For example, in one of these role plays, students dramatize an incident that happened to them and caused cross-cultural misunderstanding. 0000031880 00000 n 0000011645 00000 n %PDF-1.3 % In S. Goldstein & J. Go ahead and place yourself on the line. chief contribution of the cultural scripts approach is an improved meth-odology to bear on these common concerns, a methodology which builds on two decades of research in cross-cultural semantics. Cross-Cultural Communication Importance. Role-play is frequently used in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for skills training. Now as I said, I travel a lot, so I like playing with the airlines. You will be able to use the list on the board as a reference. Dandis stand 12 inches or closer to people when talking to them. If the teacher runs out of roles, he/she can assign one role to two students, in which one speaks secret thoughts of the other (Shaw, Corsini, Blake & Mouton, 1980). You can stand anywhere in between as well. Discuss as a class. "I would like you to think about what it would be like if some of these cultural items were taken away. 117.34 Theatre 6th Grade (1)Perception. y&U|ibGxV&JDp=CU9bevyG m& 0000003851 00000 n Web Privacy Policy| Web Accessibility Policy, Program Director O+1gwCdTG9JTt/Zenf8Azz2/57v/ACaSnZ6X1bovTsQY1nVW5TgSfVscdxntqSkp3Wua9oe0yHCQ 0000003999 00000 n N/6USU9B0LrzLMHd1nNxWZO92guqHt0j6DyElOj+2+jf9z8X/t5n/kklK/bfRv8Aufi/9vM/8kkp The student is expected to: (B) expand body awareness and spatial perceptions, using pantomime; (D) express emotions and ideas, using interpretive movements and dialogue; (2) Creative expression/performance. (Food, manufacturing, general housing needs like electric, plumbing, and water). So I went up, and I actually said, Excuse me, but the plane is 30 minutes late, Im a punctual person, you know. Exactly! Nf8A9tj/AMkkp1egfVqvoNtttd7rvWaGkOaGxBnxKSnaSU5OT/4qunf+m/P/APP3TUlK+qf/AIle 0000005320 00000 n vskp1vqq+evYo9fGf/Oe2unY4/o38O9Bn5UlOt9aOiZdt+R1YW0MoYxpLX1Ne+GgA6lh/Kkp5P1q AHHw/wD2I/8AflJSvRP/AHHw/wD2I/8AflJSvRP/AHHw/wD2I/8AflJSvRP/AHHw/wD2I/8AflJS The student is expected to: (A)demonstrate safe use of the voice and body; (B)imagine and clearly describe characters, their relationships, and their surroundings. 2011-12-30T18:07:35+08:00 After some time, they want to go back to their hotel, but they have walked far from it and, unfortunately, lost their money. Tomalin and Stempleski (1993) suggest four role play activities which deal with cultural products and examine cultural behavior and patterns of communication. 0000018918 00000 n 7oKLv e@Z"|O>``(scLP%g Transition: "Thank you for participating and sharing. D: Lets first just describe what we notice. kpX/ADO+rn/cT/wW3/0okpX/ADO+rn/cT/wW3/0okpX/ADO+rn/cT/wW3/0okps4H1f6R0u85ODR Encouraging the client to rehearse their skills inside and outside counseling sessions. The client can identify coping mechanisms that work for them and uncover unhelpful or problematic behaviors that need addressing. Sciartilli, G. (1983). endstream endobj 116 0 obj<> endobj 117 0 obj<> endobj 118 0 obj<> endobj 119 0 obj<> endobj 120 0 obj<> endobj 121 0 obj<> endobj 122 0 obj<>stream 0000000656 00000 n Whether you want to thrive in the business world or build a personal relationships across cultures, cross cultural communication skills will come to help. "Do we have another group willing to share?" mhS$?XyiJU*MrYZR+\~iD`0g@8,4ab\+\7D3=b~fcZbcL~?%5?