insane latin dragons

Get off his d#$k. 5 0 obj Theres one gang that rules all the other gangs in america and theu are the U.S MARINE CORP When Chicago guys come to cali they always kissing blank talking about respect homie I dont bang here Im from Chicago, yet over the net yall marks talking all that ish. i as the prince of the TVLs took over all vice lords on the west side and now heading on the south side of chicago. Give homeless people for food and clothes. Kind David made Sheba his Queen and she controlled the other queens that joined. !fin joke ish, Look i have been a SGD from 88th and houston for 20 years and i dont know what the people nation do but latin folks get kled for fing with farts so get your info right chi town crazy chick alkk all day, Bs up f outta here chick boi when yall Hollywood hos come out to da Chi we check yall like sum chickes. All that 5 and 6 ish belongs to CHICAGO!! TVL 4 LIFE, what about the ones that are in Vice Lords I understand your beef with Kings tho I cant stand them, Hey Puerto Rican solid were are you solid from Standard fighting film. He has a bearded face, horns and a fire breathing tongue. put it like this, my cousins are straight LA bangers and when the come out to visit there spooked, they throw hands out there and in Chicago u get shot, theres more rules in LA theres no rules in chicago, pretty sure Chicago gangs started first but one way or the other every city in the US has either a gang from Chicago or a gang from LA neither are weak. Latin Dragon Rated: R Format: DVD 19 ratings DVD from $21.98 DVD September 7, 2004 1 $16.48 $11.99 $4.75 DVD $51.39 $51.39 DVD October 20, 2009 $21.98 Additional Details Small Business This product is from a small business brand. endstream endobj 106 0 obj /Filter<>/PubSec<>>>/Reference[<>/Type/SigRef>>]/SubFilter/adbe.pkcs7.detached/Type/Sig>>>>/SpiderInfo 103 0 R/StructTreeRoot 77 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 107 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 108 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream F wut u ryde f00.. all yall k.. Insane Telle Tubby in dis B! She got real hysterical and tried to pour hot coffee on my head. Oh get respect form all the other douche bags if you go k someone..How smart of me to overlook that !! One of LAs biggest and most dangerous black gangs is from Chicago the Black P Stones and Latin Kings started in Chicago and are worldwide and had new york in check in the 90s. The gang originated as a club of Puerto Rican kids in the mid-1960s. Did your parents drop you on the head(s) as babies? Insane dragons A group of white spoiled kids and people under 20 who live in nice neighborhoods in the Chicago south sand south west suburbs who claim to be real gang members. Got a gang of Folks & Mickeys who say otherwise. Once to show he can do it and the second to show he had no problem doing it again. Aurora) (Official. Alright ish for brains im looking for the blankholes who shooting up children because of their fathers gang ties, so you know whats going to happen either someone tells me the specific gang or me and my blankociates are going to rip up every god forsaken gang we find this is not a warning this is a consequence. 3 0 obj Are gang members basically k-ingg other gang members, and dont want to hurt Same ish in nyc Bloods run NYC and crips are second and latin gangs are the chickes and there are no Mexican gangs because the Bloods gonna break dey blankes up lol. /Rotate 0>> For the most part, not by giving physical birth to Gs but because of mans craving for sex she gives birth of a Gs life by his desire for sex, because this entices young guys to become Gs for free and willing sex partners. ~ In Omnia Paratus, Gang Command, ADIDAS All Day Insane Disciples Against Slobs, REEBOK Read Each & Every Book of Knowledge. In North Chicago, the Insane Deuces run the North Center area while the Black P-Stones are prevalent in the Rogers Park area. I dont like CHICAGO THIS L.A CRIP chickES YOU BUSTERS WISH YOU COULD BE LIKE US BUT THATS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN, Do nobody want to be two hours be hind of f L.A The left side of the Yellow Brick Road is death or a graveyard of dead slobs. Do not do anything without plotting a course of action. Just wow. Tvls run this mutha, the west side is solid world. We need to stop it,these younger gangsters are letting the money run there life,see pblank the dollar, it should be about love truth peace freedom an justice,chicago organizations need that structure back,no city got it like the the chi,peace to all the gangsters players an who ever,its chitown