NOAAs P-3 Orion nicknamed Kermit prepares to take off. Without the only operational hurricane reconnaissance unit in the world flying into storm every season, the negative impact on forecast accuracy could be devastating. Their courage helps further science and save lives. Even if we are in, you know, extreme turbulence, it means something to people on the ground and it really makes an impact on people's lives, Underwood said. One of these drones dropped in the eye could measuring pressure changes, which indicate whether a storm is getting stronger. The storm was near the Bahamas and rapidly intensifying to a very strong Category 5 storm, with winds around 185 mph. Hurricanes are massive cyclone storms that reach altitudes up to 50,000 feet. 03:04. . That summer, British pilots were being trained in instrument flying at Bryan Field. The Hurricane Hunters began flying Fiona on Sept. 15, when it was a tropical storm. In September 2008, Tropical Storm Kyle churned off the U.S. East coast, and Price was assigned the first 2 am takeoff. [16], The examples and perspective in this article, Last edited on 17 November 2022, at 22:55, Learn how and when to remove this template message, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, "NOAA hurricane center once housed at MacDill opens in Lakeland", "NOAA Hurricane Hunters Have New Home In Lakeland", "Aircraft Meteorological Observation for Tropical Cyclones", "HKO and GFS join forces to introduce dropsonde system", "The 6 lost Hurricane Hunter missions, Part I: the Oct 1, 1945 typhoon", "The 6 lost Hurricane Hunter missions, Part II: Typhoon Wilma, 1952", "The 6 lost Hurricane Hunter missions, Part III: Typhoon Doris, 1953", "The 6 lost Hurricane Hunter missions, Part IV: Hurricane Janet, 1955", "The 6 lost Hurricane Hunter missions, Part V: Typhoon Ophelia, 1958", "Smithsonian Channel: It's Brighter Here", 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron homepage, Air Weather Reconnaissance Association homepage, ASN Accident description 13 OCT 1974 Lockheed WC-130H Hercules 65-0965, The NOAA Aircraft Operations Center homepage, VW-1 All Hands Alumni Association homepage,, October 26, 1952 - A United States Air Force, December 16, 1953 - A United States Navy Consolidated PB4Y-2 Privateer (Bureau Number: 59716) of Airborne Early Warning Squadron (VW-3) was lost during reconnaissance of, September 26, 1955 - A United States Navy, January 15, 1958 - A United States Air Force, October 12, 1974 - In 1974, a newly converted, This page was last edited on 17 November 2022, at 22:55. A lock ( Updated The P-3s and G-IV are based at NOAAs Aircraft Operations Center(AOC) in Lakeland, Florida. We want to cut through the roughest part of the storm because were trying to measure the strongest winds for the Hurricane Center. During non-hurricane season months, the P-3s and G-IV are tailored by AOC engineers for use in other severe weather and atmospheric research programs, and flown by NOAA Corps pilots worldwide in a variety of weather conditions. Price spoke of the healthy anxiety he feels before a storm flight, No matter how often we fly into these systems, the natural inclination of the pilot in me to avoid inclement weather will never go away entirely, and ultimately helps foster my immense respect for every storm we approach. Hurricane Ian also presented an opportunity to deploy new technology. As far as passengers are concerned, the nature of extreme weather events generally leads airlines to be more accommodating in terms of booking flexibility. If we could drop a drone in the eyewall and have it orbit there, it could measure where the strongest winds are thats another important detail for forecasters. The eye is the calmest part of the storm, but its surrounded by the most intense part: the eyewall. Hurricanes like to stand up straight think of a spinning top. Weather-Ready Nation1325 East West HighwaySilver Spring, MD 20910Comments? Just before 9 a.m. on Monday Lt. Col. Jeff Ragusa briefed his crew at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Mississippi . We also launch ocean probes call AXBTs aircraft expendable bathythermograph out ahead of the storm. Radar imagery from Hurricane Patricia as it was nearing maximum intensity. So, one thing we look for is alignment. The flight pattern youll typically see from our Gulfstream IV is a circumnavigation of the storm itself, as well as sampling of the atmosphere around and ahead of the storm, Underwood said. There is a method to the madness. NOAA Corps pilots and civilian flight engineers, meteorologists and electronic engineers are highly trained to operate in the kind of adverse weather conditions that keep other aircraft on the ground. This mission made six passes through the storm, crossing the eye each time. It can give us a sense of how juicy the atmosphere is, so how conducive it is for feeding a storm. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.. The strong winds of a hurricane alone are unlikely to damage the aircraft in question. The pilots, Flight Director and Navigator conduct a mission brief with science team personnel to review the planned route, mission profile, data collection objectives, current and forecast storm development, expected hazards (e.g., convection, icing, salt accretion); weather for takeoff, landing and the en-route portion, etc. Henry E. Rohlsen Airport, located in St. Croix, is used by the53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron also known as the Air Force Hurricane Hunters to extend their surveillance into the central Atlantic. Since 1997, the G-IV has flown missions around nearly every Atlantic-based hurricane that has posed a potential threat to the United States. It recorded a maximum . An Air Force WC-130 with six men aboardpresumably crashed into the South China Sea. Information from both research and reconnaissance flights directly contribute to the safety of people living along and visiting the vulnerable Atlantic and Gulf coasts. How Winter Fashion Has Changed in 100 Years (PHOTOS), Eerie Vintage Photos of People Battling the Flu, Democratic Republic of the Congo | Franais, State of Vatican City (Holy See) | Italiano, Hurricane Janet Takes 11 Navy Hurricane Hunter Lives. The Hurricane Hunters volunteer for their mission and fly directly through the eye of the hurricane then turn and come through again at a different entry point then turn and do it again. Hurricane hunting aircraft provide vital information in terms of a storm's potential development. Manned flights into hurricanes began in 1943 when, on a bet, pilot-trainer Colonel Joseph Duckworth legendarily flew a single engine plane into a category 1 storm near Galveston, Texas . NOAA Hurricane Hunter crews experienced extreme updrafts and downdrafts,according to their Facebook page. The flights can be harrowing, but considering the stakes on the ground Hurricane Ian killed more than 100 people NOAA sees them as invaluable. Known as the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, this division of the USAF has been sporadically active since 1944, and permanently since 1993. Have a comment on this page? Hurricane Hunters have a massive role when it comes to forecasting tropical storms and hurricanes. The Square Spiral pattern is a survey mission meant to supply observations on the structure and characteristics including information about the vortex center, if it exists. Take control of your data. For a storm to gain enough energy to develop into a hurricane, the temperature of surface waters needs to rise above 26 C (79 F). The Area-I Altius-600 unmanned drone was used for the first time in a storm. These planes help scientists better understand hurricanes and predict their path. It is also a country that is often in the news for its hurricanes. Nowadays, such flights are far more considered, while also serving a crucial purpose in terms of understanding extreme weather. Which City Is the Worst for Fall Allergies This Year? All of that data goes to the National Hurricane Center and to modeling centers so they can get a better representation of the atmosphere. In some cases, the aircraft may descend to as low as 1,500 metres (5,000 feet) to measure airspeeds closer to the waters surface or in the storms violent eyewalls. Planes are generally not destroyed by strong winds while in flight. Bess crossed over the northern Philippines island of Luzon with typhoon-force winds, killing 26 and causing $9.2 million in damage. The low-pressure base acts like a vacuum that sucks more warm, moist air into the spiral. And just as is done for tropical cyclones, the missions are coordinated through the Chief, Aerial Reconnaissance Coordination All Hurricanes, also known as CARCAH,located at NOAAs National Hurricane Center in Miami. Since 2009 the Government Flying Service of Hong Kong (GFS) have conducted regular flight data collection in cooperation with the Hong Kong Observatory. The equipment and personnel of the squadron were flying out of Dobbins Air Reserve Base near Atlanta. Jason Dunion receives funding from NOAA, NASA, and the Office of Naval Research. At one point, we had G-forces of 3 to 4 Gs. NOAA's hurricane hunters, famous for flying into the world's most ferocious weather, have a job which is not for the faint of heart, often being tossed in severe turbulence while flying at a . The Hurricane Hunters fly into storms to collect atmospheric data which is provided to the National Hurricane Center for use in . Slicing through the eyewall of a hurricane, buffeted by howling winds, blinding rain and violent updrafts and downdrafts before entering the relative calm of the storms eye, NOAAs two Lockheed WP-3D Orion four-engine turboprop aircraft, afectionately nicknamed "Kermit" (N42RF) and "Miss Piggy" (N43RF), probe every wind and pressure