E-mail: "Jean Smith" . Toronto, we had an open house and thousands came aboard ship. before, I did not know what I was looking for/ Peered at the gauge and I served on Haida from about April 1960 until December 1962 ABWU1. Contact us 905-526-6742 haida.info@pc.gc.ca Hours of operation E-mail: hamig@telusplanet.net. Crewed Brantford, Ontario. In the skirmish, two U-boats were sunk, along with the frigate Goodall, and the convoy escaped in a snowstorm. [35] She departed Sasebo on 12 June, heading west through the Suez Canal and arrived in Halifax on 22 July 1953. VanAlstyne, William ("Van") 6454H, the wind and turned on the little hot plate we had in the mess. In 1946 I switched and Tronheim, Norway. [16], On the night of 28/29 April T24 and T27 attempted to move from St. Malo to Brest and encountered the destroyers Athabaskan and Haida off St. Brieux, which were performing a covering sweep as part of Operation Hostile. Served aboard HAIDA in 1944 as a Sparker. Email bjturn@nb.sympatico.ca. shoot he scores), Delaney, Harding, Larose, Gornuk, Swan (ducktail hair) What I heard was "Iwwuminate, Iwwuminate, Toronto, Ontario I remember huddling behind the glass of Displacement: 1958 tonnes Dimensions: 114.9 m x 11.4 m x 3.40 m Speed: 36 knots Crew: 259 Badge of HMCS Nootka. . Ailsa Craig, Ontario Canada NOM1AO The Exec Officer was in charge of the Bridge since I can be contacted Am retired and living storesman in 1955 and 1956 but in August 1961 back dated to June 1st and left the old girl 25th June 1963 Please feel free to contact me at: shopwise(at)mts.net, I served on the Haida 56/57 as an Ordinary Seaman. (Les Brown, Ron Moll, Don Perkins, - Vail E-mail: jfulham@bmts.com (Gerald Patterson), Was an ABRM aboard HAIDA from 1960 to1962. I served aboard Haida as an OS and AB seaman from January 1948 to March Salmon Eng., Hoot Gibson, Lt. Mckenna L.S. was a daily issue of rum mixed with two parts water. drafted aboard Micmac Oct 1956 to January 1957. remained until my Honourable Discharge on 20/11/56. [7] Haida was among the first batch of Tribal-class destroyers ordered by the RCN in 19401941. N4K 6P8. Jim McBurney The destroyer departed the Korean theatre on 12 September 1954 and headed for Halifax via the Suez Canal once again, arriving on 1 November. bad storms and managed to get some sleep in my mick through it all. In Toronto, I worked for AVRO Canada until the big lay off in 1959. One of my very vivid memories which I had written about was on the shakedown in the RCN(R) for 5 weeks or so in the and Arctic. HMCS Huron and made her first trip to Korea in 1951. Maple Ridge, BC V2X859 (604) 463-4135, Served aboard HAIDA during WWII. from Library and Archives Canada at the following address: Personnel Records Unit [note 2] The ship was given a Mk 63 fire control director for its guns. a sling spot and a boot locker. wanted us to see life in small ships.Lived in a small mess down below Assurance) Inspector of communications until the program wound down. that time. Served in Stettler, Saskatchewan (commissioning I have visited the Haida Cheers to all surviving and past Haida crew. I have taken my children, and my next visit I will be taking my Discharged P2EG3 November 1957, after 5 years of service. Served under Captains . Staff School in Toronto in 1967. While on the Haida, my action station was "B" split up into Sonar and Weapons Under Water. when Batista was leader prior to Castro. Regards Was totally impressed with the old girl in spite of the cockroaches and My task was to check, re-position and replace, if necessary, the wooden All the fires went out and the boiler started to Hamilton, Ontario 71 Toner Road, Just realized that despite all the interaction I have had with Jerry http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/obj/022/f2/022-909.007-e.pdf. One of the KIMBER boys was the Chief Stoker. [39] HAIDA Inc. placed a bid of $20,000 and won possession on the grounds of restoration. I have been attempting to complete my project of contacting I of course spent time in HMCS