Imprisonment or confinement in a jail or prison. Our Terms of Service prohibit the use of to determine an individual's eligibility for personal credit or employment, tenant screening, or other business transactions, or for any unlawful purposes such as stalking or harassing others. Areal property deed which transfers (conveys) only that interest in the property in which the grantor has title. Abbreviations: 1. Notice to Public Access Terminal Users during the COVID-19 Pandemic: If you need assistance with accessing court documents and are not able, or cannot afford, to use, please complete the below PACER Fee Exemption Request form and submit to or contact the Clerk's Office at 303-844-3433 for further assistance. Search Bent County District and County Court dockets by name or case number. (The term Custody is no longer used.). Payment Information. A court docket search provides information on ongoing cases, court dates, case summaries, case activities, case numbers, pending cases, decided cases, lawsuits filed with the court, the status of cases, docket numbers, business lawsuits, and individual lawsuits. El Paso County Docket Search. However, cases with the water court and juvenile courts must be looked upon on their own websites. Finance. You understand and agree that full search reports will only be available with a purchase. The information on this website is taken from records made available by state and local law enforcement departments, courts, city and town halls, and other public and private sources. Intentionally deceiving someone and causing that person to suffer a loss. Also known as "Visitation". Search Morgan County District or County Court dockets by name or case number. A citys organic law, which means the law concerning a city issue will trump a state law governing the same issue. Colorados District Courts, of which there are 22 districts, have more general jurisdiction over the issues in the state. Park County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Weld County Court Records are public records, documents, files, and transcripts associated with court cases and court dockets available in Weld County, Colorado. Small-claims court is for cases that involve no more than $7500 in damaged. To search for a crime by name, visit our page onCommon Colorado Crimes A-Z. For juvenile cases, most of them are not public, as they deal with minors. The Clerk and Recorder also operates the Motor Vehicle Divisions in the State of Colorado for titling vehicles and issuing license plates. Western Regional Office. Case Number. In criminal cases, this means the restraint of a person's freedom in any significant way. Case Details Parties Documents Dockets. Court District The Montrose County Court is a trial court in Montrose County and is . A grievance that can be resolved by legal action. Legislative declaration 13-51-103. Phone numbers and email addresses are available at the Contact Us page. A claim that a person has upon the property of another as security for a debt owed. Search Moffat County District or County Court dockets by name or case number. You may contact the Northern Kentucky Bar Association (Lawyer Referral Service) @ (859) 781-1525 or Legal Aid of the . They can deal with civil claims over $15,000 as well as all felony matters. Such use of may subject you to civil and criminal litigation and penalties. A person who voluntarily enters into an action or other proceedings with the approval of the court. A PR bond is a signature bond that involves no money or property as long as the defendant appears at all future court dates. Search Rio Grande County District or County Court dockets by name or case number. CRS 24-33.5-2010 Unlawful possession of fireworks. A bank account that names a specific person as beneficiary of all funds once the account holder dies. Ouray County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Provisions Applicable to Offenses Generally Part 6. A concept applied by courts in product liability cases in which a seller is liable for any and all defective or hazardous products that unduly threaten a consumer's personal safety. ^ in any other position is part of the number sequence. A law suit, legal action, including all proceedings therein. Adenial; where a Defendant denies any importantclaim of fact in the Plaintiffs statement. Criminal homicide is murder, manslaughter or negligent homicide. Colorado Court Records | All the steps of determining and forming the jury in the trial of a particular case. A person who has been named in a court case, and was served legal documents that were started andgiven tothe Court by another person, known as the Petitioner. If the Respondent wishes to have a say in the casehe or shemust file or givea responseto the Court. A bond posted using the equity from real estate located in this state.The unencumbered equity must be 1.5 times the amount of the bond. You understand and agree that you may not use any information provided by for any unlawful purpose, such as stalking or harassing others, and including for any purpose under the FCRA. If there is likely to be substantial harm to the Respondent's health, safety or welfare if a guardian is not appointed immediately, the court may appoint a guardian without having to give notice or go through the normal procedures. An area on a court form, usually at the end of the form, where you tell the court how and when you provided a copy of the court form to the other person in the case, before or directly after you gave the form to the court. Search Grand County District or County Court dockets by name or case number. CRS 16-8-101.5 Definition of legal insanity. Montrose County comprises the Montrose, CO Micropolitan Statistical Area. Part of a judgment that requires the payment of money by one party (the judgment debtor) to another (the judgment creditor). A person who jointly completes, signs, and files a written Petition, or a written application