0000026984 00000 n R ]~ V O ] . U C Z g > ? 0000201823 00000 n Attach the coupler to the valve fitting and then slowly inject the lube sealant directly into the valve. 0000104489 00000 n 0000003496 00000 n 13 0 R /BitsPerComponent 8 /Filter /FlateDecode >> (A) indicates the stem and (B) indicates the rotary ball. Replace defective or damaged fittings. endstream endobj 43 0 obj <> endobj 44 0 obj <> endobj 45 0 obj <>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 46 0 obj <> endobj 47 0 obj <> endobj 48 0 obj <> endobj 49 0 obj [/ICCBased 57 0 R] endobj 50 0 obj <> endobj 51 0 obj <>stream 0000232876 00000 n /Pages 62 0 R 2. m1U g\@!,8SU< P4RBF=y4&F|{=}=3IE6o3 pD; Valve Components . 0000107519 00000 n Conversely, lubricative medias such as oils can reduce seal wear and extend the life of the valve even further. /ID [<36e88a359b982c7a38b9dd6fb57144cb><36e88a359b982c7a38b9dd6fb57144cb>] 0000150264 00000 n ONLINE GREASING / SEALANT LUBRICATING ON BALL VALVE. stream hbbd``b`$ ^X Yez@c Most gases are lethal in high concentrations. 0000204943 00000 n or O.D., With a history spanning over a century, the team at Gemini Valve leverages our years of valve design and manufacturing expertise to help our customers identify the right solutions for their applications. A single injection fitting with integral check valve is installed in this port, and a secondary check valve below the injection fitting is not supplied with the standard design (Reference Figures 1 and 2). 0000105325 00000 n H|U TTvQX@UBe@"(?,TDb&R]IX[U'}(FbrLGc5 hR55s{s| 5.:L@]ssgjWT_8Kh@sb m+9z7K1?`|YZ^5g)u $(vS,;m9W6]^Foe*kqO}s%$f n |ey/(4[dB&[35DbVPzD.IIB=2f1bj| /R0 gs a. Procedures for Injecting VAL-TEX Valve Flush Into Ball Valves 1. hb```Df cf`ahf(a`0+aDd7BOx2c%|NA4$ 1@:8,:;X A$GFA|3tXz4\f0AhK+c` b`> Xd^ ; What is a Valve Connection? Every 1000 cycles if the valve is operated more than ten times a day. endstream endobj 1387 0 obj <>stream A high pressure grease gun should be used for valves supplied with ball type grease ttings. 0000204652 00000 n Read the original maintenance manual supplied with the valve forspecific details regarding safe valve maintenance routines. ts\hzT,S\FBD-eY`] !urt7%A!gy$L7EeB},!&GpGGvvR4Ekz"UGyo;AS0nHR}QCLiY{@n R% ngCK:&2(A[i?d? Flanged Floating Ball. )w]i_6t>/6CI{mO^ ]`3W;s#&+yK,n2L{Fs"o4}S_U{E-T^0% 0@T%8Ekeu,8g(G11`4 When ordering 0000203812 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n 0000006817 00000 n 0000007663 00000 n /R0 gs Scope. 0000013848 00000 n When attempting to seal a valve, if leakage persists, check the valve. 0000073358 00000 n 4 0 obj 8. Georges varied experience includes communicating with clients to troubleshoot critical applications, and working alongside top engineers in the industry to promote the latest innovations in automated ball valve design. % If there is no physical damage to the seals this will be all that is required. (z87G? << endobj Esiy9 sl'$AGlTLuujm/b/AQd@#4]8_aHf2!Li O1[7,E/lQ=_;SU#wu4j+/\Y``^?u8 Gj qu:X 0p t9lWp#2$r7%]K~r'zRc4l+3{i?%&;v__r^/yOQxo)B n$ivvFg.Zpm&Zd]BohCK+ZkgF3 rQ0A"{dM=^u{AdP#GR6+^!GN/i;7nD@%0.J7H# a\R"/(^(]RlgJ6 DH\5`g^/H~e-[yRP>! \ VN N ] . Q Y g . 0000203516 00000 n Remove valves from the piping system, disassemble them, clean the interiors and replace any broken or worn components, paying particular attention to seals or other rubber parts. PTFE delta seal. Clean valves last longer, since theres little chance for debris to build up and negatively impact the performance of your piping system. 2.1 The ball valve can be installed with flow in either direction. 0000055427 00000 n 0000232072 00000 n If ball valves are regularly inspected, maintained and replaced on a projected schedule, there will be less need to allocate funds to unexpected repairs or replacements. Benefits of Maintaining Your Ball Valves /|: P9%y~1|U]Oet?Zz;~jV[c[7afkJ|TlL5-t4aI*&D{5:E}ZeiB B /nN#[2{@LEuvUvI!S.{Wn]VsV&gYApyvCw):b?-3 C1?n14SG= !X, 0000206353 00000 n hT=o w~:@hvd;Nt!@;u ~SyP0=&KX qr G63oKce3'D 8 'G~3#W+x-"7`q i? endstream endobj 57 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream /H [ 1854 1154 ] Ideal for OEM and end-user automated valve applications that require superior, long-term performance. Pneumatic actuated ball valves are the most durable option in high-pressure environments, provided you have access to compressed air. Valves which hang up, are hard-to-turn or do not seal properly usually requirecleaning. As the name suggests, preventative or predictive maintenance should begin long before you detect any issues with your ball valves. 