In the hierarchical order, this is the highest of the category. the Igalla, the Efik, the Ibibio, the Hausa. | by NgEX These ones operate in not too obvious ways. A green city with extraordinary young talents. Ashawo - slang It's a Nigerian word ( specifically yoruba) that means prostitute, hoe, home wrecker or slut. Here is the list of all the 36 states in Nigeria and Abuja and their Local Government Areas. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. They go clubbing. READ ALSO: Who is the most famous person in the world? Any man that have sex in this kind of place is doomed and damned for life. The usual Baba Ijebu (gambling) points and other betting spots are patronised by the youths, whose parents too now believe that quick money can come from gambling. But the beauty, calm and hospitality have been dented in recent times. No More War!! (May 6, 2022). Nigeria is the most heavily populated and one of the most economically developed nations on the African continent. Football, fashion, how to make easy money, women, booze and sex are usually the most common topics. on 1 February, 2017 A survey conducted last year has also highlighted that attitudes towards condom use is helping the spread of the condition, and research suggests that nearly a quarter of Nigerian sex workers have HIV. The group, every year, gives award to deserving AJ men and women who have excelled in their various fields. Kasoa Budumburam - 20 to 40Ghs but if u can buy Indomie you fit get am less. The area houses many bookshops where you can get books from nursery to university level. Last year a study by the Iranian Journal of Public Health noted that the country has a 4.1 per cent HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in adults. For the first categories, the Ashomus, they are not so hard to distinguish. They spend as freely as she cannot even imagine. Well, check out the full list below. Kaduna. [1] This list refers only to the population of individual cities within their defined limits, which does not include other distinct communities or extended suburban areas within urban agglomerations. They do not want to live a life whereby they would regret not exploring enough at their youth age. Accessed January 18, 2023., World Population Review. The income of the upper and upper-middle classes is nearly 12 times that of the lowest decile in Nigeria. Some of them do it on part-time while others do it on a full-time basis. you cannot press best, no kissing, no fingering, no fore play, just chook prick , Bleep and release. Hexagon at 2 Golf Course Road. There is this area called Gorilla. Well, ours is to talk and write, it is the reader/listeners to accept or reject what we preach. Top 10 celebrities recently published about the most famous people in the world. The Hidden Discrimination Against American Roma, The 10 Largest Football Stadiums in the World (Soccer). That was why whenwe had to raise funds for little Samuel Idimoku who had a hole in the heart, the support was great. Facebook: quarterly number of MAU (monthly active users) worldwide 2008-2022, Quarterly smartphone market share worldwide by vendor 2009-2022, Number of apps available in leading app stores Q3 2022, Research Expert covering primarily society and agricultural topics for Africa, particularly Ghana and Nigeria, Profit from additional features with an Employee Account. Some of these ladies especially those who fall under the Oloshos category do it, just for the fun of it. They later accepted her in their midst and took her out on few occasions. Lost your password? They can profess love to everyone on their customer list and not bat an eyelid at all. We need money. The site was chosen for Nigeria's new capital because of its central . It is organised annually by Lawrence Alabrah. Wowo Ogaga is one young man who grew in Ajegunle and became one of the most talked about photographers in the area. What Are The Biggest Industries In Nigeria? CHANNEL 5, EGBEDA LAGOS MORISON HOUSE, AJAH ASHAWO COMPLEX OJO ROAD ( AGBOJU ) OPP FESTAC SECOND GATE Without conventional promotions, the world listened to legends like Daddy Showkey, Basket mouth, Samson Siasia, Baba Fryo, Don Jazzy, Oritse Femi, Daddy Fresh, OPJ of Wazobia FM, and many more. They wash Toto inside.. 10. The ashawo industry is a massive one, dominated by women, as it attracts all manner of men who patronize the trade. The city is situated on four main islands namely, Lagos, Victoria, Iddo, and Ikoyi which are all connected by a network of bridges. Job opportunities are considerably limited. Lagos has increasingly become the destination base for companies venturing into Africa due to the competitive business market in the continent. , Posted by Makinde Azeez. This type of cities are usually mid-sized, although some large cities also exist as a single LGA. The brain behind Deedeesblog, Detola is an embodiment of creativity - With deep knowledge in Counseling and Photography, He started this platform to share happiness via digital contents in Relationships and Documentaries. There, the girls learn cake making, sewing, tie and dye, hair dressing. .bro i been hearin nice tings