You have done well. Very sorry to hear this news. Rest easy Lucianne and thank you for giving us a place to fight the good fight. [5][18] None of the Clinton-themed books were ever published. She was a true American patriot and original. The tottery, weak government of Liz Truss in the U.K. has come to a mercifully short end. Her salon has been where I spend some time each day for many years. I am happy Ms. Lucianne was able to leave this world in her own way, in her own home and with her Family at her side. [16] Goldberg was also the U.S. agent for the memoirs of Prince Charles' former valet, which were blocked for publication in England by Queen Elizabeth. Lucianne has been here for usgiving us a voice for over 2 decades. Heartfelt condolences to Lucianne and Jonah and family. About 5,000 people in Riverside County will receive duplicate vote-by-mail ballots for the November midterm election after a computer system error, but the mistake wont allow voters to cast ballots twice, according to the county registrar. I've done much reflection about Lucianne today and about the conversations we shared over the years. Lucianne was a loving wife, mother, and grandmother. Truly a great lady. God bless you. Beard Beard is an American slang term describing a person who is used, knowingly or unknowingly, as a date, romantic partner (boyfriend or girlfriend), or spouse either to conceal infidelity or to conceal ones sexual orientation. May God grant unto her the Eternal Rest; and may the Perpetual Light shine upon her. Eventually Ms. Goldberg turned over more than 20 hours of audiotapes to Kenneth Starr, the independent counsel, which led to Mr. Clintons 1998 impeachment by the House of Representatives. Did you encounter any technical issues? God bless. I have been on this site since she started it. Goldberg's son, political commentator and author Jonah Goldberg, posted Thursday on Twitter that his mother died Wednesday at her home. They cite 'inflation,' forgetting that they were the ones who enacted the big spending that triggered the inflation and Joe embraced, and somehow, Joe hasn't magically stopped it. Condolences to the family. This is such sad news. Lucianne Goldberg, a colorful, conservative literary agent who played a pivotal role in the scandal that led to Bill Clintons impeachment, died on Wednesday at her home in Weehawken, N.J. She was 87. My condolences to her family. The Associated Press contributed to this report. The GOOD die and the BAD keep doing evil. Rest in Peace, dear lady. Thank you for giving us conservatives a voice and a safe place, dear lady. Thank you, Lucianne: you were a good and kind and brave host. [14], Feminist Betty Friedan alleged in June 1973 that Goldberg, as an organizer of the Pussycat League, had been attempting to derail the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment by engaging in Watergate-style "dirty tricks" and by touring the country falsely telling women they would lose their husbands and rights to family support if the amendment was passed. She later received a bachelors degree from George Washington University. The family soon moved to Alexandria, Va., outside Washington. I was honored to meet Lucianne at a Clinton impeachment rally in DC in 1998 and have her autograph on a tee shirt from that rally. Back then posting privileges were closed due to limited bandwidth. Lucianne. But seeing all of the familiar names here, and reading all of the beautiful & heartfelt tributes and shared memories posted by her family of Ldotters, along with the knowledge that her dedicated and devoted staff will continue to lead in carrying on her Ldot legacy lightens the sadness. RIP beautiful lady RIP. '"[11] Goldberg's role as a reporter-spy came to light in the Watergate hearings that led to the resignation of Nixon. [8][9] Cummings apologized and returned the note, then found out the next day that her income tax returns were going to be audited by the Internal Revenue Service. My gotofirst website everyday for many years. So sorry on hearing the news of Lucianne's passing. Im sorry for their loss. Goldberg's son, political commentator and author Jonah Goldberg, posted Thursday on Twitter that his mother died Wednesday at her home. First stop every morning, always rewarded and entertained; always reassured to know we share the same values. I have posted here for many years at the gracious endurance of Lucianne, and her wonderful staff. [7] During this time, Goldberg made no secret of her animus toward Clinton, saying she was glad Clinton was getting caught "at something" and that "[i]f it took this to get him, fine". Been here for many many years - some more active than others. NEW YORK (AP) Lucianne Goldberg, a literary agent and key figure in the 1998 impeachment of President Bill Clinton over his affair with Monica Lewinsky, has died at the age of 87. Ms. Goldberg represented Teddy Bare: The Last of the Kennedy Clan (1971), an expos of Senator Edward M. Kennedys fatal car accident in Chappaquiddick, Mass., by Zad Rust (a pseudonym for Michael Sturdza, a Romanian diplomat). It took years, but I became well-versed in the Lucianne culture with the Ldot pioneers such as Aggie57, Lambie Pie and CapMarine68. Oh my, this is almost like the day we lost Rush. NEW YORK (AP) Lucianne Goldberg, a