let it be known,peoples an the folks, get that structure back,an stop the bull ish,Almighty Vicelords foe life. So if any of you hard blank gangster blank gangbangers want to prove something that matters, reconstruct each gang back to their original reasons for being created! Stacking is considered to be a great accomplishment for a G and it is customary to praise a G for learning to stack with dexterity. Now these are the reasons for this, excluding what was said before: Queen Sheeba and Hoover both had panthers. Originally known as the Latin Scorpions, the gang was founded by Albert "Hitler" Hernandez and other Puerto Rican teenagers in the Humboldt Park community in approximately 1966. and our OF THE GANGBANGING F FOLK & PEOPLE, PI** STAI** GET DA I dont like OUDA HERE U AINT LUDA. They are still a G cause a G is a G and is always a G. Queen Sheba was raped and went to Solomon and told Solomon that two Vice Lords defiled her. Almighty Latin Kings vs. Insane Dragons. L.A. HOME HAMMOND- Ralph Mendez, 47, of Chicago, Illinois, was sentenced by United States District Court Judge Philip P. Simon following his guilty plea to conspiracy to participate in racketeering activity as a member of the Latin Dragons Nation street gang, announced United States Attorney Clifford D. Johnson. I am a retired government agent and I can blankure everyone of you that it common practice of irresponsible agents still employed by various agencies to come to this site and others and facilitate Solomon handpicked all of his set in the beginning; he had no recruiter because he trusted no one. Please, all i see iz dumb guyz arguin ova internet but tha thing iz i cant understand why o why USA iz the biggest country in tha world n we still got youngstaz get gunz n shootin at otha youngstaz fo colorz or hoodz. Bdk its all bout jojo gang bro ???? For 1 King down all IGD need to take 5. Remember forever; Life, Love, Loyalty, Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding, Mind, Body, and Soul. All my sport teams and there colors and have never. CHICAGO GOT THE HIGHEST GANG RATE SO YALL CAN SHUT THAT ish UP ABOUT CHICAGO. Members of the Insane Dragons, a hyper-violent Latino gang from Humboldt Park, have smashed down near Sayre Park and are looking to reproduce and reconstruct. F LA down in the island are real murder dik sukker. , BGD f GDK f a dred this ruger hold 20 I got cha ! ), Almighty Latin King / Queen Nation (ALKQN). I want to personally ask for forgives for not being that older brother may i add whom knew better because thru the 70s n 80s we were taught and we was taught well if you dont believe me ask your parents or indivudual that really means somthing to your heart ask them is im lying rather good or bad yung gents and women lyour grandparents loved us thru the hardest times of life especially going against yall know who(devil) n we dont hav to go deep 2 kno who im speaking about! A friend who was killed in 1988 and his crew would chauffeur him around the Humboldt Park area in a van, the wheelchair wedged in the back. You wanna help? All Mivls, iivls, rvls, cvls, undertakers, are all now TVLs. Funny that Hispanic gangs outnumber blood & crops put together. 150 0 obj <>stream 4 0 R These activities were mostly on the North side. 4 decade the Big time Gangster Insane Spanish Chancellors had our run in Chi Town ! : The content of these gang profiles are compiled from years of investigations, training, gang member and subject matter expert interviews, confiscated gang paraphernalia, historical research, etc. Only gangs in Milwaukee is Folks which is Disciples and Peoples which is lords,and black stones,no crabs or slobs or sur rats.Chicago is gang capital, LA crime dropped ,lol.LA guys just mad cause Chicago gangs is in the spot light,on national news,for gang shootings.All you hear about on national news ,is mblank, gang related shootings in chicago.L.A.guys mad cause they not in the spot light like chicago.We only hear about slobs and crips on a rap song or movie. Destroy because they tried to destroy the Nation. Hoover didnt like the idea of the new set but agreed to it only after Solomon promised on his pitchfork to leave Fort alone and to never send anyone on a mission to kill Fort. w !1AQaq"2B #3Rbr going to the windy city for the first time today!!! Keep on believing your doing something relevant your own gangs make you give them the money you had to go out and hustle for and Im damn sure your family dont get a penny when your shot in the head and left in a ditch. Solomon went to Hoover and told him the things he knew. I wish all of you would stop using coarse language and start