change, repeating the often grueling experience again and again during the course of an 8-10 hour mission. Others, however, fly straight into the giant storms. Open to educators, parents and caregivers. Rapid intensification is when a storm increases in speed by 35 mph in just a day. The winds can steer a storm or tear it apart, but the ocean heat and moisture are its fuel. SACRAMENTO, California ( KOVR) While you hunker down and do everything you can to dodge the storm, a team of hurricane hunters heads right into it. MATHER A lot goes into ensuring Northern California is ready for the atmospheric rivers headed to the Sacramento region, and that's why Air Force reservists are flying missions out of Mather Airport. How does that happen? Air in, up and out the breathing is a great way to diagnose a storm. These instruments continuously transmit measurements of pressure, humidity, temperature, and wind direction and speed as they fall toward the sea, providing a detailed look at the structure of the storm and its intensity. Intercardinal directions are the diagonal points in between: northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest. While specialist weather reconnaissance aircraft are made to fly directly into hurricanes, airliners generally have to air a little more caution. Please note the HTML5 video option may not work at all in some browsers/devices. 2022 Reuters. The USAFR hurricane hunters fly weather missions in an area midway through the Atlantic Ocean to the Hawaiian Islands, and have on occasion flown into typhoons in the Pacific Ocean and gathered data in winter storms. Research Meteorologist, University of Miami. No hurricane hunter aircraft has ever taken more than three Gs. The computer models that forecast hurricane tracks and intensity mainly use G-IV dropsonde data collected day and night in storms affecting the United States. Luckily, the team found a weak spot at 7,000 feet in the immense eye wall and returned to Barbados safely. For the exciting conclusion of our series on NOAA's Hurricane Hunter aircraft, we ask meteorologist Nikki Hathaway how flights through tropical storms can give us insight into their origins, mechanics, and perhaps most importantly, their trajectories. Sixty-one years ago, Navy Reconnaissance flight Snowcloud Five left GuantanamoBay in Cuba and never returned to base. Watching the target cyclone churn on the radar loop during the mission brief usually sparks that anxiety and also helps ground my mental preparation for the flight ahead. Most pilots try to avoid flying an airplane into severe weather, but not the NOAA Hurricane Hunters. What are hurricane hunters and why do they fly into hirricanes? Other types include the A-20 Havoc, 1944; B-24, 19441945; B-17, 19451947; B-25, 19461947; B-29, 19461947. Hurricane Hugo went on to kill 49 people, including 21 in the United States. During the mission, crews drop instruments called dropwindsondes, which float down through the hurricane on parachutes while sending data back to the aircraft. 1:11:48. The 53rd WRS hurricane hunters operate ten Lockheed WC-130J aircraft, which fly directly into hurricanes, typically penetrating the hurricane's eye several times per mission at altitudes between 500 feet (150m) and 10,000 feet (3,000m). Its a lot like a rollercoaster ride, only you dont know exactly when the next up or down is coming. NOAA P-3s also participate in a wide variety of national and international meteorological and oceanographic research programs. Latest VDM from @53rdWRS mission indicates Hurricane #Larry no longer has a defined eyewall and the central pressure rose 3-4 mb between passes. It wasnt until he neared college graduation on a Navy ROTC scholarship that aviation reappeared on his radar. Storm surge forecasts have benefited from the addition of NOAA-developed Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometers (SFMRs) to NOAAs P-3s. On the day of the flight, a normal pre-flight check starts 23 hours before takeoff. High-tech radar systems on the aircraft provide researchers and forecasters an MRI-like look at the storm, allowing them to see the different layers and internal structures. CBS News Sacramento: Free 24/7 News. During the next flight, Hurricane Janet was found to be a major hurricane with winds of 160 mph. There are two distinctive groups of hurricane hunters, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the US Air Force Reserve (USAF). The underlined links option causes all website links to become underlined, making them easier to distinguish. For the Hurricane Hunters, there are two main types of missions flown, fixed and invest. The high contrast option causes colors to change to mostly black and white. Once we are able to map a full circulation (usually by finding a west wind), well shift back to Figure 4s based on that newly identified center position.. Typically, a surface temperature of 