to the Court with the Petitioner, asking for specific action to be taken. The killing of one human being by the act, procurement, or omission of another. The person seeking appointmentasPersonal Representative. Case Number: 1:2023cv00136. An un-witnessed handwritten will. It is the relationship between a lawyer and a client, guardian and ward, or between spouses, with regard to the trust that is placed in the one by the other. This term includes both parenting time and decision-making responsibilities regarding the children. Court. A person who represents himself or herself in court without the help of a lawyer. In addition, courts in this country agree to recognize and enforce the valid legal contracts and court orders of other countries. DU1. This is done by a person who isn't involved in the case or a sheriff or private process server. Adams County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Dolores County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Hinsdale County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. To order a person to perform, or to abstain and desist from performing a specified act or course of conduct. Also known as "Permanent Resident Alien," "Resident Alien Permit Holder," and "Green Card Holder.". Search Gilpin County District or County Court dockets by name or case number. A contract between a lender and borrower that states that the lender can repossess the property a person has offered as collateral if the loan is not paid as agreed. This is for the reason that the courts depend on the clerk to chronicle details that precisely establishes everything that occurs at the time of a court hearing. becomes unable to care for or make decisions for themselves. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit A, #2 Exhibit B, #3 Exhibit C, #4 Exhibit D, #5 Exhibit E, #6 Exhibit F, #7 Civil Cover Sheet)(Morales, Victor) In legal terms, "may" is defined as "optional" or "can". Search Hinsdale County District or County Court docket by name or case number. Colorado Legal Defense Group was a great resource for legal help. Payment of fines and fees may be made by Master Card, Visa, check, electronic check, money order or cash. Search Prowers County District or County Court dockets by name or case number. An order stopping a judicial proceeding or execution of a judgment. An informal assessment and negotiation session conducted by a legal professional who hears both sides of the case, may advise the parties on the law and precedent relating to the dispute, and suggest a settlement.An informal assessment and negotiation session conducted by a legal professional who hears both sides of the case, may advise the parties on the law and precedent relating to the dispute, and suggest a settlement. Latin meaning "bring with you". Customer Support: 7209217859 Colorado State Courts Data Access Enter a 4 digit year. You must review and accept our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy before using our A person or entity designated in a Will to receive real or personal property. A motion asking that allegedly secured illegal evidence be left out of the trial. District courts could have more than one judge for a number of counties, unlike the other types of trial courts. that the information will be accurate or up to date. Term used to describe someone who is subject to aconservatorship and has aconservator appointed to help them. Colorado has a number of county courts. Please note: Our firm only handles criminal and DUI cases, and only in California. An agreement between two or more parties creating obligations enforceable or otherwise recognizable at law. A condition of the mind, caused by mental disease or defect, which does not rise to the level of insanity but prevents the person from forming the mental state required to find him or her guilty of the crime. Emancipation may also end the responsibility of a parent for the acts of a child, including debts, negligence, or criminal acts. These include crime data, criminal histories, jail and sex offender information, and vital records for the 64 counties in the state, with variable results depending on the county. Deferred Sentence (Traffic Violations) Court Dockets. An investigation of a dispute by a neutral third party who examines the issues and facts in a case, and who may or may not recommend settlement procedures. Lake County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. San Miguel County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. A formal written direction given by a judge or magistrate. Search court dockets for Colorado District and County courts by date, case number, or party name. New Chief Judge of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Colorado 1525 Sherman Street, 4th Floor. 14-15-103. Moveable or transferable property; especially personal property. A written document that identifies decision-making responsibilities, parenting time, relocation, child support, and child tax exemption relating to the children in a divorce or custody case. Used in variety of legal contexts to describe words, gestures, and actions which tend to annoy, alarm and abuse (verbally) another person. Court (required only if county is selected) Court. All Rights Reserved. Federal Court Finder | United States Courts Skip to main navigation Menu Search United States Courts Menu RSS Privacy & Security Policy Glossary of Legal Terms Operating Status Download Plug-Ins Email Updates Contact Us FAQs This site is maintained by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts on behalf of the Federal Judiciary. For example, there could be order of protection hearings, temporary custody and support hearings (known as PDL motions), motions for. Forsaking, abandoning, renouncing, or giving over a right. When someone is unable or unqualified to do something. Theperson that is being sued or the person charged with a crime in a criminal case. is not a consumer reporting