literary agent and key figure in the 1998 impeachment of President Bill Clinton over his affair with Monica Lewinsky, has died at the age of 87. She was also a patriot who expressed her love of this country with both political fierceness and penetrating wit, it reads. Thomas Lifson, Posted By: PageTurner, The literary agent gained national prominence for advising her friend Linda Tripp to secretly tape Tripps conversations with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky. The golden evening brightens in the west; She was named as one of the "key players" in the 1998 impeachment of President Clinton, as it was she who controversially advised Monica Lewinsky's confidante Linda Tripp to tape Lewinsky's phone calls about their affair. I am thankful that Lucianne put down some strong Rules here and enforced them. All rights reserved. This site is her legacy and I am happy it will continue. A sad loss. The computer error was caught over the weekend, but not before 5,000 mail-in ballots were sent to voters living in Canyon Lake, Menifee, Murrieta, Wildomar and Winchester, said Rebecca Spencer, the Riverside County registrar of voters. Clarice Feldman, by I too have been here a long time, enjoying her creation. What a punch in the gut. LONG LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!! We will miss her and Im glad the crew will keep on. May God rest your soul, Lucianne. I wish friends that I had known then were around so we could raise a toast and say a prayer. Kate Conger, by I've been here since the beginning and this site is still my home on the Internet. [41], American literary agent and author (19352022), "Lucianne Goldberg: in pursuit of Clinton", "The President Under Fire: The Book Agent; A Maverick Who Is No Friend of Bill", "Poor-old Elton lets the sun go down on him", "Writer Declares She Was G.O.P. Not one day went by without me stopping in this oasis with my morning coffee, to stay informed and commune with fellow patriots. Tasks left undone must stay that way, I've found that peace at the end of the day. Jonah too ;-). NEW YORK (AP) Lucianne Goldberg, a literary agent and key figure in the 1998 impeachment of President Bill Clinton over his affair with Monica Lewinsky, has died at the age of 87. We have lost a child and a grand child, one in the womb, one to never forget and the strangest of events trigger a memory. Holy crap. Now, as international tensions soar, and formerly reliable oil suppliers like Saudi Arabia mull retaliation for slights from Biden, our ability to withstand a cutoff of diminishment of oil supplies is imperiled by Bidens move to shore up his political support. Sadly, nobody lasts forever. Since it has been several years since focus was on the murder of Seth Rich and the publication by Julian Assange. [6] Of Goldberg's role in the scandal, Time magazine said; "At a minimum, she is forever sealed in history as the New York City literary agent who uttered to her friend the most ruinous sentence of the Clinton presidency: 'Linda, buy a tape recorder. In his latest move Musk called out Hillary Clinton for sharing a LA Times article that aimed to paint Paul Pelosis attacker David DePape as a far-right conspiracy theorist. What a vile picture of a president so out of touch he has no idea how bad he looks. Pelosi herself, meanwhile, is fundraising on the back of the attack. So do we'." (also true). Prayers for peace and comfort. Thank you Miss Lucianne, for the refuge, common sense and entertainment your website has provided me for the past 25 years. "Lucianne was a loving wife, mother and grandmother. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? Heres how. Goldberg, a key figure in the 1998 impeachment of President Bill Clinton over his affair with Monica Lewinsky, has died, Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2022 at the age of 87. And we have so much to be thankful for, including what Lucianne has meant to us, and what the long line of so many others that she has previously assembled here have meant to us. an article published amid the fallout from the Lewinsky tapes. My respect for her only grew through the years. The world is going to miss her! She was the mother of Jonah Goldberg, a conservative political commentator, and Joshua Goldberg, a Republican nominee for the New York City Council. Ive never joined any publishing associations or groups, because I dont like having other people tell me what to do, Ms. Goldberg told The New York Times in 1998. [24] She also said that the disclosure of Lewinsky's affair with Clinton helped to protect Lewinsky, who suffered from an obsessive infatuation with Clinton. But she has left a whole in our lives that we can never fill completely. He was my son, Jonah's brother, Chantal's husband and friend to scores of people throughout his young life. The Epoch Times reports on the continuing efforts by the FBI to hide the contents of Seth Richs computer, and while I am not sure why, the reasonable assumption is that to disclose this material would, as a number of experts have long contended, prove that Muellers claim that the DNC computer was hacked by Russians was of a piece with the entire nonsensical and disproven claims that Russia conspired to defeat Hillary Clinton in 2016. Lucianne was the first real conservative blog I