-)NicI:h0"rHh+&LVO0R)%&tDeN?/N)gv kzfNo@pVOF k{DQqwBADA BMFc@\:T)"za)=7ymbULoi=*)mK%ycE44w{k-69NI8B_v fA!7(~+ 4 v=|/6f~)9f\XLiMl.o"ADL"@-Dy(j~:MgL4=^J5w CRYg]$u>lj(6/DH$kq y ]\ODT{K-t XD `F@}|dNe/kFJC3uTO%y+,6Mg ZGLY%u5%uFOQe{JIR"w|. zaP/ACCSlT9Tv9Jgf5lH/kElKn6nf6TA/wAyj/yCSlT9Tv8ASYH+ZR/5BJSp+p3+kwP8yj/yCSm4 /v4f/bdv/pNJSvUp/fw/+27f/SaSlepT+/h/9t2/+k0lK9Sn9/D/AO27f/SaSlepT+/h/wDbdv8A 0000002754 00000 n Barter goods and services with doctors to receive care. I will give you thirty seconds. The purpose of this role play is to understand the inter cultural differences and find solutions. bM/7ab/6USUr/nt03/uNmf8AbTf/AEokpX/Pbpv/AHGzP+2m/wDpRJSv+e3Tf+42Z/203/0okpvd h0+pvmTH7jUlO6kpycn/AMVXTv8A035//n7pqSlfVP8A8SvRv/Tfi/8AnmtJTrJKeP8Ar7RZdbhe 7WOCSnG9Sn9/D/7bt/8ASaSlepT+/h/9t2/+k0lK9Sn9/D/7bt/9JpKV6lP7+H/23b/6TSUr1Kf3 99 0 obj <>stream 0 ChrE1\fxp1)))AYcV= h10EBTW(@ - It is as if they knew what I was going to do for the rest of my life. XuO17G2BxMa+57eElOL/AMzKP/LWj/tiv/0okpX/ADMo/wDLWj/tiv8A9KJKT4/1cyMRhZideFDX v/cfV/5JJSvRv/0V3/uPq/8AJJKV6N/+iu/9x9X/AJJJSvRv/wBFd/7j6v8AySSlejf/AKK7/wBx :w.@`x{qORhp@a@IH1zRe@= (-Jb9,>aI E {i PDF/X-3:2002 Clients can practice and improve their assertive and social techniques while learning to manage their anxiety, aggression, and other interpersonal difficulties (Hackett, 2011). This is one of the problems when working with other nationalities: people see what they want to see, they dont always see what you see. and writes what the students dictate on the right side of the board. Boast that your son has won the school swimming competition. 0000001256 00000 n After role-play has ended, its helpful to ask the client several questions to encourage metacognition (Beck, 2011; Mann, 2010): During role-play, it is helpful for the person playing the role to think out loud, explaining their thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and rationale behind their behavior (Baim et al., 2007). VIDgajQNSRpy5JTuf86fql/3E/8AAGf3pKV/zp+qX/cT/wAAZ/ekpX/On6pf9xP/AABn96Slf86f .\5]~;-aa*}-oM~ #V The aim is to learn to acknowledge each one without reacting, seeing them as simply part of the journey. While the therapist should handle questioning carefully, gently nudging the clients thought process along, pushing them to face up to realities can be powerful. Sociocultural strategies for a Dialogue of Cultures. Mirrors and windows: An intercultural communication textbook, pp. What existing activities for intl students are on this campus? UQ6Hbmub3sPEykpx/rZc1nWrWl2KDtZ/PVOe76I7itySnH+0s/ewf+2H/wDpFJSvtLP3sH/th/8A X/tz/wAzSUr7Z9cf+4GL/wBuf+ZpKV9s+uP/AHAxf+3P/M0lLty/reXAPwMYNkSRZ2/z0lO6kp5v As you quite rightly say, my name Pellegrino, which is my first name, means 'pilgrim'. K6/i9XtfVj031mtu4m5gaCJjSHOSU6aSnJyf/FV07/035/8A5+6akpzfqx9Z/q3j/VvpNF/VsGq2 113.18 Social Studies 6th Grade (15)Culture. I live in Oslo, I guess Im living in the wrong place. For example, the situation of the role play is returning an item of clothing back to the store. How is he sitting or standing? +ZR/5BJSp+p3+kwP8yj/AMgkpu9L/Ym+z9kux3Ogep6ArBjtPptCSnSSU5OT/wCKrp3/AKb8/wD8 ANKJKV/zs+qv/lz0/wD9iqf/AEokpX/Oz6q/+XPT/wD2Kp/9KJKV/wA7Pqr/AOXPT/8A2Kp/9KJK Role-playing. Find what you need fast! Line the groups up behind the line and begin. He is somewhat primitive, but he is honest, straightforward, all he really wants in life are the simple little pleasures like peace and quiet. Do you recognize any of this? Role Play