crossing the mississippi river in 1850

"This was like a day after he crossed the river. Major Francis R. Shunk to Minneapolis Mayor J. C. Haynes, February 17, 1909. Examples: a dried up lake, a destroyed building, a hill leveled by mining. 21-22. 309-10. Cook completed his survey between 1866 and 1867 and, to Meeker's surprise, recommended that a lock and dam be constructed at Meeker Island, with a 13-foot lift.79 Cook's report and lobbying by Representative Donnelly and Senator Alexander Ramsey finally convinced Congress to give the State of Minnesota a 200,000-acre land grant to finance the dam, rather than having the Corps build it. Opponents to the amendment included waterpower magnates William D. Washburn and Richard Chute. John O. Anfinson, The Secret History of the Mississippi's Earliest Locks and Dams, Minnesota History 54:6 (Summer 1995):254-67. Below the island, no deep channel existed at low water. Just below this mantle lay a soft sandstone layer. 30, 50-52. . I expect to get through it successfully however.. Citizens of the old Northwest Territory states had urged operations to clear their historic avenue of commerce. Trains ran when the river was high or low; they ran when the cold of winter froze it; for the most part, they ran throughout the year.42 Those railroads that ran east to westmost importantly to Chicagotook advantage of complementary markets. The river passed over the closing dams when high, but for most of the year, the dams directed water into the main channel, denying flow to the river's side channels and backwaters (Figure 10). 92-93; Kane, Rivalry, p. 312. By a 4-foot channel, Congress meant a channel at least 4 feet deep if the river fell as low as it did in 1864. Warren asked private companies and local interests what work they had done to improve the river's navigability. ft. to 550,000 cub. 319-320; Kane, St. Anthony, p. 96. 32 21.065 N, 90 53.032 W. Marker is in Vicksburg, Mississippi, in Warren County. "We actually thought he'd died," Resop said. This also caused some delay. Sandbars determined the river's controlling depththe minimum depth for navigation at low water. Bridges Over a dozen bridges cross the Mississippi River in the St. Louis metro area. N 40 32.586 W 091 24.054. A wave would start at the head of the reach and begin moving down, even when the current slowed. In August 1870, Kelley left Minnesota by steamboat for St. Louis to secure direct trade arrangements between Minnesota and Missouri. The small streams were crossed by fording; the larger ones by swimming the teams, wagons and all. 15T E 635413 N 4489267. No sooner had a barge of rocks been pulled up to the dam, Hill remembered, than the symmetry of the load was destroyed as the men began the routine of sinking the mat. By 1857, St. Paul had become a bustling port, with over 1,000 steamboat arrivals each year by some 62 to 99 boats.2, As rapidly as the number of steamboats increased, they could not keep pace with demand. They would have to alter the pattern by which sand and silt moved along the river bottom. Annual Report, 1891, p. 2154; Mackenzie, Annual Report, 1890, p. 2034, reported that the Corps had completed several examinations of the area over the last year, in company with the Minneapolis representatives of the river interests.. In its petition, the state stressed that boats had frequently landed within two and one-half miles of downtown Minneapolis, up until 1857. 1850-1899. ix-xix, 3-30; Robert S. Salisbury, William Windom, Apostle of Positive Government, (New York: University Press of America, 1993), pp. All this, they believed, was part of their manifest destiny. Artist: Thompson Ritchie. As with the drive for railroad legislation, the push for waterway improvement was not just a farmers' movement. Mississippi was given title to more than three million acres of swamp and overflow land along its northwestern border with the Mississippi River. When the Chicago and Rock Island Railroad was completed in 1854 under the direction of Henry Farnam and his partner Joseph Sheffield, it became the first to connect the East with the Mississippi River. They would have to focus the river's current into one main channel and block off the myriad side channels. Kane, St. Anthony, p. 175, says Deprived of the navigation facilities they coveted, persuasive Minneapolitans continued to urge the federal government to act. The remarkable physical adaptation of our country for cheap and ample water communications, the committee concluded, point unerringly to the improvement of our great natural water-ways, and their connection by canals, or by short freight-railway portages under control of the government, as the obvious and certain solution of the problem of cheap transportation.57, Relying on the reports the Corps of Engineers submitted, the committee noted that improvements on the Mississippi River had been sporadic. Steamboat traffic grew quickly after 1823. The image below shows a very well organized squall line to the west of the Mississippi River. Quincy and Cairo, Illinois, became railheads in 1856, and East St. Louis, Illinois, and Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, in 1857. Twice during December 1862, Grant ordered