the Safest Clinics in Miami, Dolls plastic surgery, there is a team of professionals committed to guiding you through the process, from selecting the appropriate procedure to the best postoperative experience. In a written statement to USA TODAY, Claudia Borges and co-owner, Daniel Gonzalez, said that Santiago Borges no longer oversees the clinic. Any surgical intervention involves risks, which are detailed in the Informed Consent patients read and sign.My Cosmetic Surgery is a respectable institution, with an impeccable safety record in over 20 years and thousands of satisfied patients. Flores, who learned about the existence of former criminals in the industry from USA TODAY earlier this month, said she hoped the revelations would help her persuade fellow lawmakers to approve her proposal. Arnaldo Valls, the doctor who operated on London, had only taken a three-day course to do liposuction and another one on fat-transfer gluteal augmentation,according to the Florida Department of Health(FDOH), which took 8 days to complete. State agents reviewed the operation, and the medical examiner investigated the death. Two days later, she says her daughter was . But his hopes vanished when he was confirmed at the Kendall Regional Hospital that Adianet was brain dead and that only the decision to disconnect her was to be made. But not from running a cosmetic surgery clinic. The lawyer also believes that legislation should change and require centers and doctors to have liability insurance. In none of the sites the reporter was seen by a doctor. One of the facilities that capitalized on the trend was Spectrum Aesthetics, founded by Juan Hernandez and Evelyn Parradoin2012, two years before Florida's first attempt to screen owners. Who was in charge of examining the potential patient was a figure called 'coordinator', who is dedicated to recommend what procedures should be done. The psychiatrist selected by the state to conduct the exams challenged in court documents the use of medical interventions for trans children and adolescents. Thompson filed awrongful deathlawsuit against Kelly and Strax in June 2016, but theattorneys for the family withdrew from the case and it wasvoluntarily dismissed 11 months later. The profile shows privileges at Larkin Community Hospital Miami, which is in South Miami, and Larkin Community Hospitals Palm Springs Campus, the latter of which is where the tragedy ended. Nicola Mason, a Maryland woman with deep, jagged scars along her lower stomach that she blames on an operation at Spectrum in 2015, wonders why it has taken so long for the state to act. News Service of Florida. Through all of it, the clinic never shut its doors. Its outrageous, she said. The Medical Examiner report said Walker was obese and had a history of hypertension, and prediabetes, among other things. Driven by social media ad blitzes and telemarketers, the clinics continued to grow. "People are coming here from all over the country for what should have been simple procedures, and they're dying, said Flores, a Republican whose district includes the states cosmetic surgery hub in the suburbs of Miami. Thompson said he had just taken a second job and couldnt gettime off, sohisthen-girlfriend drove his mom to a Strax surgery officein Lauderhill. However,two years later, while working at a competing clinic, Seduction Cosmetic Center, a patient died after surgery by Omulepu. 14 women have died after undergoing cosmetic surgeries in South Florida. In an email, the Florida Department of Health wrote that there were no public complaints or discipline associated with his license and thathe can ask to return to an active status at any time. He drinks coladas whole. She said calling the clinic seemed pointless. "It's sad.". The autopsy showed Thompson died from multiple clots of fat blocking the primary blood vessels in her lungs: a fat embolism. Another was called the Hialeah clinic until it changes its name to Encore Plastic Surgery in 2015. "Those doctors or centers do not have insurance, or have very low insurance. One was convicted of grand theft in a real estate scam. At New Life Plastic Surgery and Strax Rejuvenation, women died after their doctors injected fat into their muscles in a popular procedure known as the Brazilian butt lift. In addition, they consult with lawyers who teach them to protect their assets; so the houses, the planes and the boats put them in the name of their relatives ", explains Martnez. How do you know if you get 1,000 or 4,000 ml? We recognize it takes courage to change. as it happened to Adianet Galvn. Health care experts say a criminal history especially a conviction for financial crimes is among the most important factors in deciding who should be allowed to run a center. Primary Menu. The president of Seduction declined to answer written questions about thebusiness or the involvementofher husband, who was convicted in a mortgage fraud case. The Miami clinic was known as Vanity Cosmetic Surgery in 2014, and the Hialeah clinic was called Encore Plastic Surgery in 2015. Kendall | MedSquare South Miami Coral Gables. There is no way to control, it is impossible, you should have the inspector next to you fixed. Two Hispanic journalists promote a change in the Florida law to protect victims of cosmetic surgeries. Centers such as 'New Life', where the daughter of Arelys Gonzlez died, appear without complaints on the health department's website. At least two doctors have been charged with malpractice and the facilities have been cited more than 24 times for failing to keep proper medical records. Im not going to say its a relief because its nowhere near a relief to me, but I appreciate the fact the fact that we know the truth of what really happened, Gosha said. Flores said he will try to include the obligation of liability insurance, but believes that what will be crucial is that doctors own the centers so that FDOH can regulate them. Gosha said her mom went to another surgeon in Miami beforehand, who refused to operate on her because of her BMI. The staff at the clinic rushed her to the hospital where she was pronounced dead. Home; SURGICAL. YOU MIGHT LIKE Dr. Leonard Hochstein, MD: Surgical Center in Miami, Florida Hours later, Calls mother got worried. Moises Salama- Elite Plastic Surgery. In the end they live off their license," Flores said. notes that the woman had two perforated veins, where fat could enter and then traveled to the lung and brain, causing at least one thrombus, and causing brain death. Miami Life Plastic S urgery is minutes away from Miami International Airport (MIA), highly rated hotels, and popular retailers are nearby. By law, no doctor in the state is required to have insurance against risk. Only in Miami-Dade County there are 112 places with cosmetic center license. She returned home and said she had quickly resumed walking. The fatal surgery at Seductiondrew the attention of the Florida health department. An ambulance rushed Call to Aventura Hospital. He does not work Indianapolis 500 Race Day. Its unconscionable. With tears in her eyes, a middle-aged mother recalled the daughter whowantedtobe anursing assistant. 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