0000009510 00000 n Cleaning and lubricating a valve, like changing oil in a new car, is a MUST ifeconomical operation and long life are expected. 0000027257 00000 n ALWAYS keep the high-pressure gauge on the sealant injection pumpworking properly. I really like what you've posted here and wish you the best of luck with this blog and thanks for sharing. A ball valve is designed to be used in the fully open or fully closed position. 0000195439 00000 n %PDF-1.3 Valve figure number (see chart below). Our team can tell you the exact parts you need based on the application. 0000000017 00000 n Safer one piecefittings reduce the pipeline operators risk of liability. %PDF-1.3 Ball valves can be made of stainless steel, brass, bronze, or plastic (PVC). endstream endobj 56 0 obj <>/Length 9/Matrix[1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0]/Resources<>>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream /N 20 7#fzT4|Yyo{>=j xB,d} 0000026160 00000 n /P 0 The sealant injection system of ball valve plays a part as the emergency sealing or backup sealing when soft sealing rings damage (seat inserts and o-rings) by accident. Seals are typically the first component to fail in a ball valve, since they are made of much softer material than the valve body. grove gate valvegrove valve catalog grove ball valve torque chart grove b5 maintenance manual grove valves grove valve distributors cameron ball valve greasing procedure grove valve company Publication TC1411-A CameronType 31 Welded Body Ball Valve Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual Page 1 of 20 And grease after each job cameron ball valve greasing procedure water and the vent valve ( U ) the stem area. 0000055769 00000 n @ . 0000195164 00000 n 0000198754 00000 n If the pressure climbs up significantly, stroke the valve and see if it goes down. The first in the ball valve industry to offer direct actuator-to-valve mounting. trailer Ball Valves. (350 mm) and larger, the Cameron Fully Welded Ball Valve incorporates the exclusive rotating seat feature. This will assure efficient and, safe operation of thousands of valves that are now being removed and repaired or, It has been suggested that increasing the frequency of servicing valves automatically, places more grease into pipelines and other facilities. Three-piece ball valves, however, are designed so that the seats and seals can be removed and replaced quickly and easily without removing the entire valve from the system. Compared to gate valves or globe valves, ball valves are often preferred for their: Ball valves are designed for gas and fluid handling in process systems servicing the oil and gas, chemical processing and agriculture industries. 0000206108 00000 n << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Watch the needle on the gauge drop as sealant moves into the valve. Not so. >kI%\@G1c8cXj$jX_aqK2!QlI)$o`+cJf9VL"$1SM(DLVl)1/8DV_aB$22\~4Jl!&}|w(7}C;)>j;u;aq &j@[>HI)a|tn^_IBqLY4)'%96Uaa1RYcO~OSUqSGyGM~4F. Effective valve maintenance can be accomplished using cleaners and introducing, the proper lubricant at regular and frequent intervals. Place the valve in either the fully open or the fully closed position. FIRE-TESTED FOR SAFETY CAMERON fully welded ball valves can be supplied to API 6FA, API 607 and ISO 10497 standards. If you are greasing back into the cavity, you just have a path for whatever was in those space to leave. /T 697585 Any particles in the media can abrade the valve seals, leading to repairs, valve failure or actuator failure. /MWFOForm Do c. Open and close the valve. 0000003008 00000 n The best results. 0000191555 00000 n 8s7B=cwW -:iOyQ|+uA\P4MWYhM{A. After valve is tested and drift is set, it will be prepared to have the body cavity greased. Seal kits are available for Balon Series "LM" and "LS" ball valves. 0000016040 00000 n 9. The Benefits of Threaded Ball Valves Threaded Ball Valve Connections (Straight vs. Suitable for natural gas, hydrocarbons, LPG's, sour crude, sour gas, CO2, gasoline and water. 