thrusts against the city from the north. It did so twice that year. From their pioneer days on, they insisted that the federal government should improve the river for navigation. No. Another in September 1862 mentions 720 cattle crossed at Natchez and . George Byron Merrick captures well the perils of sailing the natural river. In 1880, however, it finally authorized an experimental dam for Lake Winnibigoshish and authorized the remaining dams shortly afterwards. The map shows frontier forts, outposts, and settlements, the primary migration routes of the Oregon Trail, Northern California Trail, Santa Fe Trail, Old San Antonio Road, Emory's Route, and Cooke's Wagon Route. Lock and Dam 2 (the Meeker Island Lock and Dam) could then be placed about 2.9 miles upstream, below Meeker Island, and would have a lift of 13.8 feet. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing . Lucile M. Kane, Rivalry for a River: the Twin Cities and the Mississippi, Minnesota History 37:8 (December 1961):309-23. Allied with them were sawmill operators and boom company operators William W. Eastman, John Martin, Sumner W. Farnham, James A. Lovejoy, and Joel B. Bassett. He hoped to restore the dying river connection between St. Paul and St. Louis. The solution, they insisted, lay in improving the nation's waterways, especially the Mississippi River and its tributaries. . Overall, Warren found that those who had been using the river evince a shrewd knowledge of the action of running water and the means of temporarily controlling it, gained by their constant experience and observation.33 Warren listened to these knowledgeable sources, but came to his own conclusions. On November 20, 1855, the Mississippi and Missouri Railroad, which later became part of the Rock Island System, operated the first . Responding in part to Minneapolis business and political interests, he requested $235,665 to construct a lock and dam at Meeker Island, which lay between Minneapolis and St. Paul. In 1873, Congress lost patience with the Mississippi River Improvement and Manufacturing Company and appropriated $25,000 for the Corps to begin the project.85 But Congress required the state to return the land grant before the Corps could start. Kane, St. Anthony, p. 96, points out that the state never transferred the grant to the company. To steamboats, even half a foot was important. As a result, Warren favored dredging. The Rock Island Bridge Company had been formed in 1853, but it wasn't until April 9, 1856, when the long-awaited Mississippi River Bridge - spanning from Rock Island to Davenport opened. Kane jumps to the construction of Lock and Dam 2, without discussing who made the final push for the project. At this point, Minneapolitans began fighting among themselves over the project.83, Millers feared a competing water power so close to St. Anthony Falls and believed that the project might jeopardize federal funding for repair work at the falls. In his memoirs Grant wrote of that signal achievement: When this was effected, I felt a degree of relief scarcely ever equaled since.I was on dry ground on the same side of the river with the enemy. The charming shops of downtown Bemidji / Lisa Meyers McClintick Other Sites Along the Great River. To prove their point, they paid the steamer Lamartine $200 to journey from St. Paul to the cataract. Military supplies and furs would dominate the much smaller steamboat trade above Galena. United States army engineers responded in 1894 by announcing plans for two locks and dams . The keynote of the meeting was a determined effort to obtain federal money for the improvement of western waterways so that they might be used as reliable routes for cheap transportation.48 Cheap transportation, delegates argued, would allow the United States to monopolize the markets of the world.49, In May 1873, cheap transportation advocates held another convention in St. Louisthe Western Congressional Convention. The works built under the 41/2-foot channel project embody these national movements and local efforts. U.S. Congress, House, Survey of Upper Mississippi River, Letter from the Secretary of War in answer to a resolution of the House, of December 20, 1866, transmitting report of the Chief of Engineers, with General Warrens report of the surveys of the Upper Mississippi river and its tributaries, 39th Congress, 2d Session, Ex. Sherman once said, Grant is brave, honest, & true, but not a Genius.. 341, p. 14; Annual Report, 1879, p. 111, see figures 1, 2, and 3 and Plate 3. After 1847, as miners depleted the lead supply, the trade quickly declined.1 Despite the fall of lead shipping, steamboat traffic on the upper Mississippi boomed. . In view of the hold which this method has taken upon the minds of river men, and the difficulties, uncertainty, and expense which attend the use of dams, Warren concluded, I have determined to recommend the employment of these dredging machines.37 In 1867 the Corps initiated a program of dredging sandbars, snagging, clearing overhanging trees and removing sunken vessels to create the 4-foot channel. They needed local navigation projects, but these did little good without a navigable river downstream. Popular wisdom at the beginning of the 19th century hypothesized it would take at least another 300 years, or most likely longer, to fill the area between the Mississippi and the Pacific coast. In 1869, a tunnel from the toe of the falls to Nicollet Island collapsed just below the island. I t took approximately 300 years from 1500 to 1800 for European population to extend from the East Coast of America to the Mississippi River. 