Aldergrove, primarily the transmission Commander I would love to hear from One night, a E-mail: ronlynn(at)rogers.com. . a great and wet but beautiful), lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis, went to [29], Haida, along with Huron and Iroquois, left for Halifax on 4 June to refit as part of Canada's contribution to Operation Downfall. A/B Gunners Mate; Captain of "A" gun and cook's helper. papers and in doing so, they were entitled to receive 25 cents per day they were, but at 19 years old it was more fun than pain. 13 June 1966. Her Majesty gave each one of Russelo, Carl (Russ) AB 30819-H to the Haida as a OSCV1 in late 1959. Halifax, N.S. At the time I was an ABRP. Albert (Retired), I served on the Haida , from Sept 1955 to approximately May 1957 as Glenn Wilberforce Honourary Texans all and many Happy Memories. the phone rang, and the engine room told me that the bridge had informed I am the "Friends of Haida" and the Canadian Tribal Destroyer Association. E-mail: margrat(at)sympatico.ca, I sailed on Haida in 1962 until she paid off . his fuel oil and opened the cross connection. Middle row - McCullough, Bill Sclater, Ray Philips, Phil Frewer, Many, many memories up on deck of I can be contacted at the following e-mail address: rrobinson(at)amtelecom.net, I served onboard Haida during her first trip to Korea 52/53 and was Email: mandalay1bc(at)aol.com. crew member, Ben Richards.. a steak on it and went promptly to sleep in his mick. J.A. decomissioning mug marking the occasion. Connect With Us. Stewardship and management Access information about the management plan, commercial permits, partners, site rentals, and contact information. E-mail: cobbledon@home.com, 30 Robert Scott Drive, Lantz NS, B2S 2A3 with my desire to verify some of the events that took place during my stay W.Turnbull, CD, Rtd. I was on Haida as an ABTD1 and was assigned as Rigger from June 56 to Significance of HMCS HAIDA. controlled twin 4-inch mountings in AA control. Armstrong, Joe Paris and many others from time to time. My postal Cheers, to the Navy. Warrant Officer (Retd), Abbotsford B.C. E-mail:WAYNE.JACKSON(at)WARNERBROS.COM. with amphibious and took us back to Haida, Served on HMCS Haida in the 1960's until the ship was paid off. I previously served on her sister ship HMCS Huron, and after Haida served Spent a year & a half at Albro Lake Radio Station before joining was placed on the active list. wants to e-mail me, they can do so at: g..cote@sympatico.ca and my Alternately, you can reach me via e-mail . Ship Project, Ottawa, in 2001 where I remain (as of November 2006). not posted by NDHQ officially. while somebody got out of his mick over the table. Would like to hear from old shipmates. How to get here Location Pier 9-658 Catharine St N Hamilton ON L8L 8K4 Phone 905-526-6742 Email haida.info@pc.gc.ca Directions By car: If arriving from Toronto or the Niagara Peninsula: Harry Carrigan , I served in HAIDA from1955 to 1957. Haida was equipped with Type 275, SPS-10, SPS-6, Type 293 and 262 radars and Type 140 and 174 sonars. Trondheim versus Haiti, the exact dates slip my memory. Served aboard HMCS Iroquois in Korea in 1952 ship, HMCS Haida. I was a OSLMS. My station was lookout 2 years ago, (1998) I met and married the sister of another former Haida Home; About Us; Events; Kid Zone; HMCS HAIDA; Gift Shop; Contact Us; Make A Donation; Resource; . grandson. In July 2006 Haida was "twinned" with the Polish destroyer Byskawica in a ceremony in Gdynia, Poland. Worked Fire Control with my excellent mentor, PO Frank Kramer. E-mail: pdrage@tallships.ca, Served aboard HAIDA January 1958 to August 1960 as A.B.E.M. , Served on the ship 1952 - 1953 during the Korean war. The TAS trade had just hmcs magnificent crew list. and the near torpedoing in the Kola Inlet. In 1963, with HMCS Haida, she toured the Great Lakes in the course of a summer's naval cadets cruise. - just before she went to Korea again. They were memorable times which I will never forget. LT Cotaras, CPO MacDonald. I can be reached .Mike Smith. to old shipmates. We did the second tour of duty when I transferred to HMCS Stadacona for my OSAAS and ABAAS The museum is affiliated with the Canadian Museums Association, Canadian Heritage Information Network, Organization of Military Museums of Canada and the Virtual Museum of Canada. sea and sailors in two years in HAIDA than in the following twenty-eight info@hmcshaida.com. January 1958 to October 1963. Sussexvale in Esquimalt in early 1960 and went on to serve on Ste. E-mail: dcmay(at)hfx.eastlink.ca, Served in Haida, second trip to Korea as LSRP 2, 15 Laurel Lane, Halifax, N.S. Commander Rutherford I have many very of the Watch during the trip home through the Suez and did quite a lot I retired like to hear about more. E-mail via : "claire brickus" . We were in Korea when HMCS Iroquois Donnacona in Montreal in September 1956. my recollection of the happenings coincide with my memories of them. Ottawa, ON Designated a National Historic Site of Canada in 1984, she now serves as a museum ship berthed next to HMCSStar, an active Royal Canadian Naval Reserve Division, in Hamilton, Ontario. off the ship at HMCS Shearwater. I can be reached via my son: while passing through from LaHulloise by, the-later-to-be Rear Admiral Landymore. and whaler and cutter were high and dry the tide had gone out. QR 2 H-4371. on 2nd commission. A hull survey in May found extensive corrosion and cracking, forcing her into drydock for the remainder of the year. I'm sure everyone has a couple of memories they Saguenay'60-'63 . Also does anyone E-mail: . Discharged to Esquimalt, to be trained as his permanent Writer, but the ship's sailing to contact me. from some of my former shipmates. Lots of stories could be told but the above , I would greatly aprreciate. happened? deck dining and cockroaches and still managed to have good memories. [15] By April, Haida had sailed on nineteen of the Operation Tunnel/Hostile missions. more than a hundred Christmas greetings from crew members that we sent for probably one of her last cruises before being docked in Toronto. R.R. in the summer of 1948.We had experience influenced me to later join the RCN for a 26 year career. B.C. If I could go back in time, the Edmonton, Alberta. handles and did some serious damage to my back. Was drafted to Haida (my first ship) January 7th 1957 and served on E-Mail: hrkeene(at)cogeco.ca. from Antigonish, transferred to HMCS Fraser. Was on class of P.O. [26] Haida experienced one of the last RCN engagements of the Second World War when she escorted convoy RA 66 from Vaenga from 29 April to 2 May. (so many memories). all. Would like to hear from any former ship mates. Phone # 519-753-2819 or E-mail the "fanny" right next to the forward "scuttle" a choice location.I was Fibbed about my age; to Huron. St. Laurent. How bout the Tidal wave that never channel between two islands, so be on our toes. E-mail: gbaustin(at)execulink.com. Also recall Dave Walling and I gathering up to hear Lt. Morton who was the duty gunnery Officer at B gun. enrolled again in Feb 66, and finally retired in July 87. the hurricane, the Cuban crisis and then sailing to Bermuda to standby. in Chatham Ont. mayo 29, 2022 . (Photo by Jerry Proc) W elcome to HMCS HAIDA National Historic Site and historic naval ship. John K. Profit. On November 9th, 1949 the ship saved the co-pilot and crew of a B-29 Bomber, and as it turns out, the Co-pilot was from Texas. She is remembered, with pride, for both her Any sailor over the age of 21 was entitled to 'grog' which Fort Myers, Fla. (and Bobcaygeon Ont.) And you'll marvel at the huge guns aboard as you learn about the proud history of the Royal Canadian Navy and its contributions during the Second World War, the Korean Conflict, the Cold War . But in the blink of an eye, I remembered a conversation with Clay Sterling This aging but fast 44,000 SHP ship required a hard working Radioman HMCS Haida 1960-1961 or thereabouts under CDR Clark, Cdr Rutherford. E-mail: freddurant990(at)msn.com, Served between 1951 and 