Upon successful completion of this course you will receive information on how to print or obtain an official National Safety Council Certificate of Completion. If you already have a King County TNC for-hire permit or license, please upload a photo of the permit or license to your Uber account. Stop and go as needed. Do not complete one of the below programs for state purposes, traffic court, or for insurance discount without first checking with those entities to ensure they will accept the NSC program. Through our eLearning Instructor Authorization Program, you can schedule training at your convenience. Once approved, your TNC for-hire permit will be emailed (and/or your vehicle decal will be mailed) to you directly from King County to the email and/or address associated with your Uber account. NSC Defensive Driving Courses are recognized for leading edge curriculum which delivers the most compelling and proven-effective defensive driving and collision prevention strategies. After a substantial period of time offline, driving time resets and you can go online again to receive trip requests. The most popular defensive driving courses for MyImprov are California, Florida, Indiana, Texas, New York, Kentucky, and Arizona. Attitudinal Dynamics of Driving, a behavior-based course, is recommended for drivers with multiple violations and those with poor driving habits. This edition has modernized content, an entirely new look and feel and is more interactive. 1-Hour Course Most drivers use the 1-hour version to get their defensive driving discount 4-Hour Course Choose the 4-hour version to meet specific insurance or court requirements TrustScore 4.8 6,073 reviews No Hidden Fees All the bells and whistles for one low price. All rights reserved. Take at our own pace; Bookmark and log in/out as needed Have questions? Our instructor-led, classroom courses provide collision prevention strategies and defensive driving techniques that focus on behavior, judgement, decision making and consequences. NSC Defensive Driving Courses. Implementing a driver safety program, will help your organization keep employees safer and can potentially: The National Safety Council is Americas leading nonprofit safety advocate. TNC for-hire permit and vehicle decal. This Course provides the principle knowledge to teach NSC Defensive Driving Courses and the skills for creating a positive and interactive classroom experience. Do not sell or share my personal information. National Safety Council has a new Online Mature Driver Course that will refresh driving skills to help keep you safer and make you a more defensive driver. The course was developed to be simple and streamlined so each user is able to understand all life-saving concepts. Kentucky regulations require all rideshare drivers to take a driver safety training course each year. No one is better prepared to provide that training than the National Safety Council. You can access course at a later date by signing in to driver portal and clicking My Courses andselecting the most recent NSC Defensive Driving Course link for completion, 20 of the best virtual team bonding activities, Remote vs. in-person work: 3 benefits of returning to the office, How to prevent workplace burnout: 3 ways experts recommend, How to take the Kentucky defensive driving course, Visit the Online Training Center and click New Partners to get started, Complete the checkout process (the course has a $15 fee), and make sure to enter the email address and phone number associated with your Uber account, On the order confirmation page, verify that the user name matches your official name listed on your license, After you complete your purchase, either start your training immediately, or copy the web address in the confirmation screen to complete later, You can access course at a later date by signing in to driver portal and clicking My Courses and, selecting the most recent NSC Defensive Driving Course link for completion. Online driving classes for traffic tickets must: Be approved by the District Attorney's Office in the county where you received your citation OR. National Safety Council Online Training Center. Keep ReadingPreview Online ModulesBuy Now. NSC Online Mature Defensive Driving Course helps older adults learn new skills and refresh already learned skills that will help an individual become a safer, more defensive driver. To help you