1491, (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1913), p. 704. He evidently was a cattle herder in Mississippi, with many vouchers for his work. The next . In his report for the 1871 season, Captain Wm. Esther (1823-1917): m1. Due to the collapse of this tunnel, St. Anthony Falls was in danger of eroding away. But navigating the river has never been easy, even today. 23-25; Tweet, A History of the Rock Island District, U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, 1866-1983, (Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1984), p. 39; William J. Petersen, Steamboating on the Upper Mississippi, (Iowa City: The State Historical Society of Iowa, 1968), pp. On April 22, 1856, the citizens of Rock Island, Illinois, and Davenport, Iowa, cheered as they watched three steam locomotives pull eight passenger cars safely across the newly completed Chicago and Rock Island railroad bridge over the Mississippi River. 2, Appendix CC, Reports on Transportation Routes to the Seaboard, p. 455. Born in Niles, Michigan, on the St. Joseph River, Merrick watched steamboats go back and forth between South Bend, Indiana, and the town of St. Joseph on Lake Michigan.17 When Merrick was 12 years old, his family left Michigan and traveled to Rock Island, Illinois. Frederick J. Dobney, River Engineers of the Middle Mississippi: A History of the St. Louis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1978), p. 33. Port Gibson, MS. is a small town that played a part in the Civil War. He learned that Minneapolis and St. Anthony (the community on the rivers east bank that merged with Minneapolis in 1872) had funded the removal of boulders to encourage steamboats to travel above St. Paul. To get off, pilots sometimes used spars, long wood poles on which the front and back of the boats would be alternately jacked up and pushed forward. He does not provide a location for this work and there is no mention of it in later reports, however. Annual Report, 1875, p. 302. Capt. The parish seat is Edgard, an unincorporated area, and the largest city is LaPlace, which is also unincorporated.. St. John the Baptist Parish was established in 1807 as one of the original 19 parishes of the Territory of . Led by Ignatius Donnelly, Grange supporters had organized the People's Anti-Monopoly party, with a platform striking at monopolies, advocating state railroad controls, and denouncing postwar corruption. Planters were those that became lodged in the river's bottom, and sleepers hid beneath the water's surface. U.S. Congress, House, Survey of Upper Mississippi River, 39th Congress, 2d sess., House Ex. Rail lines were generally shorter, more direct, and could reach deep into lands served by no navigable rivers. In 1855 a railroad entered Galena. . he concluded, calling on Congress to appropriate funding for every navigable stream in the West and to open the natural outlets free to all.47 To restore river traffic, Kelley insisted that the Mississippi needed grants like those given to railroads, and the Grange had to establish an agent in St. Louis to buy and sell Minnesota's products. Before the Civil War, Congress authorized minor improvements for the upper Mississippi River but no work for the river above Hastings. In his next report, Warren had suggested a system of 41 reservoirs for the St. Croix, Chippewa, Wisconsin and Mississippi River basins. While some arrived by way of the Great Lakes, many settlers entering Iowa, Minnesota and western Wisconsin made part of their journey on the upper river.6 Historian Roald Tweet contends that, The number of immigrants boarding boats at St. Louis and traveling upriver to St. Paul dwarfed the 1849 gold rush to California and Oregon.7 More than one million passengers arrived at or left from St. Louis in 1855 alone.8 As a result, the population of the four upper river states above Missouri ballooned between 1850 and 1860. . Despite the frustrations and controversies, he had assured his wife: Vicksburg will be a hard job. Grant had to abandon another joint army-navy effort when he lacked enough transports. During the 1850s, traffic soared. Rachel Kramer/CC-BY 2.0. . In other words, Congress asked the Corps to determine how to establish a continuous, 4-foot channel for the upper river at low water. While still in his twenties, Donnelly had become Minnesota's lieutenant governor. A. Humphreys, the Chief of Engineers, ordered Brevet Major General and Major of Engineers Gouverneur K. Warren to St. Paul to begin the Corps' work on the upper Mississippi River (Figure 4). It was a method that had proven successful in France and elsewhere.36 Mississippi River pilots had learned that by running their paddle wheels over the crest of a bar, they helped the river cut through it, allowing the flow from the pool to deepen the cut just enough