Communication styles, standard norms of turn-taking in conversation, and accepted methods of address may all differ. /dNSUr6p/wDiV6N/6b8X/wA81pKdZJTxv1/rL7cKK32Q2z6HbVnPtKSnkvQd/oLv9f7CSleg7/QX h212MeeYa4E/gkpIkpSSnh/rTXa7rNpbXY4bWasxK7x9EfnvMpKcn0b/APRXf+4+r/ySSlejf/or 65jAMxG/zmtW7f8Azb+JcUlMvrZcWdataLsVnsZ7bqBY76I/O9Cz8qSnH+0O/wC5GD/7Cj/3kSUr Much will depend on the way L2 culture is incorporated in the role play. endstream endobj 2 0 obj <> endobj 10 0 obj <> endobj 107 0 obj <>stream By incorporating materials that focus on cross-cultural communication into curricula designed for pKV6NP8AoKf/AGKZ/wCTSU631Wqrb17FLaq2kepq29rz/Nv/ADQ4kpKZ/W5s9btPoY9nsZ7rbdjv Any questions? Lets gather around and discuss what we see on these posters." startxref 0 FjWRqz95jklPLfYmf9xbv+36/wD0kkp1+j9azOiY78fEwt7bH+oTba0mYDfzWt8ElOh/zz6t/wCV +xH/AL8pKVsH/cbD/wDYj/35SUrYP+42H/7Ef+/KSlbB/wBxsP8A9iP/AH5SUrYP+42H/wCxH/vy ~%sJ2k*KwR)5j54w1Gk1VSoCWy`.| =EI Role-playing scripts are one of many ways to learn to manage emotions. Answer the passenger's question. 2023 InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA. While you are waiting in line you can think of a word for your next turn and you might have to help a teammate come up with a word." << JKV9od/3Iwf/AGFH/vIkpX2h3/cjB/8AYUf+8iSlfaHf9yMH/wBhR/7yJKV9od/3Iwf/AGFH/vIk If you want a good service, you speak English like I do. hb```b``a`c```@ dpn33Y0a,Ty6TeL:5To0A[mn.+=n+WkE=,I^f'PCJWQ@}*fU-fRfRnFVlxd67]d_5YY6RIh*:}~*w-{",nfn3~uq,P[@n6P0 MRIEQVFhcSITBTKBkRShsUIjwVLR8DMkYuFygpJDUxVjczTxJQYWorKDByY1wtJEk1SjF2RFVTZ0 oj8312fkSU42wf8AcbD/APYj/wB+UlK2D/uNh/8AsR/78pKVsH/cbD/9iP8A35SUrYP+42H/AOxH A: Do you see any connections between the two posters? 0000012825 00000 n 7Q7/ALkYP/sKP/eRJSvtDv8AuRg/+wo/95ElK+0O/wC5GD/7Cj/3kSUr7Q7/ALkYP/sKP/eRJSvt Benefiting skills training by providing the opportunity to practice social skills, assertiveness, and other interpersonal and communication-related skills. This has been escalating for a few weeks now and has resulted in one of the team members speaking aggressively to her colleague in front of the whole team. 5+[hX"-lm=|NW\R]sJQNaU%._?ZXS7G&VtlWD #PAQe1q{8KOT. HcW1VtYCfGG3BJT01eTjMrax2RW4tABcXDUjvykpf7Xi/wCmr/zx/ekpX2vF/wBNX/nj+9JTJl9F Shaw, M.E., Corsini, R.J., Blake, R.R., & Mouton, J.S. ?D kx45?6{`o \%bZ>5eRU-2Mstd6#b>qGb7@_# xF Your fellowship group is predominantly Chinese with a growing number of Southeast Asians, and a few Americans & Latino-Americans. We have other techniques available to help therapists work with their clients to understand their feelings. R/78pKdb6qsjr2KfQxmfznuru3uH6N/DfXf+RJTP63Y4s63a44mRd7Ge+p0N+iP+Bf8AlSU432Mf 0000015838 00000 n You will have about one minute to discuss what you came up with." Sysoyev, P.V. Group therapy should never be thought of as second class when compared with individual therapy, as it offers a wide range of experiences for self-growth, particularly using role-play (Mann, 2010). f9PT/wCwrP8AyCSletT/AKen/wBhWf8AkElK9an/AE9P/sKz/wAgkpXrU/6en/2FZ/5BJSvWp/09 What I like doing to people is I have these little social experiments to test their perception of me. The opinions expressed herein are the author's own and do not necessarily express the views of either ECA or the American Councils. The therapist can stop the action to question what the client was thinking or feeling or suggest alternative approaches for handling what is happening. /wDsKz/yCSletT/p6f8A2FZ/5BJSvWp/09P/ALCs/wDIJKV61P8Ap6f/AGFZ/wCQSUr1qf8AT0/+ An alphabet race is where a team must add a word, phrase, or saying to their chart paper that relates to the given topic. In addition to group discussion, an evaluation questionnaire can be used. P/sKz/yCSm90fqHScXKNvUxVlU7CBWMWv6RIg/RCSna/5w/Ur/uAz/2GrSUr/nD9Sv8AuAz/ANhq I can give you a fancy title of what I do, but what I really do is I try to help people communicate better, especially in the global business world. 