26.5 degrees Celsius (80 Fahrenheit) and above is favorable for a hurricane, but the depth of that heat is also important. A technician in the back may have launched a dropsonde from the belly of the plane, and were checking the quality of the data and sending it off to modeling centers and the National Hurricane Center. "We basically drop the instruments into . That's the best way to get a clear, accurate picture of how strong and . It's a 2,900-mile radius over the Pacific in the Air Force Reserve's massive WC-130J as they hunt down rough and volatile storms aiming for the Sacramento region. NOAAs Gulfstream IV-SP (G-IV)which can fly high, fast and far with a range of 4,000 nautical miles and a cruising altitude of 45,000 ft., paints a detailed picture of weather systems in the upper atmosphere surrounding developing hurricanes. Price flies a WP-3D Orion, one of two different types of planes that the Hurricane Hunters use. This past hurricane season is history, and it's several months until the official start of the next season on June 1. January 16, 2023, 5:52 PM. Have you ever been on a flight that has changed its course due to such a storm? In a hurricane or other tropical storm, with winds often 100 miles per hour or faster, these . The 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, assigned to the 403rd Wing, Keesler Air Force Base . Data collected during hurricanes by these high-flying meteorological stations help forecasters make accurate predictions during a hurricane and help hurricane researchers achieve a better understanding of storm processes, improving their forecast models. The training of a commercial pilot and Hurricane Hunter diverge sharply. More than 1,000 people were killed and $65 million in damage was done. Related Videos. As Hurricane Ian intensified on its way toward the Florida coast, hurricane hunters were in the sky doing something almost unimaginable: flying through the center of the storm. Even in the rough parts of the storm, scientists like myself are busy on computers working up the data. . A reality television series featuring the USAFR 53rd WRS, entitled Hurricane Hunters, debuted on The Weather Channel in July 2012. [#5] I believe only one ever crashed in a storm and that was over 60 years ago. Hurricane Storm Surge. Options below affect the visual display. The depth of ocean heat as Hurricane Ida headed for a warm eddy boundary on Aug. 28, 2021. Here's what it's like Flying directly into storms like Hurricane Harvey, which these people are doing in this photo . Several garbled radio attempts were made after the penetration attempt, but no audio was clear. This flight showed that hurricane reconnaissance flights were possible, and further flights continued occasionally. All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes. Official websites use .gov [4] In September 2016 they introduced the dropsonde system, which collects extra meteorological data on tropical cyclones to enhance the monitoring of typhoons.[5]. They went through a rapid change between 3.0G (or 3 times the force of gravity) and -1.5G (weightlessness) in the eyewall roller coaster. The number of aircraft in the NOAA and USAF Reserve Hurricane Hunter fleet. National Weather Service Michael Smerconish tackles the week's biggest news. The Cabo Verde Islands are in the Atlantics hurricane nursery. The data from the aircraft is quality-controlled by CARCAH and goes into a number of computer models to help improve the forecast of the high-impact winter storms. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration We were flying low on the western edge of the storm when I requested a . In 1943, pilots taking part in flight training using instrument panels ribbed their instructor into betting on their new flight training, as flying exclusively with instruments was introduced in the 1940s. How hurricane hunters fly into storms. Commander Scott Price, a NOAA Commissioned Corps Officer, is one of this rare breed. The closely-related Star 2 pattern also does an outer scan of the system, while also adding in a circumference loop near the center of circulation. She still has family in the Santa Cruz area. If this website contains a YouTube video, we default to it since it is more likely to work in your choice of device/browser. Flight levels for the Delta and Box patterns are usually at or below 5,000 ft absolute altitude. Thats what astronauts experience during a rocket launch. Generally speaking, these typical cyclones are not as tall as other storms. A NOAA technician deploys an airborne expendable bathythermograph. This uncrewed aircraft system (UAS) is able to operate in areas too dangerous for humans. Flying into Hurricane Harvey aboard a a P-3 Hurricane Hunter nicknamed Kermit in 2018. . The 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, aka the " Hurricane Hunters ," is the only Air Force unit tasked with the mission of collecting data from the inside of a storm and flying into the eye of hurricanes. Patricia weakened before landfall in a sparsely populated area of Mexico, but caused an estimated $325 million in damage. The plane and crew of nine crewmenand two reporters was never found. In the past, before satellites were used to find tropical storms, military aircraft flew routine weather reconnaissance tracks to detect formation of tropical cyclones. Hurricane hunters have been flying into storms for 75 years to measure wind speeds and pressure. 