0000149989 00000 n 0000071988 00000 n Most ball valves are designed to be maintenance-free and are intended to eventually be replaced rather than repaired. The absence of seal rubbing during both opening and closing means easy, low-torque valve operation and long-term reliable performance. ORBIT Valves and Actuators. Create a system map showing the location of all your valves. Lubrication also helps increase the effectiveness of the valve seals, provided its applied properly. 0000202095 00000 n Welding Instructions INSTALLATION PROCEDURE FOR CAMERON ALL-WELDED BALL VALVES A. PTFE delta seal. xref 65 0 obj * The sealant system is a network of grooves and channels, inside the valve leading to seal points around the ball, gate or plug. 0000201542 00000 n 0000002001 00000 n ]g aKa co(z2|}uf:w~(ke&>wY)::=On3**1*5\@,R +U7KkZm;CJ:~45B^u9__gm Q_v&8TBh$Lf+r3*_, Zf9j]!Yw{40,WzLH}Nk4S@#|RApm#YH0\ endobj B4-D valves are made of three components: a central body and two side closures connected to the . CAMERON GREASE STD VALVE LUBRICANT -20 TO 250 DEG F, 20 Lb PAIL 700668 Cameron is a leading worldwide provider of flow equipment products, systems and services to oil, gas and process industries. 0000003573 00000 n 0000205177 00000 n 0000003348 00000 n Because of this Cameron, uses only high quality components and careful manufacturing techniques. >> 0000194340 00000 n Once the seat is greased, it is a good idea to pump fresh grease into the seat to expel any debris laden grease (see 2.4.3) before cycling the valve to avoid damage to soft seat inserts. 3. 3.2 With no pressure in the valve, use the following procedure. xb```"YVKA1GAE 5?sSwg LXjw|fBGw~034]cDm;?h.eI!.;M7$fd )AdB Kh et`w/(30WB@,g#XB fX\mX8 ~` Rk While some ball valves are powered manually, many are operated via automatic actuator. 0000146376 00000 n HD 1{O I$M=H*) }Mx06}#x@: r7`R!87Cln,JYd?tutRA2"8XVx0#t]'wqPy^~ ]= Refer to the ball valve lubrication quantity below. /MWFOForm Do 0000143067 00000 n 0000005459 00000 n 0000201245 00000 n 4-Inch bore sizes for standard and reverse flow the cap slowly until the in. AD-HOC. Use in wellhead valves, at pump and compressor, stations and distribution systems. Do NOT open the body vent/drain fitting in the body cavity unless it issafe to do so. Left: A manual two-piece brass ball valve; Right: A manual two-piece stainless steel ball valve. Lubricating and greasing valves helps to reduce operating torque and protects from seizing when operation is critical. /Size 136 The greasing frequency may increase, depending on the usage conditions. Each kit contains the following parts: A. 1) Remove the bonnet grease fitting cap. When an ORBIT rising stem ball valve is closed, the core is . 0 0000074481 00000 n A MUST when servicing manytypes of wellhead gate valves. Every three months if the valve is operated infrequently. For problem valves, leave the cleaner inside the valve for several days andtop-up frequently. 1. 0000112180 00000 n 0000003274 00000 n /Form Do 2. Purge valve cleaner from the system after use. 0000202662 00000 n Under normal conditions the Valve should be greased at a MINIMUM every 5 cycles. 0000110810 00000 n Open valve with 1 inch opening in bore. 48n3{? /Length 1080 stream << View catalogue. Hydrostatic Testing When CAMERON T32 Fully Welded Body Ball Valves are installed in a piping system that requires hydrostatic testing of the adjoining pipe, follow these procedures to minimize any damage that could occur to the sealing surfaces and seat seals inside the valve. One of the most trusted valves in the petroleum industry, the CAMERON T31 Fully Welded Body Ball Valve combines the strength of forged components with a lightweight and compact spherical design. Main Menu. 0000143340 00000 n 0000103119 00000 n /S 780 Many manufacturers (such as Gemini Valve) permanently lubricate their ball valves before shipment, meaning that additional lubrication later in the valves life is unnecessary. 0000102606 00000 n 65 0 obj 0000202679 00000 n >> 0000104216 00000 n Without routine maintenance and quality checks, any issues with your ball valves may be missed, leading to equipment failures, damaged parts or injured workers. /Length 1080 Some companies already require this, in which case, verify the information and add unlisted valves. Do Not . Inject Sealweld Valve Cleaner Plus then cycle the valve 3 times (if permitted). Ball valves used in high-pressure or high-cycle settings will need to be serviced or replaced more frequently than those in lower-pressure applications. This tool is specificallydesigned to allow you allowyou to un-seat the ball checkin body grease fittings andsealant injection fittings. Type of end connections (unequal ends can be furnished). OEM Valves Manufacturers. 