0000002352 00000 n Clients can use such exercises to work through their feelings and irrational beliefs in an imagined past, present, or future situation. Answer the taxi-driver's question and ask what kind of weather he likes.3. What different cultural items exist in your lives? X7b6N/3Pxf8At5n/AJJJSv230b/ufi/9vM/8kkpX7b6N/wBz8X/t5n/kklK/bfRv+5+L/wBvM/8A The two students, who take on the roles of native citizens, should behave as they think real citizens would behave. I want you to turn to someone next to you and discuss why you placed yourself on the line. 9X/kklK9G/8A0V3/ALj6v/JJKZfZcr/uPkf+46r+9JT0X1NpuqyMk212VgsbHqYrMadTwWHVJT1S Pages: First |1 | | | Last | View Full Transcript. 108 0 obj <> endobj By creating this safe environment, it offers a controlled place to visit past, present, and future situations that cause clients emotional upset. 0000003499 00000 n For example, a group consisting only of the shyest students will not be a success. Katie Dawson Were basically doing things which are accepted in our social group and which are familiar. N.Y.: McGraw Hill. Ming from Taiwan is kind of dominating the conversation and seems to be talking mostly about Taiwan instead of the assigned topic. 0000003876 00000 n cross-cultural teams participating in a role-play context to explore cross-cultural scenarios, and typical inhibitions while participating in role-play related to group size or lack of anonymity. ftvo/wD5Z1f59f8AckpX7b6P/wCWdX+fX/ckpZ/WOh2sdXZ1Gh7Hgtc1z6yCDoQQWpKak/U7/SYH Use DAR (Describe-Analyze-Relate) to discuss the posters. Katerina comes from Greece. >> 2@@ik|JGGEn5}>fn_}MQZH2k mO,mC-|VPvv2m,5f-`$1(t3($3_Mx 0"(:^.[ZF0DY3mLJJJjiH"@* lK/8cX/zX/8Ag/8A6hSUr/xxf/Nf/wCD/wDqFJSv/HF/81//AIP/AOoUlOt9XfrN+3rbqvs32f0W All rights reserved. Potential benefits of role-play include (Nelson-Jones, 2014; Hackett, 2011; Corey, 2013): Role-playing scripts offer clients the opportunity to practice desired behaviors observed by the therapist for subsequent review (Corey, 2013). "We are going to now write in our interactive journals. Our mission is to provide the most accurate transcripts of videos and audios online. 0000002890 00000 n The student understands relationships that exist among world cultures. Once you are done writing your word on the poster you hand the marker to the next person who will be at the front of the line. The role play takes place somewhere in Japan, within a U.S. company store named "Skippy's Kids Store." So a lot of my work is actually explaining Norwegian behavior to other nationalities. One such role play set was introduced by Smith and Otero (1977). Dw/7Qxj+dsbd9dngkpxf+an1j/7of9s1f+86Sno8T6v9Mbi0ty8LGfeK2i5za2wXgDcRDR3SUnHQ (all names are meant to be gender-neutral). 1. 05, 2014 3 likes 11,723 views Download Now Download to read offline Education Business Technology Dominic Mackenzie Follow Advertisement Recommended Soft Skill-4 (Tips for Successful cross cultural Communication ) Col Mukteshwar Prasad 896 views 16 slides Cross cultural communication ppt SRI GANESH /wA9v96SmVd9NpIqsa8jkNcD+RJSRJTk5P8A4qunf+m/P/8AP3TUlK+qf/iV6N/6b8X/AM81pKdZ 0000001616 00000 n The topic of discussion for the day is culture shock. 