agency and does not supply consumer reports as those terms are defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). There are also water courts in the area. Maintenance is financial support paid to a former spouse or partner. Any person who knowingly marries, inflicts sexual penetration, or sexual intrusion on an ancestor or descendant, including a natural child, child by adoption, or stepchild twenty-one years of age or older, a brother or sister of the whole or half blood, or an uncle, aunt, nephew or niece of whole blood. Denver Colorado Criminal Defense Lawyers Crimes By Code Section. Aperson authorized by the state in which the person resides tocertify documents . Phone: (719) 385-5928 Contact the Municipal Court Address: 224 E. Kiowa Street Colorado Springs, CO 80903 Traffic Court Share this page: Facebook Twitter Email Make a payment Traffic summonses are issued by a police officer. A date for you to come to court to meet with a Family Court Facilitator who will help you understand what you need to do during your case, answer your questions, and give you instructions about the next steps in your case. Denver, CO 80203. By clicking I Agree, you acknowledge and agree to our Terms of Service, and agree not to use any information gathered through this website for any purpose under the FCRA, including but not limited to evaluating eligibility for personal credit, insurance, employment, or tenancy. This is despite whether its a record concerning a divorce, criminal procedure, or a speeding charge. Colorado District and County Court Dockets, El Paso County Civil Return Filing Calendar. Aperson who is trusted by law with the care ofanother person or property of another, or both, as a minor or someone legally incapable of managing his or her own affairs. To make void or null; abolish; cancel; invalidate a marriage. Ownership bytwo or more people of the same property. results. A situation where more than one court has jurisdiction over the same subject matter. Search Conejos County District or County Court docket by name or case number. Visit our page on Colorado DUI Laws to learn more. CSE also helps in establishing new support orders and paternity. 2864 S. Circle Drive, Suite 810. OTHER (Civil revocation only) (and older cases) PC. Archuleta County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Also awarded for things that are harder to measure, such as pain and suffering. The Denver County Court functions as a Municipal Court and a County Court. Free of cost court records offered from federal state and regional courts can offer variable information. Practically any judicial matter is chronicled, and in many instances, it will be permissible to the public. Most stipulations must be in writing. There are 22 judges that sit on the panel for the Court of Appeals, which handles about 2,500 cases per year. Date Range. A copy of a court document that has a court seal or certification from the out-of-state court verifying the authenticity of the document(s). Number Sequence: "0" before a number sequence is optional. A divided jury that cannot agree on a unanimous verdict. Search Denver County District or County Court dockets by name or case number. Search Custer County District or County Court dockets by name or case number. For that reason, they operate a little differently than many of the other courts. The resolution or compromise by the parties in a civil lawsuit. The boundaries are divided into the counties, but some can handle the legal matters for more than one county of Colorado. A group of persons selected according to law and given the power to decide questions of fact and return a verdict in a court case. 20508 (1963) - Present) . A trust that cannot be terminated by the settlor (the person who created the trust) once its created. Personal property is anything that isn't nailed down, dug into, or built onto the land. There are no jury trials with this court and there are only hearing dealing with the use and protection of water. US citizens have a right to see court records. A person who lives somewhere permanently or on a long-term basis. This is a similar premise to the freedom of information act. A written motion which is usually made before or after the beginning of a jury trial for a protective order againstextremely harmful evidence. Colorado State Archives: Carries Supreme Court case records and civil and criminal cases from various county and district courtso. Any charges issued by a grand jury are called indictments. Issuance of a citation is not an arrest. This is not an actual hearing date and no one needs to show up to court. Seventh Judicial District Montrose Combined Court Delta Gunnison Montrose Combined Court Montrose Combined Court Montrose Combined (District and County) Courts and Water Court, Division 4 are located at the Montrose County Justice Center, Court Building in Montrose, Colorado. The transfer of legal rights, such as the time left on a lease, from one person to another. The intentional and voluntary relinquishment of a legal right. Copyright 2023 Fire Department. Authority of Person Not a Peace Officer to Make an Arrest. Search Phillips County District or County Court dockets by name or case number. Compulsion by physical force or threat of physical force; an act, such as signing a will under coercion, is not legally valid. Logan County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. Or a lawyer could represent you at a single hearing. This data element is referenced in the 110-21 Docket Code Map File. The following is for information purposes only. PROBABLE CAUSE FOUND. You must have had or havethe right to keep to the property. A persons agreement to allow something to happen or made with full knowledge of the risks involved and the alternatives. Southern Regional Office. If the writ is denied, the court refused to hear the appeal and, in effect, the judgment below stands unchanged. To talk withyou about your case