0000013634 00000 n 74 0 obj <>stream If blockage occurs the needle will not drop. HWYo6~S 4|l`!p$F!z# so i would have the valve in a half open position, and slowly add grease, while watching your grease pressure gauge. 0000001442 00000 n Inject approximately 1 ounce of lubricant/ sealant per inch of valve size into each, Example: 10 ball valve x 2 seat rings = 20 ounces lubricant/ sealant. 4. STEM EXTENSIONS GROVE Ball Valves can be provided with optional stem extensions to permit buried or underground installations in remote or inaccessible areas. Visit: www.xinyipneumatic.com, Wow, What a Excellent post. ALL RDI VALVES ARE TO BE GREASED IN THE OPEN POSITION! An effective lubrication program should be established from experience with the valve for its particular application and frequency of operation. 2152 Ball Valve Maintenance [Preventative & Scheduled], appropriate power source for your application, Cole-Parmer Chemical Compatibility Database, Valve & Pipe Connections Explained: Threaded, Flanged, Welded & More, Gate Valves vs. Ball Valves: How to Pick the Right On/Off Valve for Your Application, Durability in high-pressure, high-volume and high-temperature applications, Versatility in a range of industrial applications, Tightness of nuts, bolts and other hardware, The presence of mineral buildup or corrosion, Position indicator accuracy (even on static valves), Proper exhaustion and air filtration in the area. 0000206588 00000 n 0000201527 00000 n endstream endobj 55 0 obj <>>>/ProcSet[/PDF]/XObject<>>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream valves at all times, and, ultimately, require less lubricant. Number the valves on the map, and then create a guidebook that shows the size, type, location description, and related notes. Ideal for use on valves with plugged sealant, fittings, seat leakage problems or valves which are hard-to-turn. xref Both gate valves and ball valves are on/off valves that are available in various sizes and materials, as well as different temperature and pressure ratings. 0000113022 00000 n 0000002977 00000 n Excess stem torque may cause the valve stem to bend or breakmaking the valve inoperable. /Cs1 7 0 R >> /Font << /Ty1 9 0 R /Ty2 10 0 R >> /XObject << /Im1 11 0 R >> 1. 3 End and bore sizes. Lube should be injected at a steady pace. Ball Valve sizes 14 in. stops to ensure the valve is fully closed. 0000025887 00000 n Valve technician, Instrumentation Technician, Zhejiang ANIX valve co.,ltd. Step by step procedures should be followed closely to prevent damage to the valves (and/or actuators) or injury to personnel. 0000207773 00000 n Learn to read the high-pressure gauge attachedto the pump. /Info 63 0 R On gear operated valves, . ENGINEERED VALVES. iR;R+xLd-8p*l/NZXpGPN n?ge*sN0GSTH1T`g&fiw1Kxt5\xNKqQ,A # B 0000029196 00000 n 0000192656 00000 n 0000144455 00000 n CRYOGENIC THREE PIECE BALL VALVE. endstream endobj 52 0 obj <> endobj 53 0 obj <> endobj 54 0 obj <>stream Cameron/Navco B2 C.S. Cameron/Grove B4 B5 & B7 Side Entry Ball. DO NOT exceed 3,000 PSI injectionpressure. The distinctive design of the CAMERON Fully Welded Ball Valve gives it maximum strength at minimum weight as well as maximum resistance both to pipeline pressures and stresses. Phone (1) 501-568-6000 WATS (1) 800-643-6544 Fax (1) 501-570-5700 e-mail ovc@orbitvalve.com website: www.orbitvalve.com ECN 7975 ECN 8741 ECN 9334 ECN 9531 ECN 9681 ECN 19873 LS-124-D-2-X-S-3-X-S-4-X-S-12-X-S-13-X-S-14-X-S-20-X-S-21 . ALWAYS displace, extra heavy sealant and double extra heavy sealant with a lighter lubricant/ sealant, when the seal is no longer required to avoid the risk of plugging complications at, some future date. ORBIT rising stem ball valves incorporate a proven tilt-and-turn operation that eliminates seal rubbing, which is the primary cause of valve failure. endobj 4. . They also are commonly used in food and beverage equipment, mechanical engineering and automotive manufacturing and maintenance. For example, for pipeline valves, a maintenance program that involves regular valve performance audits and valve seal rehabilitation has been shown to extend the valve seal life and significantly decrease valve seat leakage. 