I can easily stick a few more eggs under a broody hen. Check outthis fantastic recipeif youre looking for a more detailed instructional guide on roasting your bird. You can also infuse these eggs with lots of recipes of your choice. Continue with Recommended Cookies. The meat contains essential fatty acids like omega-6 and omega-3. Required fields are marked *. Yes, you can! If you want to learn more about this bird, make sure to visit my Guinea Fowl Pros and Cons post. Can You Eat Guinea Fowl Eggs and Meat? Phylogenetically, they branched off from the core Galliformes after the Cracidae (chachalacas, guans, and curassows) and before the Odontophoridae (New World quail). Guinea hens are birds from the same family as chickens and ducks, so their eggs are similar in appearance and taste. B2 works in conjunction with B1 to help the body produce red blood cells. If you have too many roosters they will probably fight with each other often. Guinea Eggs are Richer and Creamier Than Chicken Eggs. Guinea fowl are ready to eat at 14 to 16 weeks of age. To save eggs by dehydrating, first, whisk or blend the eggs together. You can discover a guinea hen nest with 50 eggs or more without a broody mom. Chicken meat appeals to most as it is easy to source and the texture, when cooked correctly, is tender and easier to chew than most red meats. Even though chickens and guinea fowl lay eggs, the way they lay their eggs is different. In order for me to support my blogging activities, I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial and/or link to any products or services from this blog. You can eat guinea fowl eggs, but they take a little extra effort to prepare. Like other poultry eggs such as quail, chickens, and ducks, guinea fowl eggs are safe to eat. Can you keep Guinea Fowl and chickens together? Best time of my life. I made them scrambled or in an omelet or made them sunny side up. Most importantly, Guinea fowl eggs have more yolk than chicken eggs. Here are some of the nutritional value that Guinea fowl eggs have to offer, which will make you love them more than chicken and duck eggs. Omega 3 influences the performance of cell receptors which helps in regulating blood clots and inflammation. The brighter side is that you can use them in nearly any recipe that requires eggs. they typical bantam chicken hens can sit on 12 to 15 guinea eggs, while the bigger chicken hen can sit on 20 up to 28 guinea eggs. To get an overview on how to care for Guinea Fowl, visit my article, How to Care For Guinea Fowl: Ultimate Guide For Beginners, link to Using Goats To Clear Land: Best Breeds, How Long It Takes & More, link to Do Goats Eat Cans? If youve eaten pheasant or quail before, you have a general idea of what guinea meat tastes like. Eggs from free-range Guinea fowl hens cost top dollar. They are also famous for feeding on insects that wreak havoc on kitchen gardens. Im hinting of getting guineas for eggs, and found this article very helpful. Make sure the feed that you choose is high in protein, at least 16% protein. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. The bird is also known for its ability to run fast and fly well. They fit in just about any recipe that calls for eggs and in my opinion, they dont taste any different than a chicken egg but they are smaller so where youll need one chicken egg you might need two guinea fowl eggs. Thanks for stopping by. Moreover, vitamin D helps keep your teeth, muscles, and bones healthy. Your email address will not be published. The most common domesticated variety is the Helmeted Guinea fowl. During the day, when guinea hens lay their eggs, the male bird will stand guard, keeping an eye out for any predators. Harder the shell of guinea fowl eggs is really hard. The nutrients of egg reduce the risk of any defects in the brain. The small end are more pointed than the chicken egg. Hey, I'm James, a hardworking homesteader for more than 30 years. guinea hens dont lay eggs year-round. Required fields are marked *. Your email address will not be published. Mushrooms: Guinea fowl can eat the same mushrooms that humans can. Can you eat guinea fowl eggs? They prefer to make their nests on the ground and roost in the trees at night. Im Lady Lee. It has important vitamins and minerals that pregnant women need for the . Before you start eating guinea lets talk about some of the characteristics that make them different than chickens. This is why its best to slow cook your bird, but more on that later. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'savvyfarmlife_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_2',105,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-savvyfarmlife_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');While guinea fowl meat is harder to source than chicken meat, that doesnt mean that its impossible to find. They might not be as easy to collect as chicken eggs (more on this later), but if you happen to get your hands on some guinea eggs I know for sure that you are going to enjoy eating them. Consider giving these hens a diet that contains more protein because protein will make them lay more eggs. So, you need to simmer the eggs and let them cook because doing the opposite might make the eggs dry and unpleasant to eat. Above all, keep on turning them daily for successful incubation. Its electrified to prevent coyotes/ bear etc. Plus, it is hard for these stores to get Guinea fowl eggs, and therefore it isnt likely you will get Guinea fowl eggs at any store you come across. I once found a nest in the bushes that had almost 60 eggs in it and still, none of the hens were sitting on it. Nonetheless, Guinea fowl eggs boast a thicker taste than chicken eggs. What does it taste like? You can prepare guinea fowl eggs almost the same way you would prepare a duck or chicken egg. The bird is usually about the size of a chicken and has dark feathers. What does Guinea Fowl meat taste like is the first question on anyones mind before they eat guinea fowl for the first time. A sick Guinea fowl will never lay consistently, regardless of the diet you give to the bird. Roast a guinea fowl crown, then use the leg for Tom Kerridge's take on a shepherd's pie.You could eat both together, or freeze one of the dishes to enjoy later. Then they take a break for the winter. Guinea fowl are not as domesticated as chickens are. Guinea Fowl Raising // TIPS (We Wish We Were Told) For Raising Guinea Fowl Keets. Rules vary from State to State so for example, in Logan, Queensland, you can keep up to 6 without a permit on a 1,000m 2 section. I am new to this business but I see the potential of this guinea fowl in the market in this coming year as I take care a whooping 100+ guineas now, and a 130+ eggs is still in the incubator while my guinea hens continue to lay eggs. They fly very well, and if they can, they will most definitely fly out of the fence. Im glad that you had the chance to experience it and that you liked it. These eggs pack more nutrients than chicken eggs and duck eggs. Because the bird is lean, the flesh can become dry and stringy, so many recipes call for moist cooking methods. Where to get them, how they are different or similar to other kinds of eggs, their nutritional value and much more. I am 22 years old and an agripreneur in the Philippines, my enterprise is Guinea Fowl production, and your article is very helpful to new ideas and insights about guinea fowls. Similar to other egg selections, you can get an impressive amount of vitamin B1(thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B12, B9, and B3 (niacin). This is one of the most trustworthy of testing egg freshness. just like chickens, a guinea hen will lay for two to three years. Before you do, its essential to know how to care for these birds properly; they are quirky and wild, much more so than chickens! Yes, you can eat Guinea eggs. . Just like other poultry like chickens, ducks, and quail, guinea fowl are completely edible. Well talk about all this in more detail in a minute, but first, lets start with the basics. This results in a richer tasting egg, as much of the eggs creaminess lies in the yolk. With chicken eggs more prevalent in the market, only a handful of people find the need to try out eggs from other birds. Smaller smaller than regular chicken eggs. They will actually become stringy and dry out the moment you cook them. On average, 100 eggs are produced per year. Remember we mentioned guinea eggs are smaller than chicken eggs? Domestic Guinea fowl eggs are smaller than hens eggs, by about a third, but have much the same taste and a surprisingly large yolk. This will help keep moisture in the bird during roasting and impart a wonderful flavour. The guinea offspring are called keets. Below are the three most commonly used tests. You should never give the medicated feed to Guineas since it is highly toxic to them. Everything You Should Know, Can Guinea Fowl Fly? Egg white to yolk ratio is less than in a store bought chicken egg, (less egg white) which is probably a contributing factor for their richness. Yes, Guinea fowl eggs are pretty edible, and they are healthy as well. They taste the same as chicken eggs, the only reason why you don't commonly see them for sale is that Guineas lay a lot fewer eggs than chickens. Now, let's move on to guinea eggs. 6. Another way to cook your guinea fowl is with a crockpot or instant pot. If you have a small flock of birds, you can use natural incubation methods with relative ease. Their meat tends to be gamey in taste, similar to a pheasant or other wild game bird. Most stores dont sell Guinea fowl eggs because these eggs are pretty rare. They are fast little things too, and pretty quiet compared to how noisy they will be as adults. They look different in several + Read More. Your email address will not be published. They are safe and do the have protein? My name is April and Ive owned chickens in some form or another since I was 17 years old. Guinea Fowl Considered a delicacy in North Africa, where guinea fowls originate, these small eggs are considered a rare treat as there are only up to 60 eggs laid a year. They also have a very thick shell and require a crack with a knife to break them. One thing that makes Guinea fowl eggs edible and tasty is that Guinea fowls diet doesnt rely on commercially produced foods. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. But that isn't exactly true. Happy it was helpful! Its a very special place! Some of the most popular colors are: pearl, white, lavender, royal purple, coral blue, buff, chocolate and bronze. Make sure to use lots of fats such as butter or oil to pack in moisture. The other crucial thing you need to do to ensure your Guinea fowl hens lay many eggs is timing their egg productions peak. And as you can see, aside from eating them you can also sell them or hatch new keets which you can raise or sell. I also have experience with other poultry too. Add the guinea fowl eggs to a chicken nest this can easily be done if you raise a breed of chickens that go broody. Guineas left to scavenge may also give you intense yellow-colored yolk rich with Vitamin A antioxidants such as beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, and lutein. Thanks so much for this information. They'll eat leftover eggs, chicken, pork, and other meats, as well as a wide range of vegetables like lettuce, carrots, potatoes, corn, etc. Guinea eggs are a bit smaller than chicken eggs- roughly 2 guinea eggs to equal one large . Guinea fowl will lay anywhere and everywhere, particularly favouring large clumps of nettles. Taste just like chicken eggs personally, I dont notice any difference in the taste between a chicken egg and a guinea fowl egg. Guinea fowl . and Can you eat guinea eggs? Observe when your birds are laying consistently, and then provide them with foods that will make your hens maintain their eggs production. You will follow the exact same process. Guinea eggs take between 26 and 28 days to hatch. Yes, you can eat guinea hen eggs. All of this boils down to the fact that guinea fowl have a higher concentration of usable meat than chickens. . The guinea fowl is known for its loud call, which sounds like a loud, high-pitched cackle. This is the most monetarily sensible way to procure the meat, but its certainly not for the faint of heart. The eggs are also very large and have a thick white and a thin, orange yolk. . Their eggs are also smaller, with 2 guinea eggs equaling one large chicken egg. Do guinea fowl need a coop? I am thinking of butchering my older hens and one male. How many guinea roosters per guinea hen? More people are using goats to clear land than ever before - and this isnt just limited to homesteaders. But there are specialty stores like Chinese markets, for example, that might sell them (the Chinese market in the closest city to me sells quail eggs which I could never find anywhere else). Please do not assume the birds can eat snow in place of drinking water. I raise Black Australorps and they are great mothers. However, they can be friendly if trained from an early age. Always ask a veterinarian for help regarding your birds. Like most other proteins, guinea fowl meat is rich in iron and calcium, essential to the bodys proper functioning. Guinea eggs are slightly smaller and more pointed. They are light brown with lots of little speckles. Guinea hens usually begin egg production when they are 5-8 months old. And can be quite delicious! Thanks! Nonetheless, these eggs are pretty healthier. While guinea fowl meat is harder to source than chicken meat, that doesnt mean that its impossible to find. Learn Poultry Guineafowls Guinea Fowl Eggs Taste, Nutrition, and Facts. Another difference between chicken meat and guinea fowl meat is in the individual yield from each bird. The statements on this web site have not been evaluated by the FDA. The earliest domesticated poultry, geese can be friendly and useful additions to the farmyard. The best way I can describe guinea fowl meat is rich and flavorful. Can you eat a guinea hen? Manage Settings Although guineas are not commercially raised for their eggs, the eggs are edible, and you can use them like chicken eggs. It is worth pointing out that eggs from different birds on your farm may uniquely play a different role in your recipes. Research shows that guinea egg is rich in minerals like sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper and iron. The small end of the eggs is more pointed than the egg of a chicken or a duck. Richer guinea fowl eggs have a higher yolk to egg whites ratio. Check out my garden e-book and printable pack! Guinea fowls are seasonal layers which means they lay eggs for a short period. Weve even gotten somewhat used to eating duck and duck eggs (find out more about duck eggs!). Once soft, pierce the lemon and place in the cavity of the guinea fowl along with a handful of fresh thyme, some salt and pepper. They are a great and very healthy addition to any diet. If you are on the more squeamish side, another option is to outsource a local butcher to your farm. The phosphate in Guinea fowl eggs helps form the teeth and bones. Your email address will not be published. Unhealthy Guinea fowls dont lay such an amount of eggs. If youre making hard-boiled guinea eggs, youll want to cook them from anywhere between 3-7 minutes (depending on how cooked you like your eggs, of course). If you would love to try out guinea fowl eggs, the . 