and just provide you advice. Those are considered sealed and are only accessible by individuals with the right to see them. The Colorado Courts E-Filingsystem allows authorized users to file and serve documents electronically in the Colorado Courts. Typically, the numerical court code is part of a case docket number on all court records or is on a uniform motor vehicle/traffic citation to indicate which court location will receive the citation information. The heading or title on legal paperwork usually including the name of the court and the court's address, the names of the people involved in the case, the case number, and the attorney for whomever is filing the paperwork. Division. A party to a lawsuit, one who is engaged in litigation, usuallyreferred toactive parties in a case. Search Costilla County District and County Court dockets by name or case number. The specific papers by which the allegations of parties to a lawsuit are presented in proper form; specifically the complaint of a plaintiff and the answer of a defendant plus any additional responses to those papers that are authorized by law. Holds non-jury trials for small claims cases involving up to $7,500. A person at least 21, resident or non-resident of Colorado, who has been appointed to administer the estate of the Decedent and may also be referred to as an Executor/Executrix. As with most states, this has jurisdiction over all appeals, and also cases relating to water rights and utilities as well as criminal appeals. Means certified, when used in reference to copies of official documents, and only certification by the official having custody is required. Rio Grande County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. A person who has not reached the age of majority, usually 18. Those are considered sealed and are only accessible by individuals with the right to see them. An individual who assists with domestic relations cases and conducts Initial Status Conferences. Copyright 2023 Colorado Legal Defense Group. The Colorado court system is more complex than some other states. An early intervention in a lawsuit by a court appointed evaluator, to narrow, eliminate, and simplify issues and to assist in case planning and management. Even so, there are some instances wherein the records are stored privately. New program reduces waitlist for court-ordered treatment. Search Mesa County District or County Court dockets by name or case number. Part 2. Civil union" means a relationship established by two eligible personsthat entitles them to receive the benefits and protections and be subject to the responsibilities of spouses. For instance, pending the completion of a real estate transaction, the deed to the property will be held "in escrow.". All of the courts in Colorado are ultimately overseen by the Supreme Court. 7887 E. 60th Avenue. Search Chaffee County District and County Court dockets by name or case number. The Colorado Court Records website provides concise and useful information about the Colorado State Court System as well as the types of courts in its cities and counties. The term includes a decree and any order that can be appealed. The rules contain general ethical guidelines and specific rules written by the American Bar Association and adopted by the Colorado Supreme Court. Issues are referred here after a dispute or issue with the case as it is escalated towards the supreme court in the state. The document stating the Judgment Debtor has satisfied (paid) the judgment. A claim is something that one party owes another. YYYY = Year CC = Case Class SSSSSS = Sequence The way that they operate is as their own municipality and they are paid for by federal taxes by the citizens of Denver. Has exclusive jurisdiction over cases involving the death penalty. It is not operated by, affiliate or associated with any state, county, local or federal government or agency. Douglas County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources. A person is guilty of criminal homicide if he purposely, knowingly, recklessly or negligently causes the death of another human being. Other than appeals, the Supreme Court is the one that works to improve the justice system in Colorado, working to make the law more stable and inclusive while conserving laws. It is the Archives that maintain case files which contain every document relating to a particular case that took place in the state of Colorado. This implies its contents can not become part of the general public record. Nature of Suit: Habeas Corpus (General) Many counties throughout Colorado offer free, online case search and lookup tools. A person who is taken-in and reared by a parent thatis notabirth parent. The person or organizationwho appeals a court decision usuallythathe/she/it has lost. Court Records are typically maintained by the courts . Search Weld County District or County Court dockets by name or case number. To find the court case number, individuals will need to contact the courthouse where the trial was held, requesting the number from them to fill out the necessary information about the case. The county seat is Montrose, for which the county is named. In very rare cases, individuals can present their case in front of a jury, though it's not common. Criminal cases include cases in which the state is suing a person. Laws to learn more $ 15,000 as well as all felony matters agree on lease... Killing of one human being a similar premise to the freedom of information act, courts in this state.The equity. Northern Kentucky Bar Association and adopted by the Colorado Supreme Court, for which County... Record concerning a city issue will trump a state law governing the same property himself or in. Of person not a Peace Officer to make void or null ; abolish ; cancel ; invalidate marriage... Any state, County, local or federal government or agency for legal help Crimes by Code Section,... 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