about thay place & that they giv studens discount if u show them Id! They leave doubt in the mind of people as to what they really are. As of 2022, the largest city in Nigeria was Lagos, which is also the largest city in the whole of sub-Saharan Africa. Spintex Kotobabi - GH 20. base on my notifications these are a list of states i think produces the highest prostitudes(oloshos) in 9ja, being FTC is really a nice sensation though i dedicate it to all my fellow adventurers in atakatarina, Travellin down to those states as I type, cos I love prostitutes, Hahhahahahahaha. With a slim fraction of its population considered lower class, Port Harcourt will be exceptional, if youre keen on a considerable standard of living without the aversion to jumpy city life. Cacao and Cotton are the major agricultural products produced in the city. Top 10 States With The Most Handsome Men In Nigeria Do You Agree? It not even safe. Its, notwithstanding, one of the main metropolia that encourage women empowerment (especially in entrepreneurship and education). The ever increasing Nigerian population is expected to reach 440 million by 2050, according to United Nations statistics. in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Nigerian cities are categorized into three types; there is the "Metropolis", which is characterized with having more than one Local Government Areas (LGAs). However, she is also rich and wealthy just as other richest actresses in Nigerian Yoruba movies. 173Disclaimer: Every Nairaland member is solely responsible for anything that he/she posts or uploads on Nairaland. We call these ones Sarewagba, meaning rush down and take. They are always present in every hood. In this report by Dailymail, many of the s*x workers are said to be dying of AIDs yearly and yet the number of those entering the trade has continued to increase. Club Joker at 1, Godwin Abbe Way. Look unto God, he has d solution of every problem Ashawo no be work, is a sin. List of famous people from Nigeria, including photos when available. Kano has the third-highest number of ultra-rich people in Nigeria and sums up the list of Africa's ten richest cities. Please enter your email address. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Benue state girla na Serious Oloshos, Awka babes na die oo infact I go rank dem b4 calabar babes, op,u are very exprienced in this ashawo biz. Unemployment, crime and gambling are at their peak in AJ City as young boys and girls roam the streets in thousands. Photo, How I Was Dragged And Embarrassed By An Ashawo Girl Today In An Ashawo House, Re: My Visit To An Ashawo Joint In Lagos (PHOTO), Meet Harmony, The Sex Robot Doll That Moans, Talks (Photos, Video). Number of crimes reported in Nigeria. They are generally called bend down select but in this case, it stands and chooses your specs. In the hierarchical order, this is the highest of the category. AJ City is also famous for producing someof the countrys finest broadcasters and disc jockeys that became household names in the entertainment industry. It is a cosmopolitan community located in the Ajeromi/Ifelodun Local Government Area of Lagos State. Abia State (17 Local Government Areas) Aba North, Aba South, Arochukwu, Bende, Isiala Ngwa South, Ikwuano, Isiala, Ngwa North, Isukwuato, Ukwa West, Ukwa East, Umuahia, Umuahia South. For serious football, Maracana and Navy fields are the main venues. The ashawos are mostly recognized by the way they dress, and the manner by which they talk. Wherever you go in Ajegunle, you see young boys sitting in groups discussing all manners of issues. Nigerian Fashion Is in Its Ashawo Era and We're Here For It Conrad Johnson-Omodiagbe | Pop August 16, 2022 Share this story If there's one video that'll remain iconic for years to come, it's this interview video of the girl in the market who says, "Me on my own, I'm ashawo. They got her an Alhaji in the federal capital territory who started dashing her huge amounts and took her on exotic vacations. Quick urbanization in Nigeria resulted in Kaduna's population rapid growth over the past decades. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. He toldthe reporter: If you are not proud of where you are from, it means you are a nobody. RIP THE RUNWAY PRE-EVENT FASHION COOKOUT IS HERE!. Ashawo Complex Ojo Road ( Agboju ) Opp Festac Second Gate, Happy Day Hotels ( Coker Road Surulere, Ijesha, ijora Road Near Orile Police Station, Ojo Road, Kirikiri, otto Road Ajengule, Festac, Apapa,). However, the concentration of high-rise buildings and ongoing mega-projects is significantly localized around Lagos, Abuja and Eko Atlantic; these key marginal cities have experienced rapid growth recently.At 520 ft (160 m), The Nigerian External Communications building is the . The s*x workers entertain around five clients a day and it is estimated that 1.2million people in Lagos, Nigerias largest city are living with HIV. "Largest Cities in Nigeria in 2022 (in 1,000 Individuals). It is a cosmopolitan community located in the Ajeromi/Ifelodun Local Government Area of Lagos State. 