The Court is OPEN, but adopted somemodified operations. The information collected is used for statistical All rights reserved. Felony cases are heard in Kitsap County Superior Court in Port Orchard. Ifa form you are looking for is not listed below, you may find it at the Washington Courts Online Website located at : You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Any party unable to connect remotely should contact the Court at 360-337-7140 or by email. The Municipal Court Judge is authorized by Washington State Statute to preside over the following types of cases occurring within city limits of Bremerton: The Bremerton Municipal Court aims to fully and fairly hear every individual who has business before the Municipal Court. Kitsap County Court Records are public records, documents, files, and transcripts associated with court cases and court dockets available in Kitsap County, Washington. Kitsap Sun staff. Please enable scripts and reload this page. Emails sent to the District Court containing Thurston County District Court is located in Building 3 at 2000 Lakeridge Dr. SW. The District Court reserves the right to amend this Use and We do not knowingly collect or request any personal information from children. Exactly this phrase or word. Both men were asked about what approach they would take to holding offenders accountable in a question that referenced comments made by a frustrated former Bremerton Municipal Court Judge James Docter last year on the state of the justice system as he retired. is voluntarily submitted by the visitor (e.g. Kitsap County Superior Court is committed to protecting the safety and security of our community while performing our Constitutional duties. Your demeanor and your surroundings should reflect the serious nature of court proceedings. It is subject to change. Recently Selected Courts. The Court is OPEN, but adopted some modified operations. Felony crimes and family law, such as divorce proceedings are heard inSuperior Court. track or store information about specific individual users. Click the following button for admission to the hearing. 23673201 ORDER OF RELEASE AND SETTING COURT DATES IT IS ORDERED that the defendant is released until the matter is resolved on the following conditions: Upon posting a bail/bond for $ Upon promise to . Attorneys are expected to appear by video. Court sessions are open to the public. This includes court proceedings available to the public through live streaming. It's a court that I love, and its a court that I'm interested in. 23374501 ORDER OF RELEASE AND SETTING COURT DATES IT IS ORDERED that the defendant is released until the matter is resolved on the following conditions: Upon posting a bail/bond for $ Upon promise to appear Upon . - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. My background includes appellate cases up to the Washington State Supreme Court.. and information about which pages were accessed or visited). I want to serve here. Court has resumed calendars using video court (zoom). Please enable scripts and reload this page. District Court 614 Division St, MS 25 Rm 106 Port Orchard, WA 98366-4684 Map & Directions . He can be reached at 360-792-5242, or on Twitter at @KSNatePilling. Case docket: STATE OF WASHINGTON vs KEVIN JULES DAVIES, 23-1-00040-18 in Washington State, Kitsap County, Superior Court, Michelle B Adams presiding, last filing 01/12/2023, filed 01/13/2023. Emergency Administrative Order No. and information about which pages were accessed or visited). Affidavit of Correction of Marriage Certificate. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. ***Clickfor REMOTE ACCESS (ZOOM)information.Please visit our COVID-19Resource Page for updated information from the Court, including current processes and procedures. Include case or ticket number. I think what really makes me different is I have a very broad background, he said. A few blocks north of downtown is the beautiful Evergreen Rotary Park. technical non-personal information about your visit (e.g. All other district court candidates in Kitsap. For or omissions of any documents or other information provided through this If you received a ticket from the State Patrol or the Kitsap County Sheriffs Department please contact opens in a new windowKitsap County District Court 360.337.7109, Office Hours:Monday through Friday8:00am 4:30pmWe are closed for lunch from 12:15pm 1:15pm, Email: poulsbocourt@cityofpoulsbo.comcreate new email. Please verify the courtroom using these calendars, or visit the Reception Desk in Room 210. The information is not collected or used to How To Enter The Hearing In Room 104 Click the following button for admission to the hearing. Information about video and teleconferencing will be mailed and emailed to participants. If you received a ticket from the State Patrol or the Kitsap County Sheriff's Department please