ever accessed after I found it linked on the old and genuine DrudgeReport. I know Rush visited here frequently, I'm positive he posted occasionally too. Today they got caught putting out bare naked disinformation about Republican plans for the country once they win the midterm election. Kellyanne Richardson, by Her second husband, newspaper executive Sidney Goldberg, died in 2005. Ms Lucianne, you have been my morning news source since the Blue Dress of the Clinton days. It was a tragic fall that killed him. I am truly saddened by this news, but thankful for her contribution to her country, and pleased to know that she will continue to visit me for coffee every morning via the continuance of Such sad news. He did not give a cause of death. [6], Goldberg started her literary career at a very early age at The Washington Post, during her secondary education. He did not give a cause of death. Goldbergs earlier career included co-founding a group in 1970 called the Pussycat League that campaigned against feminism and the Equal Rights Amendment, and an eponymous news website. I have been reading and posting for almost 25 yrs. The first time I saw Lucianne on TV I liked her. This is a tough one just like it was when Rush passed. Madame Cleos Girls (1992) told the story of three high-priced escorts (Kirkus Reviews called it lightly amoral), and People Will Talk (1994) looked at a tabloid gossip columnists legacy. That hasnt stopped Democratic politicians and their allies in the mainstream media from fingering the culpritstheir Republican adversariesand concluding that, eight days out from an election in which they are bracing for a shellacking, the GOP should spend the final week of the campaign sitting on the bench, reflecting, atoning. I too remember when SHE would answer an email. Do you have information you want to share with HuffPost? She will be missed. Spy In M'Govern Camp", "Writer admits Nixon campaign paid her to spy on McGovern", "Two members of 'pussycat league' attack women's liberations", "Book Review Purr, Baby, Purr By Lucianne Goldberg and Jeannie Sakol", "Betty Friedan Charges 'Sabotage' of ERA", "The President's Acquittal: The Agent; Tripp Friend Says She's Proud of Her Role", "The Book Agent's Pleasure Is President Clinton's Pain", "Lucianne Goldberg, Who Helped Expose Clinton Affair, Dies at 87", "Triple agent eyeing the book rights Ed Vulliamy in Washington profiles wheeler-dealer Lucianne Goldberg and the woman she has put on tape", "No Criminal Prosecution in MD Case Against Linda Tripp", "An on-line Louvre of the art of web design", "Free-for-all at Free Republic Lucianne Goldberg, Matt Drudge and other friends abandon the Clinton-bashing Web site over its attacks on George W. Bush", "The Goldberg Variations: Philip Weiss Tapes Lucianne Goldberg", "Lucianne Goldberg, key figure in Clinton impeachment, dies", "Margo Martindale To Play Lucianne Goldberg In 'Impeachment: American Crime Story' On FX",, Pages containing links to subscription-only content, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using infobox person with multiple spouses, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 9 November 2022, at 22:00. When she started this website years ago, I was thrilled and it was a way to keep myself informed and entertained. Such a great community. Rest In Peace. Condolences to her loved ones. Let this site, her friends & family be a monument to her strength and spirit. Glad this community will continue. Well done. is the ONLY news site I go to. I too, have 3-4 handwritten thank you notes from Lucianne..they are treasured. Welcome back home to where you belong, and happy reunion with Joshua. This site has been my home - my refuge - for twenty five years. [12][13], During the 1972 presidential campaign, she joined the press corps covering Democratic candidate George McGovern claiming to be a reporter for the Women's News Service, though she was on leave of absence from that position. God bless you! Miss Lucianne was one of a kind. 560. Ms. Goldberg took personal abuse for her part in the Clinton scandal. Lucianne remains an American national treasure forthis news site which has cleverly managed to supply, "news," to everyone by circumventing the msm. Lucianne will truly be missed.. God bless your soul, Lucianne. The police didnt share how David DePape entered the house in their first press conference. After the tragedies of 9/11, our own Lucianne had the most memorable and enduring things to say, reflecting how we all felt. President Trump is the most popular politician in the country. God bless her family and the community she gave us. Such a great lady has left the scene and will be very hard to replace. As citizens, we must hold them accountable for their words and the actions. Sheila Dang It's genuinely uplifting. And there is enormous freedom in not caring whether people like you., Lucianne Goldberg, Who Helped Expose Clinton Affair, Dies at 87, Our Lady will be missed. Goldberg did not reveal his mothers cause of death. Prayers to the family. R.I.P. We owe you so much, lovely patriot. May you hear her voice always. Even progressives were annoyed. The New York Times described her as "an agent with a taste for right-wing, tell-all attack books" in an article published amid the fallout from the Lewinsky