for the boat to pass. p. 213. Havighurst, A Wilderness Saga, p. 249; Merrick, Old Times, p. 232. Reeling from Chicago's increasing dominance over the region's trade, they saw the river as their best counteroffensive. During the late summer or early fall, when the Mississippi usually became a shallow, slow-moving stream, the wing dams could not direct enough water down the channel to scour it. 206-09, 209, 246; William J. Petersen, Captains and Cargoes of Early Upper Mississippi Steamboats, Wisconsin Magazine of History 13 (1929_30):227-32; Mildred Hartsough, From Canoe to Steel Barge, (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1934), pp. The Mississippi flows for some 2,300 miles, from Minneapolis to New Orleans, and into the Gulf of Mexico. The first ferries crossing from Piggott's complex to St. Louis were pirogues, small boats similar to canoes, made from hollowed out logs. . To further increase the water available for navigation, Congress authorized the Corps to construct six dams at the headwaters of the Mississippi, in northern Minnesota, between 1880 and 1907. Subscribe to receive our weekly newsletter with top stories from master historians. Hundreds of miles of riverbank had been secured with riprap. .65 Once the willow mats had been laid in the water, the workers would sink them with rock. All the campaigns, labors, hardships and exposures from the month of December previous to this time that had been made and endured, were for the accomplishment of this one object. A turning point had been reached in the campaign for Vicksburg, the Western theater and the war itself. It drew national Senators and Representatives from 22 states and the governors of Minnesota, Ohio, Kansas, Missouri, and Virginia. The conservationist and local hero hails from the Quad Cities, a 300,000-person metropolitan area spanning two states on either side of the Mississippi River. They did so by driving two tiers of piles nine feet apart and then filling between them with willow brush and placing sacks of sand on top to weigh the brush down. Alberta Kirchner Hill spent 19 summers (1898-1917) with her father's fleet as they built the dams for the government. After charging men under him to undertake the tributary surveys, Warren began the upper Mississippi survey from the Rock Island Rapids to Minneapolis himself. . Low water was based on the rivers elevation in 1864, when a severe drought occurred. But, less than one month later, the steamboat Effie Afton ran into the wooden structure, sinking the boat and heavily damaging the railway bridge (see pic below). Deep pools might run near one bank for a short reach and then jump to the other. June 4, 2021 7:50 AM. Twelve years later, in 1848, the territory became the new state of . U.S. Congress, House, Survey of the Upper Mississippi River, Exec. While mining Fold3 today, I ran across the Citizens Records of John McKay. II The Midwest, (The University of Alabama Press, 1973), pp. Note, the other route was down the Tennessee to the Ohio then down the Mississippi to the Natchez area. 111 E. Kellogg Blvd., Suite 105 Warren decided to deepen the upper Mississippi by dredging. (The 9-foot channel today is based on the same benchmark.). The Mississippi River gave birth to most cities along its banks, and those cities did all they could to ensure that the river would nurture their growth. Subsequent engineers reduced this number to six. Warren provided estimates for a variety of projects, in his first annual report in 1867. Some steamboats might land only once, while others returned many times. According to most estimates, the Yellowstone River measures approximately 692 miles (1,114 kilometers) long. as part of a portfolio of multi-value projects approved by the midcontinent independent system operator, this river crossing is 1.56 miles (2.51 km) long, connects the maywood substation in missouri and the herleman substation in illinois, and is part of the illinois rivers transmission project 385 miles (620 km) of transmission from palmyra, St. Paul suffered a double setback. William Cronon, Nature's Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West, (New York:W. W. Norton & Company, 1991), p. 296, says that the first railroad to reach the Mississippi River was the Chicago, Alton and St. Louis in 1852-53. The area is ideal for classic resort cabin or camping vacations. The endeavor would be difficult and risky, requiring Rear Adm. David Dixon Porters fleet to pass by Vicksburgs heavy guns. Steamboats, even half a foot was important severe drought occurred Washington, D.C.: government Printing Office 1913. To alter the pattern by which sand and silt moved along the Great river season! Secured with riprap under crossing the mississippi river in 1850 41/2-foot channel project embody these national movements and interests! Work and there is no mention of it in later Reports, however at Natchez.., requiring Rear Adm. David Dixon Porters fleet to pass by Vicksburgs heavy guns of sailing natural! Cities and the Mississippi 's Earliest Locks and dams supplies and furs would dominate the much smaller steamboat above... 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crossing the mississippi river in 1850