contact opens in a new window Kitsap County District Court 360.337.7109 Poulsbo Municipal Court Office Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00am - 4:30pm We are closed for lunch from 12:15pm - 1:15pm Address: 200 NE Moe St Poulsbo, WA 98370 Phone: 360.779.9846 NO. An excellent tutorial and instructions are found HEREopens PDF file . We welcome all to view our judicial system at work. Please enable scripts and reload this page. The user expressly agrees that use of the District Court website is at Heading To Court? purposes, to diagnose problems with our web service, and improve the content of And so I am a big fan of the flexibility that this court has shown over the years to address problems with not just punitive sanctions, but with opportunities to learn and to grow and to give people the tools that they need to not find themselves in these situations again., Said Seaman: I agree with Stan about therapeutic courts, but we have to face some facts and one of the facts that we have to deal with is that crime is up in the county right now. The following is an Emergency Modification to Operations: March 16, 2020 - 8:00:AM until further notice. It is the policy of the courts to facilitate access to court records as provided by Article I, Section 10 of the Washington State Constitution (General Rule 31). There are calendars posted in the hallways of the 2nd floor of the Courthouse. The District Court respects the privacy of our website visitors and the security of our information systems. that the service will be uninterrupted or that information will be available. En cliquant sur Accepter tout, vous acceptez que Yahoo et nos partenaires traitent vos informations personnelles et utilisent des technologies telles que les cookies pour afficher des publicits et des contenus personnaliss, et des fins de mesure des publicits et des contenus, dtude des audiences et de dveloppement de produit. Did You Get Arrested For A Second Or Third DUI? The maximum penalty for misdemeanors is 90 days in jail and a $1,000 fine. Clear Coverage information Done. We can access parking ticket information by either the parking ticket number or the vehicle license number, not by owner name. To find out when your case is scheduled for a hearing, call the Clerk's Office at (360) 427-9670 ext. MOSTHEARINGS ARE OFFEREDVIA ZOOM - CONSULT THE TODAY'S CALENDAR TAB FOR ZOOM AVAILABILITY/INFORMATIONExcept for parties appearing for Criminal Arraignments, parties andcounsel may appear via Zoom,unless specifically directed to appear in person. Domain Name, Internet As of Tuesday, 3,211 people have tested positive in Kitsap County and 30 have died, according to the Kitsap Public Health District. You may have to wait in a virtual waiting room until court begins. PREPARATION OF RECORD OF CASE FOR APPEAL TO SUPERIOR COURT - $40 (INCLUDES DUPLICATION), CD DUPLICATION (PER COPY)$10 - PLUS $1FORMAILING, THUMB DRIVE(PER COPY)$12- PLUS$1 FORMAILING, COPYING DOCUMENT ON FILE WITHOUT A SEAL -$0.50, COPYING DOCUMENT FROM ELECTRONIC FORMAT WITHOUT A SEAL -$0 .25, DOCUMENT COPIES MADE ON COMPACT DISC - $20, PREPARATION OF TRANSCRIPT OF JUDGMENT - $20, FILING AN ABSTRACT OF JUDGMENT OR TRANSCRIPT OF JUDGMENT:FROM A MUNICIPAL COURT - $43EX PARTE/JUDGE'S SIGNATURE $20. The Clerk receives, processes and preserves all documents in perpetuity for all Superior Court matters, including criminal, civil, family law, probate, guardianship, paternity, adoption and juvenile matters. Emails sent to the District Court containing information contained in this website is provided as a service to the To look up your court date online, opens in a new windowfind my court date. Form to request the audio recording of a hearing held. website. Or, walk across the Manette Bridge for more cafes and shopping. All court calendars, both in person and Zoom, remain as scheduled. Upon entering the video courtroom participants (Video and phone) will enter a waiting room until admitted into the proceedingsby the Judge or Court Staff. Defendant shall notify the court in person or in writing of any change of residence, mailing address, telephone number, and email address. , use theVirtual Courtroom linkabove for instructions on connecting and usingcourtroom Zoom links. Criminal jurisdiction includes misdemeanors and gross misdemeanors cases. MASKS ARE REQUIRED FOR EVERYONE ENTERING THE COURTHOUSE UNTIL DECEMBER 31ST 2022. The information collected is used for statistical our web services. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. The Bremerton Municipal Court is open to the public. Trellis helps you find cases in Kitsap County, Washington court records. Kitsap County Clerk Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. and 1:15 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Passport Hours: Click for additional passport information Walk In Hours: 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri Wed 9:00am-3:30 p.m. *The office is closed for lunch from 12:15-1:15pm daily. If you experienceany problems with the online functionality of these forms, please contact the Webmaster. All of these words. sending an email or submitting a community. Grant County has one countywide District Court. Slectionnez Grer les paramtres pour grer vos prfrences. Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. The documents and. form through the website). Always include your parking ticket number if you dont have that include the vehicle license number, including state where registered. Civil jurisdiction includes infractions ("tickets"), protection orders (such as antiharassment protection orders, domestic violence no contact orders, and stalking protection orders), name changes, vehicle impounds, civil lawsuits (up to $100,000), small claims cases (up to $5,000 or up to $10,000 when brought by a person), and matters involving animals and a local animal control authority. In the age of stay home orders and Court closures, many Courts are moving towards technology like Zoom. Anyone seeking legal advice or counsel should not use this site as a substitute for the advice of a licensed attorney. The Superior Court is a court of record, and is required to always be open, except on non-judicial days. 2022-07, Myths & Misperceptions About Washington Courts. Drop Boxes:You can use the drop box located near the front doors at Poulsbo City Hall or the drive up box located on 3rd Ave behind Poulsbo City Hall. Sign up fora digital subscription today. If You Were Not Booked Into Jail, You Need To Get A Private Attorney ASAP. When If you love golf, don't miss the city-owned Gold Mountain Golf Course which includes two 18-hole championship courses. The Kitsap County District Court is one to utilize this technology. Until further notice, most dockets and hearings are being held electronically through Zoom Meeting. Courts Cheat Sheet . Bremerton Municipal Court550 Park Ave.Bremerton, WA 98337Directions. How do I attend a Zoom hearing? The District Court values its visitors and strives to make information Jury trials have resumed. Any of these words. Click for additionalpassport information. Kitsap SC Friday-Today's-Calendar This daily calendar is provided for informational purposes only. Bremerton Municipal Court will remain open to the public through the end of the month, according to a new order issued Wednesday, with Judge Tracy Flood reversing the order she enacted . The Clerkserves as the Jury Commissioner and provides jury management services for all Kitsap County courts, including district and municipal courts. And I've been out on the campaign trail and I've talked to a lot of people and theres a realfrustration about this. Customer service is available from 8:30AM to 12:00PM and 1:00PM to 4:30PM. Test your connection and audio well in advance of your hearing. District Court Judges are elected in non-presidential even-numbered years, also known as midterm election years, unless they are being elected to fill a vacancy. District Court Forms District Court Forms Some of the forms on this page can be completed online, then printed to your local printer and mailed. To join conferencing by phone (no video) call (253) 215-8782. Superior Court Judges are elected in presidential election years, unless there is a vacancy. District courts have jurisdiction over both criminal and civil cases. Emergency Administrative Orders in relation toCOVID may be reviewed. Here Are Some Tips For What To Wear And Some Tips On What NOT To Do. If you are seeking to participate in a court hearing CLICK HEREfor virtual/telephonic instructions. District Court District Court Division Responsibilities & Services The District Court division of the Pierce County Department of Assigned Counsel (DAC) represents adult indigent defendants facing misdemeanor allegations in Pierce County District Court. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. This information does not personally identify you. A Zoom account is REQUIRED. Kitsap County Judicial Officials Kitsap County Judges are elected in even-numbered years. Amendments will be posted on the website. Elections to fill a vacancy in a Superior Court position can be held in odd-numbered years. Seaman, of Poulsbo, is also inprivate practice and is currently the court commissioner for Bremerton Municipal Court. that the service will be uninterrupted or that information will be available. Criminal jurisdiction includes misdemeanors and gross misdemeanors cases. I don't have any aspirations to go beyond what is in front of me.. Both men have served in judge pro tem roles in courts throughout Kitsap. I think when most of us hear the words hold offender accountable, your first thought is jail, and jail is a perfectly viable option when it's appropriate. Voters will select a new judge to serve on the Kitsap County District Court bench in November, and they'll choose between local attorneys Shane Seaman and Stan Glisson for the position. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Visit the District Court webpage at Conferencing.aspx Defendant shall follow all previously ordered conditions, which remain in effect. To form an attorney-client relationship with Witt Law Group PS, a determination must be made regarding any conflict of interest and whether the firm is willing and able to take your matter. Kitsap County's District Court is composed of four judges, each of whom serves four-year terms and campaigns in nonpartisan races. There are calendars posted in the hallways of the 2nd floor of the Courthouse. 0:08. The documents and information It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Glisson pointed to work hed done as a public defender and as a prosecutor: I think that because so much of what I have done over the last two decades has been focused really on limited jurisdiction courts, and largely this particular court, that my specific background suits me in a way for this position at this time, in a way that, I think, makes me a unique candidate.. These calendars will use this Zoom information, regardless of in which courtroom the calendar is physically located: Daily Criminal Calendars. If you have an upcoming hearing, call the clerk to make sure we have your mailing and email address on file. Mark the outside of your envelope Poulsbo Municipal Court., To pay by credit card call 360-626-6073, or by internet. Court sessions are open to the public. technical non-personal information about your visit (e.g. At a candidate forum put on by the Kitsap County Bar Association on Friday, both men touted their experience and advocated for the continued use of technologies like Zoom in the court's work. Josh Inham/Katie Walters. Those individuals who have court hearings are encouraged to use the zoom platform.**. The District Court does not warrant users, we maintain administrative, technical and physical safeguards for this Please enable scripts and reload this page. For more information, please contact us by email at or by phone (360) 876-1701. Ifonly one candidate files to run for a judge position, that candidate is considered elected and the term begins the second Monday in January. track or store information about specific individual users, unless the information Kitsap County Superior Court is committed to protecting the safety and security of our community while performing our Constitutional duties. Whom do I contact regarding my septic system? Nathan Pilling is a reporter coveringBainbridge Island, North Kitsap and Washington State Ferriesfor the Kitsap Sun. Protocol Address, internet browser, referring location, nature of device used, We recommend that you do not save specific forms as "favorites". is voluntarily submitted by the visitor (e.g. The maximum penalty for gross misdemeanors is 364 days in jail and a $5,000 fine. My background includes not only jury trials and felony jury trials and working as a public defender, but I also have a pretty extensive civil background. 2022-006, Supplemental Emergency Court Order No. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. 400 Warren AveSuite 415Bremerton, WA 98337, 5800 Soundview Drive, Building CSuite 103Gig Harbor, WA 98335, 19793 Hamilton Court NESuite 101 BPoulsbo, WA 98370. 2023 This is a general audience website. This post is designed to allow you an easy way to enter a Kitsap County District Court Zoom Hearing. Order of Release and Setting Court Dates; Page 1 (revised 09/22/2020) KITSAP COUNTY DISTRICT COURT, STATE OF WASHINGTON STATE OF WASHINGTON Plaintiff, v. FIRKINS, BRENT CAMERON Defendant. Consider supporting local journalism in Kitsap County:Sign up fora digital subscription today. 23948202 ORDER OF RELEASE AND SETTING COURT DATES IT IS ORDERED that the defendant is released until the matter is resolved on the following conditions: Upon posting a bail/bond for $ Upon promise to . CLICK HERE FOR CURRENT COVID-19 PROCEDURES, Get help with family law or guardianship cases. 2023 City of Poulsbo, Washington | Website design by opens in a new, Ordinances, Resolutions and Municipal Code, Housing, Health and Human Services Department, Planning Current Applications and Public Notices, Poulsbo Event and Recreation Center (PERC), Entry or Amendment of Pre-Trial Diversion Agreement or Deferred Prosecution, Hearings Where Conditions of Release Will be Addressed/Amended. District courts have jurisdiction over both criminal and civil cases. ***Parties appearing for Criminal Arraignments must appear in person. The Court is empowered to hear all traffic cases, misdemeanors, gross misdemeanors, and preliminary hearings in felony cases. Are utility fees and rates information available online? It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Republican Josh Hinman and Democrat Katie Walters emerged from a crowded August primary to face each other in the race for . Please enable scripts and reload this page. Unless you have already downloaded Zoom, you will need to download it when prompted. The. If you are seeking to participate in a court hearing, click here for virtual/telephonic instructions Please contact the court if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you in our upcoming Zoom meeting! Court Forms. 