0000057086 00000 n 7J7JKcz9k/UP/SYv/sWf/SySmxj/AFZ+qWWwvxKq72tO0uqve8A+EttKSkv/ADO+rn/cT/wW3/0o xref What are some cultural items that are specific to your culture? Side-coach as needed. If more than one table said it we can put a check mark next to it to show that it was a common response." SUzZTTUSaq2sJ52gD8iSmaSnJyf/ABVdO/8ATfn/APn7pqSlfVP/AMSvRv8A034v/nmtJTrJKUkp adobe:docid:indd:415357fb-32ab-11e1-aaa8-99535303b26d /wC2Xf8AkklK/wCe3Rv9M7/tl3/kklK/57dG/wBO7/tl3/kklNjp/wBaemdRzK8PHtLrLN20GtzZ endobj <]/Prev 528509>> Cross-cultural communication can be defined as a dialogue or any kind of interaction (both verbal and non-verbal) between people of different nationalities. The client may need to stay with such feelings of discomfort or stuckness.. download our three Positive Psychology Exercises for free, 3 Scripts and Worksheets for Your Sessions, Role-Playing Activities, Scripts, Games, & Exercises, 9 Techniques and Questions to Ask Clients, Best Resources From, 17 validated positive psychology tools for practitioners. It is an evidence-based behavioral intervention that is focused [], To neuroscientists, psychoanalysts, existential philosophers, and various types of mental health practitioners, the idea of mentalization is both foundational and captivating. I can look at the categories on the board. In S. Holden (Ed.). cross culturalism will grow as the world gets more connected through technology. If the whole class represents one role play group, it is necessary to keep some minor roles which can be taken away if there are less people in class than expected (Horner & McGinley, 1990). In an existing or imagined situation, the client is asked first to play the role of their emotional self. yiaRTLG6iwWTqfAlJT1ySnJyf/FV07/035//AJ+6akpX1T/8SvRv/Tfi/wDnmtJTrJKeT+vFhrsw 0000006039 00000 n What services does the campus (or another organization) provide? Ask the passenger if he likes this weather.3. 6b6kVGvJyia6K5Y3+YtFpOp5i6yElPXpKcnJ/wDFV07/ANN+f/5+6akpX1T/APEr0b/034v/AJ5r ql/3E/8AAGf3pKV/zp+qX/cT/wAAZ/ekpX/On6pf9xP/AABn96SnT6H1fo3UrbWdLp9J1bQXn021 Say the price. It is also a helpful and relatively nonthreatening approach that can assess, intervene, and engage clients in therapy, especially children (Hackett, 2011). AHpKV9sxP9PX/nt/vSUr7Zif6ev/AD2/3pKV9sxP9PX/AJ7f70lK+2Yn+nr/AM9v96SlfbMT/T1/ I usually do two day workshops on this, Ive got 18 minutes a system of behavior that helps us act in an accepted or familiar way. I will give you thirty seconds. stream A. Naglieri (Eds.). thanks, This is one of the most practical resources I have read on the subject matter. 61 48 /Height 155 HS0+f"[BCXbiZ&-z 39gQp When they disagree, they smile and nod their heads. endstream endobj 62 0 obj <>]/PageLabels 52 0 R/Pages 54 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 63 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 396.0 612.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 64 0 obj <> endobj 65 0 obj <> endobj 66 0 obj <> endobj 67 0 obj [97 0 R] endobj 68 0 obj <>stream "Next statement, I believe culture is important. Go ahead and place yourself on the line. 0000000016 00000 n Role-play in therapy has the potential to help clients not previously helped by other treatments. We are going to work in the last section of our lesson today with identifying a cultural key that exists in your life and how it would change if that cultural key were taken away." Repeat as needed to hear voices from across the line. Individuals reenact scenes, work through problematic behavior, then reflect on emotional, cognitive, and behavioral aspects of what they experienced. 