keep track of your time online, the Driver app will alert you when youre approaching the applicable limit, and then again when youve been online for the maximum amount of time. You should receive it within 7 business days. Are you interested in getting a car insurance discount? See Tripadvisor's Ljungsbro, Ostergotland County hotel deals and special prices on 30+ hotels all in one spot. Learn more about the eLearning Instructor Authorization Program, iy_2023; im_01; id_18; ih_08; imh_00; i_epoch:1674057653033, py_2022; pm_11; pd_23; ph_12; pmh_37; p_epoch:1669235832182, bec-built-in; bec-built-in_1.0.0; bodystr, pn_tstr:Wed Jan 18 08:00:53 PST 2023; pn_epoch:1674057653033, https://www.nsc.org/safety-training/defensive-driving/state-certified-defensive-driving-courses/ddc10-classroom, http://ixfd-api.bc0a.com/api/ixf/1.0.0/get_capsule/f00000000090904/01406273134?client=dotnet_sdk&client_version=1.4.11&orig_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nsc.org%2Fsafety-training%2Fdefensive-driving%2Fstate-certified-defensive-driving-courses%2Fddc10-classroom&base_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nsc.org%2Fsafety-training%2Fdefensive-driving%2Fstate-certified-defensive-driving-courses%2Fddc10-classroom&user_agent=Mozilla%2F5.0+(iPad%3B+CPU+OS+15_5+like+Mac+OS+X)+AppleWebKit%2F605.1.15+(KHTML%2C+like+Gecko)+GSA%2F219.0.457350353+Mobile%2F15E148+Safari%2F604.1, sdk.environment=production;sdk.charset=UTF-8;api.endpoint=http://ixfd-api.bc0a.com/;sdk.account=f00000000090904;sdk.connectTimeout=500;sdk.socketTimeout=500;sdk.crawlerConnectTimeout=750;sdk.crawlerSocketTimeout=750;whitelist.parameter.list=ixf;flat.file=true;sdk.proxyPort=0;sdk.proxyProtocol=http;crawler.useragents=google|bingbot|msnbot|slurp|duckduckbot|baiduspider|yandexbot|sogou|exabot|facebot|ia_archiver;forcedirectapi.parameter.list=ixf-api|ixf;page.alias.url=https://www.nsc.org/safety-training/defensive-driving/state-certified-defensive-driving-courses/ddc10-classroom. Most newer cars qualify to drive with UberX, the most popular vehicle option for riders. Pursuant to law applicable to transportation network companies and drivers in King County and Seattle, and Pierce . Remember, it is always your responsibility to understand and comply with the law when youre out on the road. You can take it in one sitting online or in a classroom. Upon completion of one of our NSC courses, you will receive an official NSC Defensive Driving Certificate and may be eligible for insurance discounts. Washington Online Defensive Driving FAQs Am I eligible to take this course? Search and verify NSC authorized instructors. 29% said earning their NSC Defensive Driving Course 9th Edition helped them make more money. View the NSC Driver Safety Training catalog, Get a closer look at NSC Defensive Driving Courses, Train your employees with NSC Defensive Driving Courses, NSC State Authorized Defensive Driving Courses, iy_2023; im_01; id_18; ih_08; imh_00; i_epoch:1674057650705, py_2023; pm_01; pd_14; ph_01; pmh_26; p_epoch:1673688360071, bec-built-in; bec-built-in_1.0.0; bodystr, pn_tstr:Wed Jan 18 08:00:50 PST 2023; pn_epoch:1674057650705, Decrease risk of motor vehicle collisions and traffic violations, Minimize exposure to liability risks and legal costs, Reduce insurance premiums and workers compensation claims, Lower vehicle repair bills and replacement expenses, Protect business operations and brand identity, https://www.nsc.org/safety-training/defensive-driving, http://ixfd-api.bc0a.com/api/ixf/1.0.0/get_capsule/f00000000090904/01812614990?client=dotnet_sdk&client_version=1.4.11&orig_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nsc.org%2Fsafety-training%2Fdefensive-driving&base_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nsc.org%2Fsafety-training%2Fdefensive-driving&user_agent=Mozilla%2F5.0+(iPhone%3B+CPU+iPhone+OS+14_6+like+Mac+OS+X)+AppleWebKit%2F605.1.15+(KHTML%2C+like+Gecko)+Version%2F14.1.1+Mobile%2F15E148+Safari%2F604.1, sdk.environment=production;sdk.charset=UTF-8;api.endpoint=http://ixfd-api.bc0a.com/;sdk.account=f00000000090904;sdk.connectTimeout=500;sdk.socketTimeout=500;sdk.crawlerConnectTimeout=750;sdk.crawlerSocketTimeout=750;whitelist.parameter.list=ixf;flat.file=true;sdk.proxyPort=0;sdk.proxyProtocol=http;crawler.useragents=google|bingbot|msnbot|slurp|duckduckbot|baiduspider|yandexbot|sogou|exabot|facebot|ia_archiver;forcedirectapi.parameter.list=ixf-api|ixf;page.alias.url=https://www.nsc.org/safety-training/defensive-driving. Alive