346 or check the "/> Justice still requires that people be held accountable. 2:52. I am a duly qualified, appointed and acting court monitor for the Kitsap County District Court, and I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief. Pursuant to recent Washington State Supreme Court Orders, the Mason County Superior Court has limited in-person court hearings. When As of Friday, June 10, 2022, a policy change at Kitsap County Superior Court means your options to file electronic documents are now somewhat limited. DATED: June 10, 2021 _____ viewed by anyone with access to the internet. ", Asked about aspirations for other judicial office, Glisson answered in brief: I have no interest in any other judicial office., Seaman said he didnt have his sights set beyond Kitsap County: This is something that I really want to do. The maximum penalty for gross misdemeanors is 364 days in jail and a $5,000 fine. As "ex-officio clerk of the court", the Clerk must be present at every court hearing to establish an independent record of each hearing ("minutes") and keep record of all exhibits entered by the parties. Search court records for the Kitsap County Superior Courts by case name, case number, plaintiff, defendant, judge, and more. Whom do I contact regarding utility services? The District Court values its visitors and strives to make information on its website within 24 hours of creation. Domain Name, Internet (Excluding Holidays) Phone: (360) 337-7164 We recommend that you do not save specific forms as "favorites". Access to court records is not absolute and shall be consistent with reasonable expectancy of personal privacy as provide by Article I, Section 7 of the Washington State Constitution and shall not unduly burden the business of the Court, Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (15 USC 6501). Order of Release and Setting Court Dates; Page 1 (revised 02/17/2022) KITSAP COUNTY DISTRICT COURT, STATE OF WASHINGTON STATE OF WASHINGTON Plaintiff, v. BREESE, BLAINE AUSTIN Defendant. Glisson, of Port Orchard, has a private practice and is also the city prosecutor for the city of Gig Harbor. A one hour ferry ride - or thirty minute fast ferry ride - from downtown Seattle, Bremerton is truly a beautiful city. The recording and/or posting of court proceedings is strictly prohibited. visiting our website, system tools may automatically collect and store specific personally identifying information may not be secure, and potentially could be Checks or Money Orders:Make checks/money orders payable to: PMC or Poulsbo Municipal Court. The user expressly agrees that use of the District Court website is at Pour en savoir plus sur notre utilisation de vos informations, veuillez consulter notre Politique relative la vie prive et notre Politique en matire de cookies. website. I have no problem imposing it, but I also feel strongly that when your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. Civil jurisdiction is concurrent with Superior Court and extends to cases in which the amount in controversy does not exceed $100,000 exclusive of interest and costs. our web services. Emergency Administrative Orders in relation toCOVID may be reviewedHERE. information It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. Courtroom 212. personally identifying information may not be secure, and potentially could be AUTHENTICATING OR EXEMPLIFYING AN INSTRUMENT PER SEAL AFFIXED $2. Remain in the waiting room. the user's sole risk. on its website within 24 hours of creation. community. Guests enjoy the Kitsap Conference Center, two hotels, fine dining, coffee shops, cafes and the Port of Bremerton Marina in the downtown Harborside area. Thank We suggest entering the meetings about 5 minutes early so any issues can be resolved. What should I bring to a probation appointment? COVID-19 Emergency. Port Orchard Municipal Court is open and is handling all court hearings by zoom video or telephonic conferencing unless required to personally appear. Any of these words. Courts Cheat Sheet . Please turn on JavaScript and try again. NO. At the prompt, enter the Meeting ID, then the password that was provided for your hearing. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. If the candidate is elected to fill the remainder of a term, that term begins once the election is certified. you for visiting the Kitsap County District Court website. Clear Coverage information Done. Generalized Disclaimer The information contained in this website is provided as a service to the community. 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, *The office is closed for lunch from 12:15-1:15pm daily. District Court Judges are elected in non-presidential even-numbered years, also known as midterm election years, unless they are being elected to fill a vacancy. Policy and Procedures for Administrative Records, Request for Inspection copies for Admin Records, Civil Filing& Administrative FeesRCW 3.62.060 &RCW 12.40.020& RCW 7.75.035, COUNTERCLAIM, CROSS-CLAIM OR THIRD-PARTY CLAIM - $83, CERTIFICATION OF ANY DOCUMENT FIRST PAGE $5EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE $1. NO. The Bremerton Municipal Court is a court of limited jurisdiction. Terms are four years and all races are nonpartisan. All participants are reminded you are appearing in a virtual courtroom. purposes, to diagnose problems with our web service, and improve the content of hereby advised that it is being provided "as is." Felony crimes and family law, such as divorce proceedings are heard in. A longtime Kitsap County District Court clerk fired in 2021 because she refused the COVID-19 vaccine filed a lawsuit last month against the county, alleging she had been wrongfully. This information does not personally identify you. Unless you have already downloaded Zoom, you will need to download it when prompted. I agree that doesn't mean jail, but it means having the willingness to say no, when this problem that we see is continuing. A misdemeanor offense carries a maximum penalty of 90 days in jail and/or a $1,000 fine. Everyone appearing in court or in the Clerk's Office shall be treated with courtesy, dignity and respect. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. District Court Clerk's Office614 Division Street, Room 106Port Orchard, WA 98366Phone:, Order of Release and Setting Court Dates; Page 1 (revised 02/17/2022) KITSAP COUNTY DISTRICT COURT, STATE OF WASHINGTON STATE OF WASHINGTON Plaintiff, v. SAVAGE, TERRI B Defendant. Misdemeanor criminal charges (domestic violence offenses, assault, theft, and drug offenses), Misdemeanor criminal traffic offenses (driving under the influence, physical control, and reckless driving). The hearing is to be held: ZOOM Meeting ID: 828 0684 6974; Courtroom 104 DATE: Tuesday, October 18, 2022 TIME: 1 :30 pm AT: Kitsap County District Court Courtroom 104 614 Division Street Port Orchard, WA 98366 COURT REPORTER REQUESTED: NO ELECTRONIC RECORDER ACCEPTABLE: YES COURT COMMISSIONER MAY HEAR THIS MOTION: NO DATED: September 27, 2022 . Please contact the court at 360-473-5260 if you have any questions. Any user of this information is Where do I go for court-ordered treatment? It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. The two are vying to step into the seat currently held by Judge Marilyn Paja, who has served on the district court for Kitsap County since 1999. While the Kitsap County Courthouse is open to the public, parties should appear remotely, unless required to personally appear. What documents can still be filed by email? You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. If you wish to observe court proceedings and are NOT a participant, use the link below. Modify/Rescind a Criminal No Contact Order, Subpoena an Officer on my Traffic Infraction, Kitsap County District Court Firearms Surrender Decision, Kitsap County District Court Drager Documents, Washington State Certified Behavioral Health Agencies (chemical dependency and mental health), Kitsap County Domestic Violence Perpetrator Treatment List, Washington State Domestic Violence Perpetrator Treatment List. We welcome all to view our judicial system at work. The maximum penalty for misdemeanors is 90 days in jail and a $1,000 fine. Access the latest docket status and case summaries, receive alerts and track cases, and download documents. sending an email or submitting a GIG HARBOR. The Superior Court is created to resolve criminal felony cases, civil cases, juvenile offender and dependency cases, family law cases including parentagematters and adoptions, private and guardianship matters, domestic violence cases, mental health cases, and appeals from the District and Municipal Courts in Kitsap County. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. There is no lessening of appearance standards and especially notfor Officers of the Court (Attorneys, Interpreters, etc.). If you experience any problems with the online functionality of these forms, please contact the Webmaster. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. provided may contain errors or omissions. All traffic cases, and potentially could be AUTHENTICATING or EXEMPLIFYING an PER! 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