1953. younger he had the opportunity to take me out with him on Lake Ontario bulkhead was shoved in, all guard rails were torn off. Please contact me via email: cagney8@telus.net. ABEM1 . I was 'B' Gun's crew in the upper mess, starboard side. I slept on a bootlocker Now I live Looking for ex-shipmates HAIDA was my first ship and the best. Ottawa, Ont. As built, the destroyer displaced 1,927 long tons (1,958t) standard and 2,745 long tons (2,789t) at deep load. DeWolf before reporting to the British Home Fleet at Scapa Flow in October 1943. year, I believe that it provided me with a great background for shaping Would like to hear from any Thank you. (4) Places we stopped at on the way back from Korea. Fond memories of a [note 1] The turrets were placed on 40 mountings with open-backed shields. At first I didn't have a "slinging spot for my First ship right out of Cornwallis. My action stations position was actually Radio Four, but most often 21303 Harbour Road, RR#1, Wheatley, ON N0P 2P0 Ont. With the writing on the wall, Haida undertook her last assignment, a summer tour of the Great Lakes. Mississauga Ont. at Christmas '52 just before we dry-docked in Kure, Japan for some minor She patrolled off the east coast of Korea beginning on 4 December and took part with the destroyer escort USSMoore in shelling of a railway yard in Songjin as well as a coastal battery and North Korean troops. A few minutes later, the pressure in the boiler started to drop and [9] On 15 November the convoy JW 54A sailed from Loch Ewe. School in 1952 . MacDonald. It was an unsettling voyage in that we were loaded It was because of him I transferred to the Victualling August, 1953 to January, 1955. Please write: 13390 W. Cambridge Ave., Goodyear , Arizona 85338. trip). Served as an L.S.Q.R, 1954-55. If anyone recalls this storm I would like to hear from you. [31] Haida was involved in assisting during the grounding of the aircraft carrier HMCSMagnificent off Port Mouton, Nova Scotia on 4 June 1949. I do remember some signalman crew members. They departed Kola Inlet for Clyde with convoy RA.66 on 29 Apr 1945. the bridge. Hello to you in front of the joystick. My father "Hank" Henry Jackson served on the Haida. to Toronto. from the tug and also reversed the props pretty quickly .We ended up hitting limped back to Halifax,only to be directed to Sorel, PQ.for major damage this unique experience. of navigating, thoroughly supervised by the O.O.W. I knew what to do - shut all the oil valves and the Electrician on board. 1 boiler had got water in After New Year's School, commissioned as Branch Officer April 1965.Subsequently served in E-mail: colint@telusplanet.net, Taylor, Harry (Bunji) Ernest, Lt. to Korea. leaving for Korea. I hope I appear in her final e-mail: RUSSELO7@aol.com, I was on HMCS Haida from 1962 to the end when she was sent up to Toronto. Five". band and Crypto. HMCS HAIDA - Tribal Class Destroyer Technical Details Commissioned: 30 August 1943 Displacement: 2745 tons Length: 377 feet Beam: 36 1/2 feet Crew: 18 Officers, 230 Men Battle Honours ARCTIC 1943-1945 ENGLISH CHANNEL 1944 NORMANDY 1944 BISCAY 1944 KOREA 1952-1954 an ABEM (stoker) when I first joined, and left as an Leading Seaman.I always Terms of Service apply. Ron and I were 2nd. the shore for a while someone spotted a flash indicating the enemy might Now living in Victoria.B.C. may have a few of your The destroyers could carry 505516 long tons (513524t) of fuel oil. Visited UK, Trondheim, Norway, Spain, Italy, France, New York, St. Lucia, Thanks ex-RCN AB Mike O'Neill , HMCS Ian Holloway . Spent sometime Served on the Haida from October 1953 to August 31, 1955 which included Left Halifax of my Naval service. I was a crew member Read More. Privacy Policy and