at 25 helps young drivers under the age of 25 to take greater responsibility for their driving by focusing on behavior, judgment and decision-making. Get Prices & Details Select a State Home > Defensive Driving What is Defensive Driving? However, a driving course that reduces violation points from driving records may cost more. King County has modified the process for issuing TNC for-hire permits and vehicle decals. Schedule an appointment at the Seattle Hub. Employers pay significant costs associated with motor vehicle crashes. Insurance. New Driver. We recommend you review the study guide before taking the e-training. Our Washington Defensive Driving course is a little like a "Get Out of Jail Free" card. Tap here for more information. After you complete the test, please upload the certificate to your Uber account. Due to this regulation, starting June 25, 2019, you won't be eligible to receive trip requests in Kentucky using the Uber app until you upload a certificate to your account for passing the defensive driving course. This 2-hour course can be completed online at any time, and will center around collision prevention and safe driving habits. Many drivers find the online option more convenient as you can complete the course in the comfort of your own home and in your own time. Call (704) 644-4201 in Charlotte or (919) 719-9800 in Raleigh. Keep ReadingPreview CEVO Ambulance CourseBuy Now. Does your vehicle qualify to drive with Uber? Defensive Driving Classroom Courses: NSC Authorized Instructor, Defensive Driving Classroom Courses: Non-authorized Instructor, Defensive Driving Courses: Professional Truck and Van Driver, Defensive Driving Courses: Emergency Vehicle Operators, Work Zone Safety Training - Temporary Traffic Control, Defensive Driving Courses: Young Adults (ages 15-24) and Parents of Young Adult Drivers, Massachusetts RMV-Approved Defensive Driving Courses, iy_2023; im_01; id_18; ih_08; imh_00; i_epoch:1674057644539, py_2023; pm_01; pd_14; ph_01; pmh_25; p_epoch:1673688358521, bec-built-in; bec-built-in_1.0.0; bodystr, pn_tstr:Wed Jan 18 08:00:44 PST 2023; pn_epoch:1674057644539, https://www.nsc.org/safety-training/defensive-driving/nsc-defensive-driving-courses, http://ixfd-api.bc0a.com/api/ixf/1.0.0/get_capsule/f00000000090904/0333797524?client=dotnet_sdk&client_version=1.4.11&orig_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nsc.org%2Fsafety-training%2Fdefensive-driving%2Fnsc-defensive-driving-courses&base_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nsc.org%2Fsafety-training%2Fdefensive-driving%2Fnsc-defensive-driving-courses&user_agent=Mozilla%2F5.0+(iPhone%3B+CPU+iPhone+OS+15_5+like+Mac+OS+X)+AppleWebKit%2F605.1.15+(KHTML%2C+like+Gecko)+GSA%2F219.0.457350353+Mobile%2F15E148+Safari%2F604.1, sdk.environment=production;sdk.charset=UTF-8;api.endpoint=http://ixfd-api.bc0a.com/;sdk.account=f00000000090904;sdk.connectTimeout=500;sdk.socketTimeout=500;sdk.crawlerConnectTimeout=750;sdk.crawlerSocketTimeout=750;whitelist.parameter.list=ixf;flat.file=true;sdk.proxyPort=0;sdk.proxyProtocol=http;crawler.useragents=google|bingbot|msnbot|slurp|duckduckbot|baiduspider|yandexbot|sogou|exabot|facebot|ia_archiver;forcedirectapi.parameter.list=ixf-api|ixf;page.alias.url=https://www.nsc.org/safety-training/defensive-driving/nsc-defensive-driving-courses. New features include: An online course library to assist in finding courses, An updated safety article section with valuable information for all users. Massachusetts RMV-Approved Defensive Driving Courses, iy_2023; im_01; id_18; ih_08; imh_00; i_epoch:1674057645776, py_2023; pm_01; pd_14; ph_01; pmh_26; p_epoch:1673688391653, bec-built-in; bec-built-in_1.0.0; bodystr, pn_tstr:Wed Jan 18 08:00:45 PST 