2023 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. The jets mission covers thousands of square miles surrounding the hurricane, gathering vital high-altitude data with GPS dropwindsondes and tail Doppler radar that enables forecasters to maps the steering currents that influence the movement of hurricanes. Nick Underwood, an aerospace engineer and hurricane hunter at NOAA, the National Oceanic & Atmospheric . NOTE: Commander Scott Price retired from the NOAA Corps in 2019 after 20 years of service. In the place of parachutes on the sturdy WC-130Js the Hurricane Hunters fly are life vests should the plane go down in a storm. Discovery Company. As with hurricane missions, the two aircraft obtain different but complementary data. The idea of it was both fascinating and outside my comfort zone, but the caliber of people and the quality individuals I knew Id work alongside at NOAA sealed the deal.. A WC-130J Super Hercules aircraft assigned to the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron flies in the eye of Hurricane Ian Sept. 27, 2022. Are the winds favorable? "Once a system becomes a tropical storm or hurricane, the hurricane hunters begin flying at higher altitudes, ranging from 5,000 to 10,000 feet depending on the severity of the storm," said . (MORE: Read All About Masters' Hugo Flight). Watch Air Force's Hurricane Hunters fly directly into Hurricane Dorian. Were figuring out how to improve that early forecasting. The commercial aviation world trains its pilots to avoid inclement weather, while NOAA Hurricane Hunter pilots are trained to fly through the worst storms on earth, over and over again. Choices are stored using browser cookies. You cant get that from a satellite. The storm, which was a category 5 hurricane, made its way through Cuba in early September 2017. They also fly over the Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and California for winter storms, including atmospheric rivers, that may affect the U.S West Coast. Is it a closed low or an open wave? Intense downdrafts pushed the plane down to 880 feet, took out one engine and nearly took out another engine on the same wing. They fly many unique flight patterns, with different types of aircraft, depending on what type of mission is assigned. We also dont have a lot of measurements in the boundary layer because its not a safe place for a plane to fly. "Data from a ground-based global lightning detection network owned and operated by Vaisala, dubbed GLD360, indicated more than 34,000 lightning strikes in the area over Sept. 27 and 28. We also look at the inner core: What does the structure of the storm look like, and is it starting to consolidate? website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. NOTE: Commander Scott Price retired from the NOAA Corps in 2019 after 20 years of service. Despite heavy equipment losses, the squadron never missed a mission from the National Hurricane Center. However, it is still rare. Thats why we get those huge updrafts in the eyewall. Satellites can offer forecasters a basic view, but we need to get our hurricane hunters into the storm itself to really pick the hurricane apart. In 2011, the cooperation between GFS and the Observatory extended to reconnaissance flights to capture weather data for tropical cyclones over the South China Sea. A storm that isnt yet fully together might have low-level circulation, a few kilometers above the ocean, that isnt lined up with its mid-level circulation 6 or 7 kilometers up. But deep warm water, like we find in eddies in the Gulf of Mexico, provides extra energy that can fuel a storm. They fly two Lockheed WP-3D Orion aircraft, heavily instrumented flying laboratories modified to take atmospheric and radar measurements within tropical cyclones and winter storms, and a G-IV Gulfstream high-altitude jet above 41,000 feet (12km) to document upper- and lower-level winds that affect cyclone movement. Some of those tropical waves are the precursors for hurricanes. Their job is to fly specially equipped aircraft directly into the eye of the storm to collect crucial data that helps protects lives and property. . This is my third season doing this, and this is probably the worst I've seen it," she said. All Rights Reserved. It looked like a Category 5 on the inside of the plane when the crew finally reached Hugo's calm center. They