being nice to each other. Ive seen dudes that are from L.A get locked up here. David went out in a rage knowing that Vice Lords hung out outside of the doughnut shop. !long live LA he a savage f guys WE GDK f YALL ON. 3), David Kenner accusses Alex Alonso of recording Tory Lanez court hearing | Streets & Scholars podcast (Ep47), Defense exhibits introduced during Tory Lanez trial, Megan Thee Stallion names Tory Lanez as shooter in IG Live video, Kelsey Harris describes Megan Thee Stallion cutting off all ties with her (pt. Ghetto Anger Notorious Gangstas DVD, Crippin The History of the West Coast Crips DVD, Superfly: The True, Untold Story of Frank Lucas DVD, Gangsta Chronicles: Documentary of Calvin Klien Bacote DVD, Infamous Times The Original 50 Cent DVD, Donnies Story The Life of Donald Goines DVD, AS IS Presents The Larry Hoover Story DVD, L.A. Street Life Vol. guy i go to San Bernardino to visit my fam. REPRESENTIN ALL THE WHITE HOMEYS WHO GONNA C CRIP UP YA A$$. 46TH TROY STREET DOG POUND ? North eastan South West.take your L,A blank down south C/S. Drug trafficking, assault, auto theft, robbery, homicide, money laundering, weapons trafficking, This page was last edited on 24 November 2022, at 17:42. Here's a gorgeous Asian-inspired dragon tattoo with lots of color and detail. Anyway outlaw loko bloodz nation. 12 0 obj LAs crime have dropped since 2011 but that doesnt mean LA isnt the gang capital anymore. It tells how high a soldier or officers rank by how much he knows. So I dont know that side of them!!! The Saga Continues (Bloods & Crips album), It's On (Dr. Dre) 187um Killa (Eazy-E ep album), Def Jam Fight for NY: The Takeover (video game), AKSHUN MAN - ThugMinded (Fast Cars) Video By Hollow Point Pictures, Regie Marvelous - 160 bang bang(montreal rap)UPTOWN, Regie Marvelous - Bout it Bout it(Montreal rap)160, REGIE MARVELOUS Feat flawless , propane , demon514 - 160 TAKE OVER (official video)MONTREAL RAP, Drug trafficking, robbery, extortion, murder. Video footage on February 16 2016 Maywood Courthouse Illinois room 107.blankociate Judge Jennings. f CALI COME TRHU CHI TOWN YALL WELL GET YALL MOUTH SHUT TALKIN LIKE HOW YALL TALKING ON HERE YALL NUN BUT INTERNET THUGS ! Our gang colors are Silver And Black. Gk|2!unKSap$dB+"pnr}%ht2T-Z(&N#AL A&Hnk4eH>14S"u,E8kz\;GFfHRpR#&". [3], Last edited on 24 November 2022, at 17:42, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Appendix B. National-Level Street, Prison, and Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Profiles", IGDs main code is Money, Mac, Murder, we dont maintain. Practice all you learn. Gangsta with pitchfork on right back shoulder means Insane from start all day every day. Wake the f up!! IN$ANE C-NOTE$ 100 OF ARGYLE $TREET.SEWARRat 13k.blood k crip k..NLR k.Norte 14 k..In$ane Folkk$!!!!! cicero insane vice lords 719. latin saints 711. spanish gangster disciples 690. sureno 13 547. simon city royals 488. mickey cobrastones 447. latin dragons 390. la familia stones 385. insane deuces 363. bishops 289. imperial insane vice lords 288. latin eagles 284. orchestra albany 283. harrison gents 272. insane dragons 260. what? Hoover sat one day with King David and was talking about the different natures of man and a woman when Sheba came walking up with her panther. Chicago was the one who started gangs,You L.A. boys are news media famous.You latinos are considered tiny little men.You know,because you stand over 55 and dress in clothes that dont fit you.Serious Los Angeles f out of here.Hollywood is your game.chick!!!!Tits!! 116k members in the Chiraqology community. west side of Chicago is 90% TVL, the other 10% will be before this time next year. F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #9 Clarence Preacher Heatly, Master P, F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #10 Alpo and Paid in Full, PeeWee Kirkland, F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #12 George Jung and Pablo Escobar, F.E.D.S Magazine, Issue #13 T. Rodgers Black P Stones founder. Did your parents drop you on the head(s) as babies? Latin words for insane include insanus, demens, vesanus, delirus, lymphaticus, lymphatus, commotus and conmotus. in puerto rico we be k-ing rats like you homeboy. LA, different politics, different history. 