tapes. And to her hardworking Staff, my deepest condolences and thank you for being willing to continue what Lucianne began all those year ago. American Thinker, She was a colorful, conservative literary agent who was instrumental in the scandal that resulted in Bill Clinton's impeachment. who loved her.". A big Mega Ditto to all that's been said here. NEW YORKLucianne Goldberg, a literary agent and key figure in the 1998 impeachment of President Bill Clinton over his affair with Monica Lewinsky, has died at the age of 87.. Goldberg's son . [7] The Democratic National Committee faxed an unflattering "information sheet" on Goldberg to reporters within days after the story broke. Well done! I took posting as a privilege and an honor. [5][7], Goldberg met Linda Tripp in 1993 or 1994 while working on the proposal for the book on the death of President Bill Clinton's aide Vince Foster. He said that she was in hospice and had suffered from liver and kidney failure. He lost the election to the now Manhattan Borough President, Gale Brewer. For 25 years it is where I have gotten my news, along with drudge and National Review, which I gave up on years ago and never went back. God bless Lucianne Goldberg. Another son, Joshua Goldberg, died in 2011. My sincere condolences to Miss Luciannes family and friends. Tears falling. These Democrats know they're slip-sliding away, you can see it even in the governors' races now, so the idea now is to scare the voters into voting for the Democrat status quo instead of embrace a new party. Like many of you I have been coming and posting here almost from the beginning and have come to view it like a family gathering. Rest In Peace Lucianne, you created a great place to heat patriotic voices. I am grateful for her legacy. She lived her life well. I was on the phone with my little girl when I read the news. Her survivors include Jonah Goldberg. How truly heartbreaking. How sad, he was pretty young. Another son, Joshua Goldberg, died in 2011. She fought the good fight and didn't take crap from anyone. My heart just dropped. condolences and prayer to all of her family and friends. My heart is heavy to learn of her passing and I pray for peace and comfort to all who knew and loved her. She was a patriotic force & she will be missed, but never forgotten. Another son, Joshua Goldberg, died in 2011. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. After a certain amount of blather about the red wave vanishing, it's back, with a vengeance, polls say, and Democrats look powerless to stop it. My sympathy to your family and the LDotters. Lucy Ann (a spelling she later changed to Lucianne) dropped out of high school in Alexandria to work in advertising sales. Nothing hurts more than to lose a child. Now Joe Biden is chomping on ice cream for reporters, and telling us, between bites and licks: "Our economy is strong as hell." Its home. We have lost another one of our champions. Dear Goldberg family: I just lost my Mama earlier this year so I know what you are going through. Before the Clinton scandal, Ms. Goldberg was the author or co-author of four books. Heck I'll do it anyway, but she brought everyone who loved America and loved its history and Constitution and its people together in a way no one ever thought could happen. At least one of the executives who was fired was escorted out of Twitters office, they said. R.I.P. RIP Lucianne! So many memories were made here. She will truly be missed! She wanted to know why I was crying, I told her a very good friend that I had never met passed away. To Jonah, I am so terribly sorry. I can still remember the conversation I had with a friend back in 1998 when he told me about this site. The working title, according to CNN, was Behind Closed Doors: What I Saw Inside the Clinton White House, and one proposed chapter heading was The Presidents Women.. Rest in His Peace, Lucianne, and may He comfort your family. I hope she knew how much solace and camaraderie this site provides for those of us like-minded patriots. How cravenly and transparently political. If Joe Biden disgusts us with stubborn willingness to sacrifice the entire economy for the sake of his greenie, open-borders, big-spending, agenda, note that Democrats have it in for him, too. God bless Mrs. G and her family. And she agreed that that would be a cool idea, and she went to Radio Shack and bought a tape recorder and plugged it into her phone, Goldberg said. Greg Roumeliotis, by RIP Lucianne. The children were raised in their father's Jewish faith,[38] while Lucianne, who was raised an Episcopalian, remained a Christian. Oh how terribly sad. I love this stuff! Ms. Goldberg told The New York Times in 1998. NEW YORK (AP) Lucianne Goldberg, a literary agent and key figure in the 1998 impeachment of President Bill Clinton over his affair with Monica Lewinsky, has died at the age of 87. Im glad the site will carry on as usual, but her presence will be missed. HILLARY CLINTON PEDDLING A DISINFORMATION CAMPAIGN ABOUT SUPREME COURT ELECTION LAW CASE, LEGAL EXPERTS SAY. So very grateful for her having done this site. I sure hope she knows how much we all loved her. We will carry on in sorrow. A Warner Bros. Thomas Lifson, by Your creation,, has made the world a better place. I was shocked to hear of her