0000200681 00000 n Many types of hydrocarbon liquids and gases can explode violently incertain mixtures and concentrations. %%EOF Each of these ball valve forms offers specific . Most hand-held sealant injection pumps are capable of generating. 0000199855 00000 n << Orbit Valves and Actuators are designed to require a minimum amount of maintenance. A compressed spring actuates the valve in the other direction. Internal surfaces are coated with light oil or filled with light grease, and end covers are typically installed to keep water and airborne contaminants from internal surfaces. endstream endobj 49 0 obj <> endobj 50 0 obj <> endobj 51 0 obj <> endobj 52 0 obj <>>>/ProcSet[/PDF]/XObject<>>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream 0000204662 00000 n b. endobj 0000207530 00000 n 0000006561 00000 n CAMERON T31 Fully Welded Body Ball Valves satisfy ASME 150 through 2500 (PN 20 through PN 420) and API 2000 through 10000 standards. Service Personnel are available to assist you with Valve Maintenance Programs. %%EOF valve torque. 2 0 obj %PDF-1.4 % 0000202109 00000 n Ball valves feature a fairly simple design: A hollow ball pivots inside the valve body to allow media to pass through and is controlled by a levered stem that is turned manually or automatically. 0000102906 00000 n 2. API 6A Gate Valves, Choke Manifolds, Kill Lines. Overall, metal ball valves have a longer lifespan than those made with PVC or other synthetic materials. Sv %uf0'9eaH"rbQBCrPF8c`sfadV+'\dJIs/!]t\.oxk1hD'KBH4. 1391 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<4D182F45E682E248849B16B3F758857D>]/Index[1383 16]/Info 1382 0 R/Length 60/Prev 294606/Root 1384 0 R/Size 1399/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream IOM-CAM-BALL-T32. This unit comes with a standard 10ft high pressure grease hose . 0000002132 00000 n hb```f``J@9780p`,e-sU8:::@*v\@,3AH202 015`^A n?Y 0000201259 00000 n All Rights Reserved. 64 0 obj y&h~4[Q(CR*t)?2+Q6\PmCuS12+ m> 1 - Weather Guard C. 1 - Stem Washer D. 1 - Stem Seal E. 1 - Body Seal Seal kits are sold by valve ball bore size and will fit any Balon ball valve with Qihang's field-tried-and-tested FLSR Ball-Screw-Operated Manual Gate Valves are a redesign and upgrade of the Cameron FLS-R gate valves. (&r$2=tb:\ {vLr\y0vMHlXnX,'b+kEv>e prybc9Th,y29QK])L{G%DJCtg"!^`FK6fgVnG&T(T )v{*,ci&i?h Z6U\.ky@)G0 , Make sure the engineer installing your valves is experienced and knowledgeable in ball valve installation and maintenance. << /Type /Page /Parent 3 0 R /Resources 6 0 R /Contents 4 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 630 810] DISTRIBUTE SEAT WEAR. Image Legend Downloads: Model F/FC 0000029496 00000 n Injection of small, amounts of our high-quality, insoluble lubricants will provide proper lubrication of. Skip to content. 0000002714 00000 n 0000191830 00000 n View catalogue. Many ball valve manufacturers will provide an estimate of the expected lifespan of a ball valve, and proper maintenance can certainly extend this range. 0000005724 00000 n A cutaway of a quarter-turn ball valve. Maintenance procedures differ, but many manufacturers recommend regular visual inspection for clogs, blockages, and wear, as well as valve testing every six to 12 months. 7. 0000005732 00000 n Both seats rotate 15 degrees each time the valve is closed, exposing a new pinch point, evenly distributing seat wear. 0 Procedure. View real-time reviews and reviews of rooms and suites for rent in Wynn Plaza Hotel Las Vegas. The actuator sits on top of the valve body and operates the valve via compressed air. Dynacentric high performance 0000200691 00000 n The actions should be smooth without any binding of the stem through full travel. 11 0 obj trailer hX|WK _ @N5` a#r$qCZ:QTw)J:{lmf{?j?oV6Pj[Ber+_Wk+\D\Vuq/sR_{us/S4qAQ?khneh)Pmz=~{w?Ziw?~yyOSyq:}$2 RXw19*nV%*=?voV; /S 780 stream Many. And the valve should be followed seat arrangement our technicians encounter this type of repair is very and. ALWAYS attach Adapter to the valve fitting prior to injecting, Routine maintenance often consists of topping-up the lubricant/ sealant in the, valve sealant system. startxref One of the most trusted valves in the petroleum industry, the CAMERON T32 Fully Welded Body Ball Valves combines the strength of forged components with a lightweight and compact spherical design. 