1. hbbd```b`` "A$Sd/`+0[LLz+u`X>D#Aj.x| 6-D00]xqLW_ &r 0000011707 00000 n Her employees only make matters worse by concealing important information. Step three Identify coping strategies. In that case, they move to the other seat, representing their new position (literally and emotionally), to comment from that place. =hn;!2iP)q:N 1 0 obj << /Type /Page /Parent 95 0 R /Resources 2 0 R /Contents 3 0 R /Thumb 61 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 420 638 ] /CropBox [ 0 0 420 638 ] /Rotate 0 >> endobj 2 0 obj << /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] /Font << /F3 104 0 R /F6 40 0 R /F7 41 0 R >> /ExtGState << /GS1 119 0 R >> >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Length 3265 /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream Performing role-play exercises can be helpful for clients and offer an opportunity for self-reflection. 108 0 obj <>stream 0000014011 00000 n "And our last statement is, I believe culture is something to be proud of. Go ahead and place yourself on the line. Dv8AuRg/+wo/95ElK+0O/wC5GD/7Cj/3kSUr7Q7/ALkYP/sKP/eRJT0v1ItNmTlA249kMb/MVCoj 50 0 obj <> endobj FJSv/HF/81//AIP/AOoUlK/8cX/zX/8Ag/8A6hSUr/xxf/Nf/wCD/wDqFJSv/HF/81//AIP/AOoU For those of us who use English as our primary language, effective and clear communication is an on-going challenge. %%EOF +kElK9PI/wC4ud/24f8A0gkpRqyAB+rZxka/pDpr/wAQkpXp5H/cXO/7cP8A6QSU9L9SG2Nycr1K ", Alphabet Relay Race In their role plays, two Americans are traveling through imaginary countries, each role play set represents one of the following lands: Crony, Ord, Fondi, Dandi or Lindi. People would have to barter instead of exchanging items for money. Example: Dollar Bills. adobe:docid:indd:4bd35220-2c7d-11e1-a78c-da8e00ced178 %PDF-1.4 % What else is popping out at you? These science-based exercises explore fundamental aspects of positive psychology, including strengths, values, and self-compassion, and will give you the tools to enhance the wellbeing of your clients, students, or employees. I like going up to the airlines and talk in English, or sometimes talk with an Italian accent, to see what kind of reactions I get. "~]l>3J0lE+OB/f;/~QJ6 j6[C[udcITi=lKtZlz3eLamqr|Gz+nDOK>F3~pk:W8&[MBSu[\~rg'+{p^] <7-j->BA)T#se7;%Vm}r)MPal7xl*r=laOR,-D$(~apwK'8B_&H=,]6w=|"ZvFG194tF]Hk_9)wu. Connecting with Muslim International Students Handbook, International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. Anger can be a difficult emotion to anticipate and manage. CCC-V7N4-.indd +dn1V/8ALnp//sVT/wClElK/52fVX/y56f8A+xVP/pRJSv8AnZ9Vf/Lnp/8A7FU/+lElK/52fVX/ Cross-Cultural Communication: Managing Diversity at Work is a lively, engaging dramatization in which you'll observe a manager falling into the trap of cross-cultural miscommunication. To understand the inter cultural differences and find solutions gender-neutral ) right side the! The line the two students, who take on the board of videos audios... As I said, I guess Im living in the wrong place won school... 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Second Hand Euphonium,
Articles C