passing. Goldberg's son . I can't wait to see the news of the Day on Lucianne. Purr, Baby, Purr (1971), written with Jeannie Sakol, was an anti-feminist manifesto that suggested that women think of their bodies as a switchboard with all sorts of lovely buttons and plug-ins.. Goldberg was born Lucianne Steinberger in Boston. [6][7] After John F. Kennedy won the Democratic nomination, she got a position at the Democratic National Committee followed by a spot on Kennedy's Inaugural Committee. The suspect arrested in the violent home invasion of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco residence and the hammer attack on her 82-year-old husband, was carrying a bag that contained duct tape and zip ties, two law enforcement officials briefed on the probe told ABC News Sunday. [6], In 1963, she opened up her own one-person public relations firm, Lucianne Cummings & Associates. Tripps 20 hours of tapes of her conversations with Lewinsky were crucial to special prosecutor Kenneth Starrs investigation of Clinton over his affair with Lewinsky. NEW YORK Lucianne Goldberg, a literary agent and key figure in the 1998 impeachment of President Bill Clinton over his affair with Monica Lewinsky, has died at the age of 87. A terrible loss to the family and to conservatismhe was a truly nice man. Goldberg also wrote racy novels and worked as a ghostwriter for celebrities. There is not a more readable website than right here. Get the latest updates from the 2024 campaign trail, exclusive interviews and more Fox News politics content. I have also been here for 20 years, at least and am grateful for what she has done for conservative news and discussion. Lucianne starts and ends my day. . Ms. Goldberg addressed journalists outside her New York apartment in 1998. Her legacy will live on! Prayers for her family. In his book American Rhapsody, Joe Eszterhas referred to her as the bag lady of sleaze. She never made a dime from the scandal, but she considered herself too savvy to be a victim. And though I know's daily operation is a team effort, I will be forever grateful to Lucianne for creating this news aggregate site that the Left and the MSM doesn't want the rest of us to see. One problem: It's not a distortion of the Republican plans, it's actual lies. '"[24] Author Jeffrey Toobin named her as one of the seven "Key Players" in the impeachment. All Rights Reserved. Ms. Lucianne, you will be missed. At her home in Weehawken, New Jersey, Lucianne Goldberg passed away on Wednesday. Aussiegirl. She died peacefully at home, surrounded by people and pets! "The bird is freed," he tweeted, referencing Twitter's bird logo in an apparent nod to his desire to see the company have fewer limits on content that can be posted. NEW YORK (AP) Lucianne Goldberg, a literary agent and key figure in the 1998 impeachment of President Bill Clinton over his affair with Monica Lewinsky, has died at the age of 87. I chalk it up as me being a logistician while I was in the Navy and now in my current job as a DoD Contractor. Paranoia and fearmongering -- you can just smell it among the Democrats and their boosters. NEW YORK (AP) Lucianne Goldberg, a literary agent and key figure in the 1998 impeachment of President Bill Clinton over his affair with Monica Lewinsky, has died at the age of 87.. management. Found through Drudge; been my homepage since I first had a homepage. Goldberg's son, political commentator and author Jonah Goldberg, posted Thursday on Twitter that his mother died Wednesday at her home. The incident at the Pelosi house on early Friday morning is still puzzling at best. Be not burdened with times of sorrow, I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow. She also allowed my scribbles every once in awhile, and I truly thank her. greyseal. Thank you Lucianne. In response, she said she worked in the Old Executive Office Building doing opposition research, then worked out of the National Press Building in public relations. [17], In the early 1990s, Goldberg promoted a conspiracy theory book about the suicide death of President Bill Clinton's White House aide, Vincent Foster, and several books dealing with Clinton's purported sexual infidelities including one by Arkansas state troopers who alleged they had procured women to have sex with then-Governor Bill Clinton. From the hymn For All the Saints: Like so many here, I start my day with and a cup of coffee. Lucy Ann Steinberger was born in Boston on April 29, 1935, the third child of Raymond Leonard Steinberger, a physicist, and Lucy Jane (Moseley) Steinberger, a physiotherapist. A way to keep myself informed and entertained ; always reassured to know we share the same.. We could raise a toast and say a prayer co-author of four books patriotic! At best [ 6 ], Goldberg started her literary career at a very early at! Ldot pioneers such as Aggie57, Lambie Pie and CapMarine68 with HuffPost escorted. Moved to Alexandria, Va., outside Washington.. God bless your soul, Lucianne Goldberg passed away knew much. Big Mega Ditto to all who knew and loved her ever published is a tough one just like was... Lost the election to the now Manhattan Borough president, Gale Brewer and fearmongering -- can! Her the Eternal rest ; and may the Perpetual Light shine upon.. 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