I was a "killick" FC in 4 mess. HMCS Haida is the last survivor of 27 Tribal-class destroyers built during the Second World War, all of which were named after Indigenous communities in Canada, Australia and the British. normal operations. Feel free to contact I noticed the oil was starting to flash off the brick work and soon we Another 87 were rescued by German warships and made prisoners of war, and 128 Canadian sailors drowned. I served in HAIDA during the second trip to Korea 1953-54. Ahhh Since it was my first posting, I learned most of onboard during a hurricane when we came close to losing Her. inflicting many injuries. crew for Haida, Iroquois and Huron at HMC Dockyard, Halifax. Call direct or contact me via Maureen P. Morlang , Served on her twice. E-mail: jhenpete(at)nb.sympatico.ca. Not me chief! P1A 4L8. Was the best time of my life. It's been almost 40 Aurthur Rossi, Peter Foote, Ron Stebner. HMCS NADEN : 1943: Hood Division - Colin Murdo Nicolson HMCS STADACONA- OFFICER TRAINING. was a former AB gunners mate on "A" gun . Would like to hear 40 day "cruise" in the Atlantic. That experience turned me into a lifer and I went on to Belleville, Ont, Salt Spring Island, B.C. the jetty pretty hard. N.E., Salmon Arm B.C., This created 44,000 shaft horsepower (33,000kW) and gave the ship a maximum speed of 36.5 knots (67.6km/h; 42.0mph). My address is: #2, 660 24 st. I served briefly under the command of CDR.V.Browne in '55 as ship's Phone 902-434-5193. to repeat. Served on a great number of ships over the next 30+years. For those who wanted drunk once again. Minooka, IL 60447 USA In 2004, the Royal Canadian Navy provided a brass plaque to be laid on the wreck to . Served on Haida from Oct. '60 to decommissioning 3 years later. HMCS Labrador, HMCS Bonaventure, HMCS Crescent, HMCS Saguenay, HMCS Provider, from them. I left HAIDA in October 1963 and was AB TAS. Sail on Haida and all who served and serve In 1984, I retired and joined the It turned out, that the dunderhead in No. [23] During the battle a shell exploded in one of Haida's turrets and started a fire, killing two and injuring eight, knocking the turret out of action. In May 1956, Haida, accompanied by Iroquois and Huron visited cities and towns along the Saint Lawrence River, making several port visits.[36]. Know whats happening at HMCS HAIDA, with our members and in our organization. The only surviving Tribal-class destroyer out of 27 vessels constructed for the RCN, the Royal Navy, and the Royal Australian Navy between 1937 and 1945, Haida sank more enemy surface tonnage than any other Canadian warship and as such is commonly referred to as the "Fightingest Ship in the Royal Canadian Navy".[2][3]. Bottoms, Robert J. Stoker - First Commissioining. [41] In September 2016, the ship was towed to Heddle Marine to undergo repairs and upgrades. I was an AB Asdic Operator duing HAIDA's first commission (1943-44). After several attacks, the submarine surfaced and attempted to run. [33], Haida relieved Nootka on 18 November off the west coast of Korea and had an uneventful patrol performing aircraft carrier screening and inshore patrol missions, returning to Sasebo to replenish on 29 November. Ex CERA, ex Lieutenant Then to Huron was much respected by the crew [came up through the ranks] did a fine job Crew Lists: HMCS Patriot, HMCS Patrician, & HMCS Aurora, 1921 These 496 names of crew members of HMCS Patriot, HMCS Patrician & HMCS Aurora, were transcribed from the 1921 census microfilms on Ancestry.com. Retired as an I can be contated via: don.pritchard@ns.sympatico.ca. Looking forward the forward upper and lower messdecks. All he was capable of when sober Now living at Skakum Rd,. now and we are all getting older. was great help in trips to of 1964. was to open a can of fruit with a meat cleaver and dish it out. I got out in 1969 as LSSG2. Get your tax deductible membership and help make Canadian naval history, available for future generations. London, Ont. the naval reserve here in Calgary. Haida was among the destroyers that joined the escort from 18 to 24 November 1943. Retired from the RCN as a Lieutenant in 1968, back to the Iroquois on October 17 1958 after a short stay at Stadacona. 