2. Collect and incubate you can collect the eggs and incubate them indoors. While Ive currently downsized, I know how important it is to get information when you need it, https://chickenandchicksinfo.com/can-you-eat-guinea-hen-eggs/, https://thefreerangelife.com/can-you-eat-guinea-fowl/, https://farmhouseguide.com/do-guineas-lay-eggs/. For incubating eggs, it is safe to store them for seven to ten days. Because of their rarity, its hard to find a store that sells Guinea fowl eggs. Compared to chickens, Guineas are excellent hunters and scavengers. Guinea fowl eggs are a treat to eat. Also, in fresh eggs, the yolk is more rigid. They are known to abandon the nest and allow the eggs to spoil. Note that the egg white has a slightly higher range compared to the yolk. Yes, you can eat guinea fowl eggs. Because of its leanness, the dark meat of the guinea fowl requires more care when cooking so that it doesnt dry out and become stringy. But the flavor is almost identical. Everything You Should Know. As Im sure youre familiar with, chicken meat is typically light, juicy, and has almost no gamey flavor. Can you eat Guinea Fowl eggs and meat? You can pay the butcher to slaughter and prepare your birds without doing dirty work yourself. Guinea fowl eggs are rare because these birds only lay about 60 eggs each year. I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that comes from tending my flock. In the time that I was keeping guineas, I used their eggs the same way that I use chicken eggs. Their eggs are also smaller, with 2 guinea eggs equaling one large chicken egg. By covering the bird in liquid, youre helping to keep it moist, which will result in a tastier final product. We've talked about this pretty extensively in this article but to sum it up it is healthy to eat guinea fowl. Feeding and Dietary Differences of Guinea Fowl and Chickens. Guinea hens lay around one egg per day, which means you'll have fewer eggs than if you were raising chickens. Can You Eat Guinea Fowl Eggs? if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'savvyfarmlife_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_7',120,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-savvyfarmlife_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');Another difference between chicken eggs and guinea fowl eggs is the shell. Thanks for sharing this post. Do Guineas Eat Snakes? Your email address will not be published. Guinea fowl eggs, for instance, have loads of vitamins compared to chicken and duck eggs. if your hens live in a fenced area that they cant fly out of, you should feed them the same feed laying chickens get. Guinea fowl eggs are healthy and contain various nutrients. would they still be good eating.? This site is owned and operated by Wild Wire Media, LLC. You can learn more about guinea fowl hens and roosters here. 15 Edible Weeds You Already Have in Your Yard. . Guinea fowl meat is leaner, less caloric, and denser in protein than chicken meat, making it ideal for slow-roasting or crockpot recipes. Many people who keep guinea fowl, keep them because they are amazing at consuming a huge amount of pests, ticks, mice, snakes, and other creatures. Do Goats Really Eat Cans? Although medics discourage regular cholesterol intake, Guinea eggs contain a healthier form of it. It is also low in fat and calories. In Africa, guinea fowl forage for food and eat worms, snails, reptiles, insects, wild berries, seeds, etc. I help homesteaders simplify their homesteading journey while still producing a ton of food! Required fields are marked *. guinea hens prefer to lay their eggs on the ground. Although Guinea fowls lay better tasting and healthier eggs, they arent better than chickens and ducks. Mice: Guinea fowl will happily eat mice and shrews if they catch them. Guinea fowl are highly sociable birds and you should aim to keep at least four to six birds. Hey there! You might be thinking, "Well, duh!". just like chickens, yes. If you choose to incubate the eggs, keep the incubator at 99.5 degrees F. The humidity level should stay between 35%-45% humidity. Creating a cozy, private location helps. DE can improve the quality of eggs if you are having shell problems, keep the feed pest free, prevent internal and external parasites with regular use and . Yolks are the densest part of an egg, so the cooked product will undoubtedly be heftier than if there were less yolk. It may take some experimentation to get your measurements correct, but be patient and keep trying until you get something delicious! Just know that they are not the brightest creatures and not the greatest mothers They are known to forget their young here and there in the tall grass and they dont protect them well from predators. Definitely fly out of the most trustworthy of testing egg freshness seasonal layers which means they lay eggs! If you can you eat guinea fowl eggs to learn more about this bird, but more that! Liked it to procure the meat, that doesnt mean that its impossible to find the market, only handful... From the same way you would love to try out eggs from other birds your recipes most trustworthy of egg. Cook your bird have too many roosters they will actually become stringy and dry out the moment cook! 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