1. A breathtaking city with an astounding number of emerging infrastructures; clean as a new pin, Uyo is the envy of neighbouring Aba and Port-Harcourt where sanitation and eco-friendly environmental conditions are yardsticks. The city has sufficient road network, thanks to its current facelift. Runs girls in Nigeria Nowadays, you will agree with me that there are some set of ladies around us and on the street we tour every day that may not bad looking though. Pidgin English is the popular language in Ajegunle. Since July, 2021 the United States has shared 32,675,160 safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine doses with the people of Nigeria - free of cost. Nigeria is an emerging economy in Sub-Saharan Africa, and the most populous country in Africa. Jos people are hospitable and accommodate both expatriates and locals without bias. The warmth charms you until you realise theres more to it, beyond year-round chilly weather. Abeg why all of them dey always get bucket under their bed? Hnmm prostite are real suffer in 9ja oooo 3. Nungua Washing Bay (Abrefi) - GH 15 to GH 20. 5. Now, a person, lady in this case, who has had sexual knowledge of many men, is it wrong to say she is emotionally tied down with them all? Port-Harcourt is one of the most expensive cities in Nigeria based on the oil settlement in the State. Content here tells a story with the intention to shape narratives. "Largest cities in Nigeria in 2022 (in 1,000 individuals)." These are people who grew up andonce lived in Ajegunle. Nairaland - Copyright 2005 - 2023 Oluwaseun Osewa. Text is available under the Creative . It has produced many notable footballers including world-renowned stars like Samson Siasia, Watford striker, Odion Ighalo, former Super Eagles defender, Taribo West, Emmanuel Amunike, Tarila Okorowanta, among others. Pitakwas real estate is, on the other hand, overvalued. My brother, it is easy and faster for us. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Biafra is loading, i love naija girls becous i like to fuck ther pussy that is all goodluck, Ashawo no be business ooooo, Road to hell, Na This Buhari Time Make Ashawo Cum Plenty Well Well Only U Lord. This is a list of selected cities, towns, and other populated places in Nigeria, ordered alphabetically by state. She began to see herself as inferior to them. I have come to a conclusion hat any man that pays for sex is a failure , lacks self confidence to approach a normal babe and has low self esteem and can never amount to anything in life. The Hausa language is widely spoken in the region while the official business language is English. The Tolu axis of AJ City boasts of no fewer than 10 brothels housing thousandsof prostitutes of all shape and sizes and of all ages. A submission from Tennessee, U.S. says the name Ashawo means "Girl that like money" and is of Nigerian origin. Learn more about how Statista can support your business. Even if you perchance cross path with them on the streets or anywhere else you have to just feign complete non-recognition. Transportation is quite affordable. He single-handedly transformed the perception of photography in Ajegunle. With the Ajegunle Fashion Week, we have introduced our own fashion and style.. Top 5 important cities in Nigeria. Currently, you are using a shared account. Armed robbery is not new in Ajegunle, and some major robberies have happened in the area. Top 5 States With The Highest Number Of Ashawo Joints by HitlerGaddafi: 11:04pm On Jan 25, 2017 No brainer, these are the top states. Places to kayak in Lagos abound with Lagos being on an island. The most bizarre thing now is that many people patronise lunatics and other mentally challenged individuals to get winning numbers. The city is also an agricultural center for produce such as peanuts, wheat, cotton, millet, rice, and maize. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Popularly known as Flavour N'abania, well-known for his ability to sing fluently in the Igbo language, was born in Enugu State, Nigeria on the 23rd of November 1983. and some will start to happy ? Someare footballers, disc jockeys, engineers, lawyers and so on. Man Arrested For Infecting Teenager With HIV, How My Boyfriend Infected Me With HIV - Lady Recounts, Prostitution Is Paid Rape, Most Sex Workers Dont Want The Sex Feminist, BUSTED!! This table ranks Nigeria's 36 states in order of their surface areas. The population in Lagos city has primarily surged over the years, with millions of people being lured by economic opportunities and better infrastructure. For the most part, there is a copious opportunity for fun and social interactions in the city. See How To Advertise. I won't condemn women who live such lives because I know deep down they aren't happy with this sorta lifestyle. Lagos 3. Your email address will not be published. National Agency for di Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons, NAPTIP tok say e reach 75 percent of girls dem like Ngozi wey bad pipo don traffic for ashawo work from one state to anoda within Nigeria. Nigerian cities with a sizable portion of the countrys most well-off groups arent too hard to tell. If you have watched Jenifas diary, the case of Pelumi is an instance. Yet, some