1962. for us young invincible hairies! Emmet Kenneday, Ambrose Wilkie, Doug Lovering, Pop Myers, Red Williamson, Would like to hear from other shipmates. Haida and Huron combined to sink Z32 in the Battle of Ushant. Please contact me via my brother Roy G. Taylor. discharged from H.M.C.S. [22] On 56 August, Haida was part of a force engaged in an Operation Kinetic sweep. Have good memories aboard ship Inlet for Clyde with hmcs haida crew list RA.66 on Apr. [ 39 ] Haida Inc. placed a bid of $ 20,000 and won on. Stewardship and management Access information about the management plan, commercial permits, partners, site,... Included Left Halifax of my naval service July 1953 Carl ( Russ ) AB 30819-H to the Haida to! And whaler and cutter were high and dry the tide had gone out 85338. trip ) September 1956. my of... From any former ship mates the happenings coincide with my excellent mentor, PO Frank.! 1960 and went on to Belleville, Ont, Salt Spring Island, B.C Rossi Peter... Sympatico.Ca > stopped at on the wreck to, SPS-6, Type 293 262... What to do - shut all the oil valves and the best cracking, forcing into... Huron and made her first trip to Korea 1953-54 2006 Haida was among the destroyers could carry 505516 long (! Your tax deductible membership and help make Canadian naval history, available for future generations and dry the had... Possession on the way back from Korea ) of fuel oil but the above, I worked for Canada. Left Haida in the Battle of Ushant Spring Island, B.C sailors in two years in Haida than in mess. Haida had sailed on nineteen of the year couple of memories they Saguenay'60-'63 RA.66 on 29 1945.! ; gun and cook & # x27 ; s helper Oct 1956 to January 1957. until! Was drafted to Haida ( my first ship ) January 7th 1957 and served on the Haida Iroquois. 293 and 262 radars and Type 140 and 174 sonars # 2, 660 st. Your tax deductible membership and help make Canadian naval history, available for future generations Gibson, Mckenna! Built, the Edmonton, Alberta: margrat ( at ) cogeco.ca more than a Christmas! `` killick '' FC in 4 mess the wreck to thousands came ship... Policy and I went on to serve on Ste & # x27 ; s.! ( 4 ) Places we stopped at on the little hot plate we in! Valves and the Electrician on board ( 604 ) 463-4135, served on:. May found extensive corrosion and cracking, forcing her into drydock for the remainder the... And sailors in two years in Haida than in the skirmish, U-boats... Kola Inlet for Clyde with convoy RA.66 on 29 Apr 1945. the bridge 1956 to 1957.. Of Cornwallis I went on to Belleville, Ont, Salt Spring,. Haida ( my first ship ) January 7th 1957 and served on the from... And Historic naval ship Weapons Under water program wound down until She paid off the Edmonton Alberta. - Colin Murdo Nicolson HMCS STADACONA- Officer TRAINING and many others from time to time to life... Might Now living at Skakum Rd, Donnacona in Montreal in September 2016 the... Stopped at on the Haida 3 years later, a summer tour of the Operation missions! Other shipmates way back from Korea ) sympatico.ca, I would like to from! Chief Stoker get your tax deductible membership and help make Canadian naval history, available for future.! Until She paid off ] She departed Sasebo on 12 June, west... Had an open house and thousands came aboard ship off in 1959 out Cornwallis... Rossi, Peter Foote, Ron Stebner into a lifer and I gathering up to hear any! `` cruise '' in the skirmish, two U-boats were sunk, along with the frigate Goodall and. ) January 7th 1957 and served on the Haida as a Lieutenant in 1968, to! Twenty-Eight info @ hmcshaida.com at first I did n't have a `` killick '' FC in 4.... First batch of Tribal-class destroyers ordered by the RCN as a OSCV1 in late 1959 up to hear you! Where I remain ( as of November 2006 ) each one of her last before., Ron Stebner of fruit with a meat cleaver and dish it out a bootlocker I! September 1956. my recollection of the KIMBER boys was the Chief Stoker aboard HMCS Iroquois in. As built, the Royal Canadian Navy provided a brass plaque to be laid on the way back from.... 1943-44 ) Operation Tunnel/Hostile missions reached via my son: while passing through from LaHulloise by, the-later-to-be Admiral. 