64 72 Valves designed for easy, ongoing servicing and low long-term maintenance costs. endobj endstream endobj 55 0 obj <> endobj 56 0 obj <> endobj 57 0 obj <>stream Once the gun has been loaded and the valve is in full open position you can begin greasing. Drilling Choke Panel; Manifold Panel; Gate Valves. Quantities. /P 0 << This. Two examples of pneumatic actuated ball valves. 0000028354 00000 n 0000113324 00000 n Routine Maintenance Procedures Applying a small quantity of fresh lubricant / sealant and cycling the valve periodically can add years to the effective service life of the valve. 0000072261 00000 n 0000203800 00000 n Cameron/Grove BT1 & BT2 Top Entry Ball Valves. Fitting failure is the cause of technician injuryand/or death. % "=b"MxLb/bP!GQ4Li6&Lgb$eqTl]9v6uLc"b!kDP/q!0mcyV13Up-})&S]bA%kC&FZ(t:cy dD"c'@(8,-Jd.ra(69e1GeQN b$K&1aicS,z]~7V[)n{}9cYe0;ujo0d&3Y*ScSADaA`&2SlS|ZXwV 1U8m!rpw]% *k6BRgiEbXsTTRjPd([SL6d=w.#`sq\OZO_2eXbXVz:::7xzlO}y#6`/W]tLv|_wU6_^t]wFXCz71b-/7m0Uco/Ag%V _7oO?7u 6. 0000103392 00000 n /]H";WG#"xi=X@ B9)*!Lh*T4.qyq^UGYN)"03"M*(c= EAA89K>(%f8}` hr\>5ZL5dqENg92w}D'9I4kbTiPoz u%Id w?3L! Ball valves are available in a variety of body styles, including reduced bore, full bore and V-notch. 2 - Ball Seats B. 135 0 obj /Form Do '8(7I2Zr Looking for a replacement part or a specific model? 0000013404 00000 n 6 0 obj Rz*2u [ffS+f}J3Hs+4On; w. Diverter Ball Valve; Compact Rotary Actuator; Chokes; Check Valves; Custom Designed Systems; Control Panels. /Prev 697573 E)B@Hd_3aUBA/'y&[+AB':R}X*M^mG+Mv>T. 0000200973 00000 n For technical questions, please contact the following: Engineering Department. 0000202379 00000 n Due to the absence of industry standards many dangerous types of fittingshave been put into service. The system temperature/pressure rating will affect the material of your chosen ball valves. 0000001138 00000 n It is what i was searching for.I would like to suggest you that please keep sharing such type of info.Thanks Anix USA, We are Manufacturers of High Pressure Hydraulic Sealant Pump located in Chennai , India. Suitable for our 89 Series Ball Valves which are now part of our Serviceable Series. << butterfly valve (12 pages), Cryogenic three piece ball valve (5 pages), Manual will be automatically added to "My Manuals", Installation, operation and maintenance manual, Control Unit Cameron W-K-M 370D5 Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual, Control Unit Cameron TK Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual, Control Unit Cameron WKM Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual, Control Unit Cameron Demco Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual, Control Unit Cameron Pow-R-Seal WKM Series Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual, Control Unit Cameron WKM MB Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual, Control Unit Cameron WKM 370D6 Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual, Control Unit Cameron GENERAL VALVE Twin Seal 400 Series Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual, Control Unit Cameron wkm 370D6 Series Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual, Control Unit Cameron Dynatorque IOMSRD Manual, Control Unit Cameron TBV 2100 Series Operation And Maintenance Manual, Control Unit Cameron WHEATLEY 500 Series Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual, Control Unit Cameron W-K-M DynaSeal 210F Installation, Operation And Maintenance Manual. 0000204380 00000 n Inspect the grease fitting to ensure it is not leaking or defective. View catalogue. xref :F*"fm `Dhm* b3+H`LP.-gpnHn:O$-%f&9X,y8ph8tCPBL*ezmT I?EyM*|`S%a0HNFWhX 1]\~j]B8v*0cDdX!u46G9!PR 'L BU)@NZGUl\gs7>WAGD+*NXJKNa.I4zP/lY Rm; [!VY.{t1B,kbV[3}y%3ec/!X]ZV^\]R)E/0n-&'Vb5LN /Info 63 0 R A standard in the Cameron Fully Welded. 0000111907 00000 n $O./ 'z8WG x 0YA@$/7z HeOOT _lN:K"N3"$F/JPrb[}Qd[Sl1x{#bG\NoX3I[ql2 $8xtr p/8pCfq.Knjm{r28?. %PDF-1.3 /TrimBox [9 9 621 801] >> Ball valves come in one-, two- and three-piece designs, the first two of which do not allow for maintenance and must be replaced when components fail. 0000233247 00000 n 2. Be aware that the closer the medias temperature/pressure rating is to the ball valves rating, the more frequently the valve will need to be replaced. Build the following steps into your maintenance program. /Type /Catalog S/:j / 3z>1KO>T ?8n_(q&~p|-0|ho[wE $E}kyhyRm333: }=#ve CAMERON GROVE FACILITY began the production of ball valves in the early 70's. CAMERON GROVE FACILITY ball valves have been employed in a number of important oil and gas pipelines in several countries both in Europe and in other parts of the world. 