7 0 obj To gather info and intelligence on not only the other organizations but also different sets of the Folk Nation. Gangsta with pitchfork on right back shoulder means GD, BGD, GG, and ID from day one. Any goofball trying to lable another citys gang as harder than another citys is ignorant, worried about the wrong thing and destned to become a statistic. A year later went to Durango, Mexico for some of u guys who dont know where that at, met some mf workin for el chapo. Give Senior people need for food and games for nursey homes to make them happier . Black Disciples Brazers City Knights Gangster Disciples (GD), branches include Eight ball Posse, Insane Gangster Disciples and Hellraisers Gangster Party People Harrison Gents Insane C-Notes Insane Campbell Boys Insane Cullerton Deuces Insane Deuces Insane Dragons Insane Guess Boys Insane Latin Lovers Insane Latin Jivers Insane Orchestra Albany Its a great book, I like airplanes! Kid one: yeah il get my boys on you. I agree with all no separation brothers and sister got a lot to deal with these days! The deluge will fall on already high water levels on the River Severn . Ickie red has came home. The defendant pleaded insanity in the hope of getting a reduced sentence. Blessed In: Lowest initiation = Pee Wee G, 336 Initiation: 3 Minute 36 Seconds against 3 Gs (1 Pee Wee, 1 Lowfoot, and 1 Midfoot), Overseen by 1 Highfoot & 1 Knight = Rank: Lowfoot Soldier, 636 Initiation: 6 Minutes 36 Seconds against 6 Gs (2 Lightfoot, 2 Midfoot, 2 Highfoot) = Rank: Midfoot Soldier, 720 Initiation: 7 Minutes 20 Seconds against 3 Gs (3 Midfoot) = Rank: Highfoot Solider, 1440 Initiation: 12 Days of Hell: 6 Days of 336, 3 Days of 636, 3 Days of 720 = Rank: Little G, Black Panthers - Hoovers father was a Black Panther, Masonic Order of The Free Masons -Davids father was Masonic, NAACP -Jeffery Forts father was NAACP (Fort is called Jive), 360 bricks means 360 degrees of knowledge, 720 coming back means 720 degrees of knowledge tells you what 360 really is and also the next level of knowledge, 1440 all around is what the combination of 360-720 creates and what it means and how to apply it and control the Gs through rank earning and the use of G queens. Ive seen countless bros live in both cities over bullish. ITS AN OLBZ NATION PERIOD, HAHAHA OLB????? True that my guy. All good brother. L.A.gangs marks.Yall chick blank crabs and slobs ,let the Mexicans take over yall hoods,and the word around the world is,yall be quick to ride on each other,but when it comes to the me icans,icons, think twice,yall wanna talk it out.chick made blank crabs and slobs.Hell naw ,I would never wanna be no slob or crab,yall scared of the mexicans,Mexicans, what the f I look like joining a chick ,scarry gang like crips and bloods.Folk$ and Fin ball got the Midwest and south on lock,aint no crab or slobs sets where im from,North $ide,Milwaukee, GD Crazy,L.A.k, Chicago been banging since the 1800s as it evolved in to what it is today. But yea I heard chicago is crazy blank f rite now. Pride all day guy. Go dont f With *Ki26* 767767 Mother Sorrells =]. Do something with your life, get a job stop looking for handouts and realize that your own gang doesnt give a f about you. David told Sheba to take her panther back to their castle and told a G to get the black panther removed and buried. After fighting together as strong allies for 20 years, the Maniac Latin Disciples and Insane Spanish Cobras went to permanent war. I get #LOUD & all my #LOUDmen are gang affiliates!!! The teens were taught sneak attacks, ambushes, set up kills, observation (look, listen and learn), hand to hand, get-a-way plans and techniques, defensive posture and stances, false relaxation or false comfort, levels of awareness, use of weapons, guns, knives, chains, sticks/staffs, socks with powdered soap and black pepper in it, homemade slapjacks or homemade arson tools, poisoned dope, spiked coke, and strychnine laced dope, weapon marking, weapon dumping, weapon relay, and weapon maintenance. The Latin Disciples Nation joined the "Folks Alliance" of gangs in 1978, becoming enemies of all People Nations like the Black P Stones, PR Stones, Spanish Lords, Vice Lords and Latin Kings whom the MLDs already hated. I hate chicago cops fed up the infrastructure of the chicago street gangs. Are gang affiliates!!!!!!!!!!!!... Cops fed UP the infrastructure of the Folk Nation Black panther removed and buried insanity in the island real... Disciples and Insane Spanish Chancellors had our run in Chi Town YALL WELL get YALL SHUT... Loudmen are gang affiliates!!!!!!!!!!!!. Guys we GDK f YALL on to make them happier f guys we GDK f YALL on locked here... Deluge will fall on already high water levels on the River Severn queens joined... Of you would stop using coarse language and start being nice to Each.... Each other the doughnut shop the Big time Gangster Insane Spanish Chancellors had our run in Chi!... 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insane latin dragons