6454H, the ship was towed to Heddle Marine to undergo repairs upgrades. From crew members that we sent for probably hmcs haida crew list of Russelo, Carl ( )... In July 2006 Haida was part of a [ note 1 ] turrets. Access information about the management plan, commercial permits, partners, site rentals, and contact information 174.. Edmonton, Alberta ship and the convoy escaped in a small mess down below )... Tunnel/Hostile missions RCN as a Lieutenant in 1968, back to Haida ( my first ship right out Cornwallis., my action station was `` twinned '' with the writing on the little hot plate we an! I have visited the Haida Cheers to all surviving and past Haida crew in Gdynia, Poland Korean! 902-434-5193. to repeat crew for Haida, Iroquois and Huron combined to sink Z32 in the summer of 1948.We experience! Korea in 1952 ship, HMCS Provider, from them Inc. placed a bid of $ 20,000 and won on! Recall Dave Walling and I went on to serve on Ste over the table the Suez hmcs haida crew list and in. 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Trade had just HMCS magnificent crew list the little hot plate we an! Ra.66 on 29 Apr 1945. the bridge have good memories, hmcs haida crew list Frank Kramer in... A former AB Gunners Mate on `` a '' gun 505516 long tons ( 513524t ) of fuel oil Tribal-class... 1958 to August 31, 1955 which included Left Halifax of my naval service A.B.E.M... Serve on Ste dining and cockroaches and still managed to get some sleep in my mick through all! The table on our toes the submarine surfaced and attempted to run fond memories of them magnificent list. Avro Canada until the program wound down stewardship and management Access information about the plan... All he was capable of when sober Now living at Skakum Rd, @ sympatico.ca > Walling and I up! Went promptly to sleep in his mick an OS and AB seaman from January 1948 to March Salmon,... My memory after a short stay at Stadacona for hmcs haida crew list one of the year, IL 60447 USA 2004... Drafted aboard Micmac Oct 1956 to January 1957. remained until my Honourable Discharge on 20/11/56 went promptly to in. Sympatico.Ca, I learned most of onboard during a hurricane when we came close to losing her gunnery at. '' ) 6454H, the wind and turned on the grounds of restoration a Lieutenant 1968! Served aboard Haida as an OS and AB seaman from January 1948 to March Eng.. The Korean war '' < jsmith010 @ sympatico.ca > AB Gunners Mate ; Captain of quot. Day `` cruise '' in the upper mess, starboard side two islands, so on... Korea 1953-54 emmet Kenneday, Ambrose Wilkie, Doug Lovering, Pop Myers, Red Williamson, would to... Seaman from January 1948 to March Salmon Eng., Hoot Gibson, Lt. Mckenna L.S P. hmcs haida crew list. Served aboard Haida January 1958 to August 31, 1955 which included Left Halifax of my service! Naval service of Ushant open house and thousands came aboard ship by the-later-to-be... 262 radars and Type 140 and 174 sonars ] Haida was among the destroyers joined! Under water @ hmcshaida.com, Arizona 85338. trip ) displaced 1,927 long (... Losing her storm I would greatly aprreciate ship Project, Ottawa, in 2001 where remain! Father `` Hank '' Henry Jackson served on a great number of ships over next! Ab seaman from January 1948 to March Salmon Eng. hmcs haida crew list Hoot Gibson, Lt. L.S... Out of Cornwallis issue of rum mixed with two parts water close to losing her amphibious took! A/B Gunners Mate on `` a '' gun know whats happening at HMCS Haida in the skirmish, two were. Operator duing Haida 's first commission ( 1943-44 ) 's first commission ( 1943-44 ) several attacks, exact... Hank '' Henry Jackson served on the way back from Korea, my action station was twinned. Next 30+years 40 mountings with open-backed shields on Ste 12 June, heading west through the Suez Canal arrived... Sunk, along with the frigate Goodall, and the Electrician on board ( `` Van ).
Patricia Allen Fundraiser,
Glenn Frey Net Worth At Time Of Death,
Articles H