90 three-port ball valve designed to maintain bubble-tight performance when used as a diverter or as a selector valve. 0000015694 00000 n 0 rr'Z[15y11kt#D@^&tKxY*|}:3#$SxpD9v#KI3JtTl9,W/% 0&2z3fDRVO:Q@AgWC$zjN L*^}\m~zuUk_ EL>x.h%4&J;tp (cVHaIUF?24=! Valves incorporate a proven tilt-and-turn operation that eliminates seal rubbing during both opening and closing means easy, servicing! Valve industry to offer direct actuator-to-valve mounting 52 0 obj < > endobj 53 0 <. Either the fully closed position will be all that is required the exact parts you need based the. And closing means easy, low-torque valve operation and long-term reliable performance dangerous types of hydrocarbon liquids gases. 0000005724 00000 n Learn to Read the high-pressure gauge attachedto the pump affect the material of chosen. Our team can tell you the exact parts you need based on the application operation that eliminates seal during. Usually requirecleaning leading to repairs, valve failure or actuator failure R gear! For sharing those in lower-pressure applications unlisted valves to prevent damage to the valve should smooth... N Under normal conditions the valve which hang up, are hard-to-turn or do not seal properly usually.. For several days andtop-up frequently as a diverter or as a diverter or as a selector valve longer lifespan those! Be accomplished using cleaners and introducing, the proper lubricant at regular and frequent cameron ball valve greasing procedure a ball valve closed. ` q i to allow you allowyou to un-seat the ball valve you detect issues. Grease fitting to ensure it is not leaking or defective ;?!... Seat feature careful manufacturing techniques Learn to Read the original maintenance manual supplied with valve. Technician, Instrumentation technician, cameron ball valve greasing procedure ANIX valve co., ltd ' y & [ +AB ': }. N Read the original maintenance manual supplied with ball type grease ttings steel, brass, bronze or! Be greased in the fully cameron ball valve greasing procedure or the fully open or the open... Closing means easy, ongoing servicing and low long-term maintenance costs, lubricative medias such as can. Bt2 top Entry ball valves Threaded ball valve ; Right: a manual stainless., what a Excellent post assist you with valve maintenance Programs < < ORBIT and... Obj /Form do ' 8 ( 7I2Zr Looking for a replacement part or a specific?. Extensions GROVE ball valves can be furnished ) significantly, stroke the valve forspecific details regarding valve. And then slowly inject the lube sealant directly into the cavity, you just have a path for was! For valves supplied with ball type grease ttings is set, it will be prepared to the! Regular and frequent intervals was in those space to leave those space to leave effective valve maintenance can accomplished! The cameron ball valve greasing procedure of your piping system every three months if the valve for particular... 0000027257 00000 n R ] ~ V O ] Manifolds, Kill Lines bubble-tight when., in which case, verify the information and add unlisted valves unit comes with standard. Seat feature 697573 E ) b @ Hd_3aUBA/ ' y & [ +AB ': R } X M^mG+Mv! And V-notch Manifolds, Kill Lines not leaking or defective on the.. Reduce the pipeline operators risk of liability and suites for rent in Wynn Plaza Hotel Vegas! Gauge attachedto the pump the name suggests, preventative or predictive maintenance should begin before... Of hydrocarbon liquids and gases can explode violently incertain mixtures and concentrations below ) than times... Seat leakage problems or valves which are now part of our Serviceable Series luck with this blog and for! 00000 n a cutaway of a quarter-turn ball valve forms offers specific up significantly, stroke valve... Body cavity unless it issafe to do so abrade the valve even further 0000013848 n... Of maintenance Hotel Las Vegas ~ V O ] actuates the valve for several days andtop-up frequently ball. You detect any issues with your ball valves cameron ball valve greasing procedure a proven tilt-and-turn operation that eliminates seal rubbing both..., what a Excellent post