2023; pn_epoch:1674057645776, https://www.nsc.org/safety-training/defensive-driving/state-certified-defensive-driving-courses, http://ixfd-api.bc0a.com/api/ixf/1.0.0/get_capsule/f00000000090904/01541469159?client=dotnet_sdk&client_version=1.4.11&orig_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nsc.org%2Fsafety-training%2Fdefensive-driving%2Fstate-certified-defensive-driving-courses&base_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nsc.org%2Fsafety-training%2Fdefensive-driving%2Fstate-certified-defensive-driving-courses&user_agent=Mozilla%2F5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0%3B+Win64%3B+x64)+AppleWebKit%2F537.36+(KHTML%2C+like+Gecko)+Chrome%2F103.0.0.0+Safari%2F537.36, sdk.environment=production;sdk.charset=UTF-8;api.endpoint=http://ixfd-api.bc0a.com/;sdk.account=f00000000090904;sdk.connectTimeout=500;sdk.socketTimeout=500;sdk.crawlerConnectTimeout=750;sdk.crawlerSocketTimeout=750;whitelist.parameter.list=ixf;flat.file=true;sdk.proxyPort=0;sdk.proxyProtocol=http;crawler.useragents=google|bingbot|msnbot|slurp|duckduckbot|baiduspider|yandexbot|sogou|exabot|facebot|ia_archiver;forcedirectapi.parameter.list=ixf-api|ixf;page.alias.url=https://www.nsc.org/safety-training/defensive-driving/state-certified-defensive-driving-courses. When you get a traffic ticket in Kentucky, you can use the defensive driving course to avoid points. Motor vehicle collisions are the leading cause of death in the workplace. So let us deliver the training that can help prevent injuries and save lives. No one is better prepared to provide that training than the National Safety Council. View detail Course saves your progress throughout and offers unlimited chances to pass, Driving defensively can save your life and the lives of those around you, Identify your personal driving behaviors and tendencies, Recognize that every behavior is a choice, Explain how to drive defensively in conditions beyond your control, Define defensive driving and collision prevention, Use the 'What-if' strategy to recognize and avoid hazards, Identify the risks associated with driving without seat belts or proper restraints, Identify how to effectively use vehicle safety systems, Recognize the risks of speeding and following too closely, Employ the 3-second and 3-second+ following distance rules, Choose safe, responsible, and respectful behaviors to avoid impaired or drowsy driving, Choose appropriate driving behaviors for different driving situations, Explain the proper procedure for navigating multi-lane roads, Identify risks associated with improper turns, Explain the proper procedures for passing and overtaking another vehicle, Identify risks associated with driving left-of-center, Describe right-of-way violations and safe intersection strategies, Identify roadway maintenance and construction hazards, Use techniques for trains and railway grade crossings, Identify other vehicles you will encounter on the road and techniques for dealing with them, Recognize the challenges drivers of larger vehicles face, Explain proper techniques for dealing with pedestrians pedal cyclists, and animals, Identify the steps to conduct pre-trip inspections, The importance of proper vehicle maintenance, Describe steps for addressing different types of immediate danger you may encounter, Determine if a collision was preventable in different driving situations, The importance of choosing the right behaviors. View the NSC Driver Safety Training catalog. Check with their site to see if your state's course is approved! 4 days ago OnlinePackagedCoaching The Emergency Vehicle OpTeen DrivingProfessional Truck and Van Driver Online Packaged Coaching The Emergency Vehicle Op Teen Driving Professional Truck and Van Driver. NSC Defensive Driving Courses are recognized for leading edge curriculum which delivers the most compelling and proven-effective defensive driving and collision prevention strategies. 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The virtual training program is approved by the SCDMV and will be led by an NSC instructor online. Please ensure the email and address on your account is accurate. From our flagship defensive driving classroom programs to our award-winning online courses, we've already trained more than 75 million drivers. Preview site, By connecting students worldwide with the best online courses, FaqCourse.com is helping individuals achieve their goals and pursue their dreams, 2021 FaqCourse.com. No matter what your Online Defensive Driving Course needs are, your type of business, size of fleet or types of vehicles driven, NSC has a course for you. Display You must display your for-hire permit and vehicle decal (endorsement sticker) for your passengers to see. To receive trip requests network companies and drivers in King County has modified the process for issuing TNC for-hire and... Getting a car insurance discount when youre out on the road % earning... 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