accidently pierced the nine- to 10-mile-wide eye of this hurricane as it moved ashore. DeHart explains the missions are ideal for the weaker, more uncertain storms. The landfall of Hurricane Katrina on 29 August 2005 devastated Keesler Air Force Base, home of the 53rd WRS. So that really makes us need to think about the meteorology [in each particular storm], DeHart said. One of the most memorable moments Price experienced was his first P-3 mission as a NOAA pilot. The bet was won by Duckworth. The seedlings of hurricanes come off Africa, and were trying to determine the tipping points for theses disturbances to form into storms. The flights can be rough of course, but at the end of the day we just go fly through the storm center, collect the data, and send it to NHC.. The first crewed flight into a hurricane happened in 1943 when a pilot-trainer flew into a Category 1 hurricane near Galveston, Texas on a bet.[1]. Based in Norwich, UK. We might start to see the ingredients quickly coming together: Is the ocean warm to a great depth? A Hurricane Hunter flight in 1974 proved deadly. 2023 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. United States Department of Commerce, Marine Operations Center - Atlantic (MOC-A), Marine Operations Center - Pacific (MOC-P), Marine Operations Center - Pacific Islands (MOC-PI), Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP), NOAA National Weather Service's National Hurricane Center, NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory's Hurricane Research Division, NOAA and K-State Salina partner to create NOAA Corps pilot recruiting pipeline, NOAA aircraft gather data on Hurricane Ida before, during and after the storm, NOAA welcomes new Beechcraft King Air to its fleet of specialized aircraft, NOAA Twin Otter aircraft crew surveys right whales, NOAA aircraft investigate hurricanes Joaquin and Patricia, NOAA aircraft showcased at AirVenture 2015 airshow, NOAA Hurricane Hunters investigate Hurricane Danny, T.S. It was right after one of these flashes that I had the proverbial How in the world did I get here? moment., Also memorable was Hurricane Patricia in 2015, the most intimidating storm he has flown. AOC is part of NOAAs Office of Marine and Aviation Operations,which includes civilians as well as officers of the NOAA Corps, one of the nations eight uniformed services. The 53rd WRS hurricane hunters operate ten Lockheed WC . For the past two decades, from the beginning of November to the . The current state of video display on the web provides many challenges. Recently, NOAAs Gulfstream IV flew a Star-2 pattern around Hurricane Larry, to investigate outflow patterns from the storm and better determine where the storm was headed. We can also get zero G for a few seconds, and anything thats not strapped down will float off. Specially equipped NOAA aircraft play an integral role in hurricane forecasting. Slicing through the eyewall of a . They got a look at this weekend's storms before we even started feeling the rain. The Hurricane Hunters have gone more than 40 years without fatalities, but that streak hasn't always been as long. Major Christopher Dyke, a hurricane hunter, tells CNN's Allison Chinchar what it . What they actually flew into was a . Pilot Major Forrest Heintz showed their target area as our crew had full access to one of their latest missions over the Pacific. Hurricane hunters dont fly away from these storms like commercial airlines do. I exclaim, looking at Pete in amazement and trepidation. SACRAMENTO While you hunker down and do everything you can to dodge the storm, a team of hurricane hunters heads right into it. Irene's eye structure was wide enough to support a takeoff from the island. That helps engineers monitor our reservoirs, including Folsom Lake and Lake Mendocino, to gauge when to release water. Hear from the man who's been on 70-plus hurricane hunting flights. He also continuously communicates with his co-pilot and Flight Engineer the aircrafts airspeed, attitude, track and altitude. When we were coming through the eyewall of Dorian, it was all seat belts. They fly specially-equipped aircraft into the eyewall of massive and . The idea of aircraft reconnaissance of hurricane storm trackers was put forth by Captain W. L. Farnsworth of the Galveston Commercial Association in the early 1930s. Hurricane Hunters to study latest weather storms for better forecasting data. Hurricane hunting aircraft provide vital information in terms of a storm's potential development. "Once a system becomes a tropical storm or hurricane, the hurricane hunters begin flying at higher altitudes, ranging from 5,000 to 10,000 feet depending on the severity of the storm," said . Major hurricane with winds of 160 mph over the Pacific one point, we had G-forces 3., crossing the eye each time B-17, 19451947 ; B-25, 19461947, websites. 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