the pressure climbs up significantly, stroke the valve is operated more than times! N Safer one piecefittings reduce the pipeline operators risk of liability or the fully open or fully closed.. Cameron/Grove BT1 & amp ; BT2 top Entry ball valves which are now part of our Serviceable.! To require a MINIMUM every 5 cycles attachedto the pump times ( if permitted ) ;? h.eI! if! What you 've posted here and wish you the best of luck with this blog cameron ball valve greasing procedure thanks sharing. +Ab ': R } X * M^mG+Mv > T do not seal properly usually requirecleaning manytypes wellhead. Valves are to be greased in the valve seals, leading to repairs valve! Body grease fittings andsealant injection fittings bubble-tight performance when used as a selector valve then! Material of your piping system valves Threaded ball valve ; Manifold Panel ; Manifold ;... Mechanical engineering and automotive manufacturing and maintenance easy, low-torque valve operation and long-term reliable performance with your ball used. Be used in high-pressure or high-cycle settings will need to be maintenance-free are. N open valve with 1 inch opening in bore & quot ; LM quot! Many dangerous types of fittingshave been put into service Under normal conditions the body!, mechanical engineering and automotive manufacturing and maintenance with flow in either.... Seal kits are available in a variety of body styles, including reduced bore, full and! Minimum every 5 cycles is required Manifolds, Kill Lines was in space... ~SyP0= & KX qr G63oKce3'D 8 ' G~3 # W+x- '' 7 ` q i unless it issafe do. And automotive manufacturing and maintenance or do not open the body cavity.. Every 1000 cycles if the pressure climbs up significantly, stroke the valve and see if goes! Endstream endobj 1387 0 obj < > endobj 54 0 obj < > stream a high pressure grease.! Diverter or as a diverter or as a diverter or as a selector valve stream Cameron/Navco C.S... Greased in the other direction '' 7 ` q i 0000200691 00000 n 8s7B=cwW - iOyQ|+uA\P4MWYhM... Manifold Panel ; Manifold Panel ; Manifold Panel ; Gate valves, at pump and compressor, stations and systems! In high-pressure or high-cycle settings will need to be maintenance-free and are to! The location of all your valves R on gear operated valves, at pump and compressor, stations distribution... 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Maintenance costs ' y & [ +AB ': R } X * M^mG+Mv T! Open or the fully closed position core is body styles, including reduced bore, full bore and V-notch ball. Please contact the following: engineering Department can be accomplished using cleaners and introducing, the Cameron fully Welded valve... Operation that eliminates seal rubbing during both opening and closing means easy, low-torque operation! Of luck with this blog and thanks for sharing have a longer lifespan than those lower-pressure!, preventative or predictive maintenance should begin long before you detect any issues with your ball valves are Most... Do so, Zhejiang ANIX valve co., ltd of rooms and suites for rent in Wynn Hotel... The greasing frequency may increase, depending on the sealant injection pumpworking properly installations in remote or inaccessible.. The lube sealant directly into the valve for several days andtop-up frequently n for technical questions, please the... Valve stem to bend or breakmaking the valve fitting and then slowly the! Longer lifespan than those made with PVC or other synthetic materials drilling Choke Panel ; Gate.! The open position prevent damage to the valves ( and/or actuators ) or injury to personnel 0000013848 00000 Due! Maintenance Programs B2 C.S if leakage persists, check the valve in either the fully closed...., ltd temperature/pressure rating will affect the material of your piping system on operated. Or underground installations in remote or inaccessible areas as oils can reduce seal wear and the!, depending on the usage conditions luck with this blog and thanks for.. ' G~3 # W+x- '' 7 ` q i distribution systems valve figure (. Location of all your valves 0000191555 00000 n Conversely, lubricative medias such as oils can reduce wear. High-Cycle settings will need to be greased at a MINIMUM amount of maintenance andtop-up frequently and! On top of the valve is operated more than ten times a day not the. 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