revere Ajegunle as the birthplace of football and music superstars, a town that occupies an ultimate pedestal on the Nigerian entertainment landscape. For Emmanuel Etu, an Ajegunle resident, most people dont even know the real Ajegunle. We have homes. There are classes of ashawo too, of course. Check the locations and prices of the Accra ashawo business joints below they throway used condom inside. Get full access to all features within our Corporate Solutions. This page consists three different tables, with different kinds of settlements; a list for "defined cities", listing the population, strictly within the defined city limits, a list for "urban area" population, and another list for the population within metropolitan areas. It is also a major trade center. Not one with an abundance of social and leisure activities (bar the chic appeal of Kajuru Castle). about lagos? Somebody who won, say, N300, 000 last week, if you see him this week, he cant boast of N300. Talk of apartments priced as high as what you get in Lagos/Abuja but far off in quality. Connect with Detola on The second prostitutes joint was Marys Conner by Nasamu Street. The father is a retired school principal and the mother is a matron in one of the leading teaching hospitals in the country. Transportation within different areas is easy, courtesy of much-improved road infrastructure. Another instance is that of Ope (the name has been changed too). Profit from the additional features of your individual account. Last seen trending #15 Aug 05, 2022 05:00 Under 10K tweets Explore 'Ashawo' and other trends in 400+ locations worldwide g et d ay t rends Ibadan, Nigeria What is the capital of Spain? Some times you dont need to go far, as you might find them lurking around on major roads or streets at night. She used to pay him two naira daily for protection. Though largely ignored, Enugu has potentials for real estate market. Text is available under the Creative . Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Apapa Wharf and Tincan Island, where two of Nigerias biggest seaports are located, border the community on the west. Daddy Showkey Reconciles Harrysong & KCee (Photo), So Sad!! Kano has a bustling industrial sector with industries such as textiles, food processing, plastics, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, cement, soap, metal works, and furniture. They hide under the guise of religion. 7. Chart. However, one of the reasons ladies indulge in ashawo business is a result of unemployment; the city called Lagos contains people from various places in life, but amalgamate themselves into that small room to coexist. Tema Com.1 - GH 10 to GH 15. Proper planning strategies are needed from Nigerians government in regards to how to mitigate challenges caused by such high, and still growing, populations in the country's urban centers. Apart from the way, Olas story ended, there have been cases of the lady having a child and not knowing who the father is, thereby having to raise a child on her own, a lady ready to settle down but found out that her fiancs father is the senator who spends on her in the good old days and so many stories that touch the heart. Your email address will not be published. At the Maracana football field, some boys, after smoking wraps of jumbo sized marijuana, told the reporter that they were optimistic that they would play football in the big European leagues someday. This is a group of people with like minds, people who have the same vision for a better Ajegunle. A young professional who, probably, finds a good offer in the city, should move over for some peace. Sign Up to our social questions and Answers Engine to ask questions, answer people's questions, and connect with other people. These women (ashawos) are often huddled in brothels or ashawo joints as we like to call them here. It's original spelling is "asewo" but it's pronounced ashawo, and since it's now part of nigerian pidgin, it's spelled ashawo. We have them in the US, Britain, Germany, Italy, Spain, France, everywhere. Kanos prominence has been widely challenged by insecurity from radical groups such as Boko Haram. Thanks to investment and education, the study found, the rate had fallen from five per cent in the early 2000s, but it said there is still some way to go. It is situated on the South Western Part of Nigeria. Our South-South brother,Tom Ateke really played a tremendousrole to ensure that little Samuel did notdie. No love for AJ, a lady at a popular bar along Bale Street told the reporter. By answering, you agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy .*. Football, Maracana and Navy fields are the major agricultural products produced in the city has primarily surged the! Man who grew in Ajegunle, you Agree profess love to everyone on customer! They can profess love to everyone on their customer list and not bat an eyelid at all ( Photo,., calm and hospitality have been dented in recent times nursery to university level charms you you! Western part of Nigeria accessed January 18, 2023. https: //, world population Review somebody won! 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